Now that I have a deployed an MVP of my app, I am tidying things up to support the next phase of development. TL;DR: - Moved application Model-related code into State module - Moved each View into its own module - Deleted unused ChordInspector component - Deleted unused Msg's, {Increase,Decrease}Tempo - Deleted misc unused code
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141 lines
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module Preferences exposing (render)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Icon
import State
import Tempo
import Theory
import UI
selectKey :
{ relativeMajor : Theory.Key
, relativeMinor : Theory.Key
-> Html State.Msg
selectKey model { relativeMajor, relativeMinor } =
active key =
List.member key model.whitelistedKeys
buttonLabel major minor =
Theory.viewKey major ++ ", " ++ Theory.viewKey minor
div [ class "flex pt-0" ]
[ UI.textToggleButton
{ label = buttonLabel relativeMajor relativeMinor
, handleClick = State.ToggleKey relativeMinor
, classes = [ "flex-1" ]
, toggled = active relativeMinor || active relativeMajor
chordTypeCheckboxes : List Theory.ChordType -> Html State.Msg
chordTypeCheckboxes chordTypes =
ul []
|> List.map
(\chordType ->
li []
[ label [] [ text (Theory.chordTypeName chordType) ]
, input
[ type_ "checkbox"
, onClick (State.ToggleChordType chordType)
, checked (List.member chordType chordTypes)
inversionCheckboxes : List Theory.ChordInversion -> Html State.Msg
inversionCheckboxes inversions =
ul []
|> List.map
(\inversion ->
li []
[ label [] [ text (Theory.inversionName inversion) ]
, input
[ type_ "checkbox"
, onClick (State.ToggleInversion inversion)
, checked (List.member inversion inversions)
keyCheckboxes : State.Model -> Html State.Msg
keyCheckboxes model =
majorKey pitchClass =
{ pitchClass = pitchClass, mode = Theory.MajorMode }
minorKey pitchClass =
{ pitchClass = pitchClass, mode = Theory.MinorMode }
circleOfFifths =
[ ( Theory.C, Theory.A )
, ( Theory.G, Theory.E )
, ( Theory.D, Theory.B )
, ( Theory.A, Theory.F_sharp )
, ( Theory.E, Theory.C_sharp )
, ( Theory.B, Theory.G_sharp )
, ( Theory.F_sharp, Theory.D_sharp )
, ( Theory.C_sharp, Theory.A_sharp )
, ( Theory.G_sharp, Theory.F )
, ( Theory.D_sharp, Theory.C )
, ( Theory.A_sharp, Theory.G )
, ( Theory.F, Theory.D )
div []
[ h2 [ class "text-gray-500 text-center pt-10 text-5xl" ] [ text "Select keys" ]
, ul []
|> List.map
(\( major, minor ) ->
selectKey model
{ relativeMajor = majorKey major
, relativeMinor = minorKey minor
closePreferences : Html State.Msg
closePreferences =
[ class "w-48 h-48 absolute right-0 top-0 z-10"
, onClick (State.SetView State.Practice)
[ Icon.close ]
render : State.Model -> Html State.Msg
render model =
div [ class "pt-10 pb-20 px-10" ]
[ closePreferences
, Tempo.render
{ tempo = model.tempo
, handleInput = State.SetTempo
, case model.practiceMode of
State.KeyMode ->
keyCheckboxes model
State.FineTuneMode ->
div []
[ inversionCheckboxes model.whitelistedInversions
, chordTypeCheckboxes model.whitelistedChordTypes