Automatically walk the entire depot tree and pick out things that are "buildable", then include them in the attribute `ci.targets` (which is now also the target for CI builds). A long time ago, in a land far away, we (well, I, at the time) had a prototype of this which ran into constant issues with infinite recursions while trying to walk the tree. In fact, this is why readTree originally gained the `__readTree`-attribute which marks things that were imported automatically. Based on some code edef whipped up earlier (with the breakthrough being that we also add the attribute to top-level folders, which suddenly resolves a whole bunch of problems), I've now implemented this actually working version. At the moment all builds still happen as one big bag of builds, but at some point we will granularise this. Change-Id: I86f12ce7f63dae98e7e5c6646a4e9d220de783f2 Reviewed-on: https://cl.tvl.fyi/c/depot/+/1854 Tested-by: BuildkiteCI Reviewed-by: kanepyork <rikingcoding@gmail.com> Reviewed-by: glittershark <grfn@gws.fyi>
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# This file sets up the top-level package set by traversing the package tree
# (see read-tree.nix for details) and constructing a matching attribute set
# tree.
# This makes packages accessible via the Nixery instance that is configured to
# use this repository as its nixpkgs source.
{ ... }@args:
with builtins;
# This definition of fix is identical to <nixpkgs>.lib.fix, but the global
# package set is not available here.
fix = f: let x = f x; in x;
# Global configuration that all packages are called with.
config = depot: {
inherit depot;
# Expose lib & ciBuilds attributes to packages.
inherit (depot) ciBuilds lib;
# Pass third_party as 'pkgs' (for compatibility with external
# imports for certain subdirectories)
pkgs = depot.third_party;
readTree' = import ./nix/readTree {};
localPkgs = readTree: {
fun = readTree ./fun;
lisp = readTree ./lisp;
net = readTree ./net;
nix = readTree ./nix;
ops = readTree ./ops;
third_party = readTree ./third_party;
tools = readTree ./tools;
users = readTree ./users;
web = readTree ./web;
# To determine build targets, we walk through the depot tree and
# fetch attributes that were imported by readTree and are buildable.
# Any build target that contains `meta.ci = false` will be skipped.
# Is this tree node eligible for build inclusion?
eligible = node: (node ? outPath) && (node.meta.ci or true);
# Walk the tree starting with 'node', recursively extending the list
# of build targets with anything that looks buildable.
gather = node:
if node ? __readTree then
(if eligible node then [node] else []) ++
concatMap gather (attrValues node)
else [];
in fix(self: {
config = config self;
# Elevate 'lib' from nixpkgs
lib = import (self.third_party.nixpkgsSrc + "/lib");
# Expose readTree for downstream repo consumers.
readTree = {
__functor = x: (readTree' x.config);
config = self.config;
# Make the path to the depot available for things that might need it
# (e.g. NixOS module inclusions)
depotPath = ./.;
# List of all buildable targets, for CI purposes.
# Note: This *must* be a nested attribute, otherwise we will get
# infinite recursion and everything blows up.
ci.targets = gather self;
# Add local packages as structured by readTree
// (localPkgs (readTree' self.config))
# Load overrides into the top-level.
# This can be used to move things from third_party into the top-level, too (such
# as `lib`).
// (readTree' { depot = self; pkgs = self.third_party; }) ./overrides