This moves my email configuration into NixOS, including the following features: 1. Replaced the NixOS-builtin offlineimap user service with a custom one that runs notmuch-indexing as part of the systemd unit instead of a postsynchook, which is significantly more reliable. 2. Adds configuration for notmuch and its tagging. 3. Adds configuration for OfflineIMAP & MSMTP. Relevant emacs configuration has also been added to my emacs.d repository.
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# This file configures offlineimap, notmuch and MSMTP.
# Some manual configuration is required the first time this is
# applied:
# 1. Credential setup.
# 2. Linking of MSMTP config (ln -s /etc/msmtprc ~/.msmtprc)
# 3. Linking of notmuch config (ln -s /etc/notmuch-config ~/.notmuch-config)
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
let offlineImapConfig = pkgs.writeText "offlineimaprc"
(builtins.readFile ./dotfiles/offlineimaprc);
msmtpConfig = pkgs.writeText "msmtprc"
(builtins.readFile ./dotfiles/msmtprc);
notmuchConfig = pkgs.writeText "notmuch-config"
(builtins.readFile ./dotfiles/notmuch-config);
tagConfig = pkgs.writeText "notmuch-tags" ''
# Tag emacs-devel mailing list:
-inbox +emacs-devel -- OR
# Filter out Gitlab mails:
-inbox +gitlab --
# Tag my own mail (from other devices) as sent:
-inbox +sent -- folder:"aprila/Sende element" OR OR
notmuchIndex = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "notmuch-index" ''
echo "Indexing new mails in notmuch"
# Index new mail
${pkgs.notmuch}/bin/notmuch new
# Apply tags
cat ${tagConfig} | ${pkgs.notmuch}/bin/notmuch tag --batch
echo "Done indexing new mails"
in {
# Enable OfflineIMAP timer & service:
systemd.user.timers.offlineimap = {
description = "OfflineIMAP timer";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
timerConfig = {
Unit = "offlineimap.service";
OnCalendar = "*:0/2"; # every 2 minutes
Persistent = "true"; # persist timer state after reboots
| = {
description = "OfflineIMAP service";
path = with pkgs; [ pass notmuch ];
serviceConfig = {
Type = "oneshot";
ExecStart = "${pkgs.offlineimap}/bin/offlineimap -u syslog -o -c ${offlineImapConfig}";
ExecStartPost = "${notmuchIndex}/bin/notmuch-index";
TimeoutStartSec = "2min";
# Link configuration files to /etc/ (from where they will be linked
# further):
environment.etc = {
"msmtprc".source = msmtpConfig;
"notmuch-config".source = notmuchConfig;