Fixes a long-standing todo by adding an additional field for the time at which a post was updated, and handling this in both site generation (to note the update date after the publish date) and in Atom feed generation (by populating both the updated and published fields). Change-Id: If80db43459b2a0c77eea4dde7255651b5d6cd64b Reviewed-on: https://cl.tvl.fyi/c/depot/+/2766 Reviewed-by: tazjin <mail@tazj.in> Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
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# This file defines functions for generating an Atom feed.
{ depot, lib, ... }:
with depot.nix.yants;
inherit (builtins) map readFile replaceStrings;
inherit (lib) concatStrings concatStringsSep removeSuffix;
inherit (depot.third_party) runCommandNoCC;
# 'link' describes a related link to a feed, or feed element.
# https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/atom.html#link
link = struct "link" {
rel = string;
href = string;
# 'entry' describes a feed entry, for example a single post on a
# blog. Some optional fields have been omitted.
# https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/atom.html#requiredEntryElements
entry = struct "entry" {
# Identifies the entry using a universally unique and permanent URI.
id = string;
# Contains a human readable title for the entry. This value should
# not be blank.
title = string;
# Content of the entry.
content = option string;
# Indicates the last time the entry was modified in a significant
# way (in seconds since epoch).
updated = int;
# Names authors of the entry. Recommended element.
authors = option (list string);
# Related web pages, such as the web location of a blog post.
links = option (list link);
# Conveys a short summary, abstract, or excerpt of the entry.
summary = option string;
# Contains the time of the initial creation or first availability
# of the entry.
published = option int;
# Conveys information about rights, e.g. copyrights, held in and
# over the entry.
rights = option string;
# 'feed' describes the metadata of the Atom feed itself.
# Some optional fields have been omitted.
# https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/atom.html#requiredFeedElements
feed = struct "feed" {
# Identifies the feed using a universally unique and permanent URI.
id = string;
# Contains a human readable title for the feed.
title = string;
# Indicates the last time the feed was modified in a significant
# way (in seconds since epoch). Recommended element.
updated = int;
# Entries contained within the feed.
entries = list entry;
# Names authors of the feed. Recommended element.
authors = option (list string);
# Related web locations. Recommended element.
links = option (list link);
# Conveys information about rights, e.g. copyrights, held in and
# over the feed.
rights = option string;
# Contains a human-readable description or subtitle for the feed.
subtitle = option string;
# Feed generation functions:
renderEpoch = epoch: removeSuffix "\n" (readFile (runCommandNoCC "date-${toString epoch}" {} ''
date --date='@${toString epoch}' --utc --iso-8601='seconds' > $out
escape = replaceStrings [ "<" ">" "&" "'" ] [ "<" ">" "&" "'" ];
elem = name: content: ''<${name}>${escape content}</${name}>'';
renderLink = defun [ link string ] (l: ''
<link href="${escape l.href}" rel="${escape l.rel}" />
# Technically the author element can also contain 'uri' and 'email'
# fields, but they are not used for the purpose of this feed and are
# omitted.
renderAuthor = author: ''<author><name>${escape author}</name></author>'';
renderEntry = defun [ entry string ] (e: ''
${elem "title" e.title}
${elem "id" e.id}
${elem "updated" (renderEpoch e.updated)}
${if e ? published
then elem "published" (renderEpoch e.published)
else ""
${if e ? content
then ''<content type="html">${escape e.content}</content>''
else ""
${if e ? summary then elem "summary" e.summary else ""}
${concatStrings (map renderAuthor (e.authors or []))}
${if e ? subtitle then elem "subtitle" e.subtitle else ""}
${if e ? rights then elem "rights" e.rights else ""}
${concatStrings (map renderLink (e.links or []))}
renderFeed = defun [ feed string ] (f: ''
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
${elem "id" f.id}
${elem "title" f.title}
${elem "updated" (renderEpoch f.updated)}
${concatStringsSep "\n" (map renderAuthor (f.authors or []))}
${if f ? subtitle then elem "subtitle" f.subtitle else ""}
${if f ? rights then elem "rights" f.rights else ""}
${concatStrings (map renderLink (f.links or []))}
${concatStrings (map renderEntry f.entries)}
in {
inherit entry feed renderFeed renderEpoch;