Vincent Ambo 84a846a3a2 refactor(tazjin/emacs): move global-mode-line info into tab-bar
This removes the wonky hack with detecting the bottom right window,
and gives me saner, unified handling of this display in the tab
bar (of which there is only one!)

Change-Id: Id21c6b2472d0c89fc4d000a10a9e90d2ddba86b6
Reviewed-by: tazjin <>
Autosubmit: tazjin <>
Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
2023-11-28 12:34:48 +00:00

344 lines
13 KiB

(require 'chart)
(require 'dash)
(require 'map)
(require 'gio-list-apps) ;; native module!
(defun goto-line-with-feedback ()
"Show line numbers temporarily, while prompting for the line number input"
(setq-local display-line-numbers t)
(let ((target (read-number "Goto line: ")))
(goto-line target)))
(setq-local display-line-numbers nil)))
;; These come from the emacs starter kit
(defun esk-add-watchwords ()
nil '(("\\<\\(FIX\\(ME\\)?\\|TODO\\|DEBUG\\|HACK\\|REFACTOR\\|NOCOMMIT\\)"
1 font-lock-warning-face t))))
(defun esk-sudo-edit (&optional arg)
(interactive "p")
(if (or arg (not buffer-file-name))
(find-file (concat "/sudo:root@localhost:" (read-file-name "File: ")))
(find-alternate-file (concat "/sudo:root@localhost:" buffer-file-name))))
;; Get the nix store path for a given derivation.
;; If the derivation has not been built before, this will trigger a build.
(defun nix-store-path (derivation)
(let ((expr (concat "with import <nixos> {}; " derivation)))
(s-chomp (shell-command-to-string (concat "nix-build -E '" expr "'")))))
(defun insert-nix-store-path ()
(let ((derivation (read-string "Derivation name (in <nixos>): ")))
(insert (nix-store-path derivation))))
(defun toggle-force-newline ()
"Buffer-local toggle for enforcing final newline on save."
(setq-local require-final-newline (not require-final-newline))
(message "require-final-newline in buffer %s is now %s"
(defun list-external-commands ()
"Creates a list of all external commands available on $PATH
while filtering NixOS wrappers."
for dir in (split-string (getenv "PATH") path-separator)
when (and (file-exists-p dir) (file-accessible-directory-p dir))
for lsdir = (cl-loop for i in (directory-files dir t)
for bn = (file-name-nondirectory i)
when (and (not (s-contains? "-wrapped" i))
(not (member bn completions))
(not (file-directory-p i))
(file-executable-p i))
collect bn)
append lsdir into completions
finally return (sort completions 'string-lessp)))
(defvar external-command-flag-overrides
'(("google-chrome" . "--force-device-scale-factor=1.4"))
"This setting lets me add additional flags to specific commands
that are run interactively via `run-external-command'.")
(defun run-external-command--handler (cmd)
"Execute the specified command and notify the user when it
(let* ((extra-flags (cdr (assoc cmd external-command-flag-overrides)))
(cmd (if extra-flags (s-join " " (list cmd extra-flags)) cmd)))
(message "Starting %s..." cmd)
(start-process-shell-command cmd nil cmd)
(lambda (process event)
(when (string= event "finished\n")
(message "%s process finished." process))))))
(defun run-external-command ()
"Prompts the user with a list of all installed applications and
lets them select one to launch."
(let ((external-commands-list (list-external-commands)))
(completing-read "Command: " external-commands-list
nil ;; predicate
t ;; require-match
nil ;; initial-input
;; hist
(defun password-store-lookup (&optional password-store-dir)
"Interactive password-store lookup function that actually uses
the GPG agent correctly."
(let* ((entry (completing-read "Copy password of entry: "
(password-store-list (or password-store-dir
nil ;; predicate
t ;; require-match
(password (or (let ((epa-suppress-error-buffer t))
(auth-source-pass-get 'secret entry))
(error "failed to decrypt '%s', wrong password?" entry))))
(kill-new password)
(setq password-store-kill-ring-pointer kill-ring-yank-pointer)
(message "Copied %s to the kill ring. Will clear in %s seconds."
entry (password-store-timeout))
(setq password-store-timeout-timer
(run-at-time (password-store-timeout)
nil 'password-store-clear))))
(defhydra mc/mark-more-hydra (:color pink)
("<up>" mc/mmlte--up "Mark previous like this")
("<down>" mc/mmlte--down "Mark next like this")
("<left>" mc/mmlte--left (if (eq mc/mark-more-like-this-extended-direction 'up)
"Skip past the cursor furthest up"
"Remove the cursor furthest down"))
("<right>" mc/mmlte--right (if (eq mc/mark-more-like-this-extended-direction 'up)
"Remove the cursor furthest up"
"Skip past the cursor furthest down"))
("f" nil "Finish selecting"))
;; Mute the message that mc/mmlte wants to print on its own
(advice-add 'mc/mmlte--message :around (lambda (&rest args) (ignore)))
(defun mc/mark-dwim (arg)
"Select multiple things, but do what I mean."
(interactive "p")
(if (not (region-active-p)) (mc/mark-next-lines arg)
(if (< 1 (count-lines (region-beginning)
(mc/edit-lines arg)
;; The following is almost identical to `mc/mark-more-like-this-extended',
;; but uses a hydra (`mc/mark-more-hydra') instead of a transient key map.
(setq mc/cmds-to-run-for-all '(kill-region paredit-newline))
(setq mc/cmds-to-run-once '(mc/mark-dwim
(defun insert-todo-comment (prefix todo)
"Insert a comment at point with something for me to do."
(interactive "P\nsWhat needs doing? ")
(move-end-of-line nil)
(insert (format " %s TODO(%s): %s"
(s-trim-right comment-start)
(if prefix (read-string "Who needs to do this? ")
(getenv "USER"))
;; Custom text scale adjustment functions that operate on the entire instance
(defun modify-text-scale (factor)
(set-face-attribute 'default nil
:height (+ (* factor 5) (face-attribute 'default :height))))
(defun increase-default-text-scale (prefix)
"Increase default text scale in all Emacs frames, or just the
current frame if PREFIX is set."
(interactive "P")
(if prefix (text-scale-increase 1)
(modify-text-scale 1)))
(defun decrease-default-text-scale (prefix)
"Increase default text scale in all Emacs frames, or just the
current frame if PREFIX is set."
(interactive "P")
(if prefix (text-scale-decrease 1)
(modify-text-scale -1)))
(defun set-default-text-scale (prefix &optional to)
"Set the default text scale to the specified value, or the
default. Restores current frame's text scale only, if PREFIX is
(interactive "P")
(if prefix (text-scale-adjust 0)
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :height (or to 120))))
(defun screenshot-select (filename)
"Take a screenshot based on a mouse-selection and save it to
(interactive "sScreenshot filename: ")
(let* ((path (f-join "~/screenshots"
(format "%s-%d.png"
(if (string-empty-p filename) "shot" filename)
(time-convert nil 'integer)))))
(shell-command (format "maim --select %s" path))
(message "Wrote screenshot to %s" path)))
(defun graph-unread-mails ()
"Create a bar chart of unread mails based on notmuch tags.
Certain tags are excluded from the overview."
(let ((tag-counts
(-keep (-lambda ((name . search))
(let ((count
(notmuch-command-to-string "count" search "and" "tag:unread")))))
(when (>= count 1) (cons name count))))
(notmuch-hello-generate-tag-alist '("unread" "signed" "attachment" "important")))))
(if (< (length tag-counts) 6)
'vertical 'horizontal)
"Unread emails"
(-map #'car tag-counts) "Tag:"
(-map #'cdr tag-counts) "Count:")))
(defun notmuch-show-open-or-close-subthread (&optional prefix)
"Open or close the subthread from (and including) the message at point."
(interactive "P")
(let ((current-depth (map-elt (notmuch-show-get-message-properties) :depth 0)))
(loop do (notmuch-show-message-visible (notmuch-show-get-message-properties) prefix)
until (or (not (notmuch-show-goto-message-next))
(= (map-elt (notmuch-show-get-message-properties) :depth) current-depth)))))
(defun vterm-send-ctrl-x ()
"Sends `C-x' to the libvterm."
(vterm-send-key "x" nil nil t))
(defun find-depot-project (dir)
"Function used in the `project-find-functions' hook list to
determine the current project root of a depot project."
(when (s-starts-with? "/depot" dir)
(if (f-exists-p (f-join dir "default.nix"))
(cons 'transient dir)
(find-depot-project (f-parent dir)))))
(add-to-list 'project-find-functions #'find-depot-project)
(defun find-cargo-project (dir)
"Attempt to find the current project in `project-find-functions'
by looking for a `Cargo.toml' file."
(when dir
(unless (equal "/" dir)
(if (f-exists-p (f-join dir "Cargo.toml"))
(cons 'transient dir)
(find-cargo-project (f-parent dir))))))
(add-to-list 'project-find-functions #'find-cargo-project)
(defun magit-find-file-worktree ()
"Find a file in the current (ma)git worktree."
(magit-find-file--internal "{worktree}"
(magit-read-file-from-rev "HEAD" "Find file")
(defun zoxide-open-project ()
"Query Zoxide for paths, and open the result as appropriate (magit or dired)."
(lambda (path)
(condition-case err (magit-status-setup-buffer path)
(magit-outside-git-repo (dired path))))))
(defun toggle-nix-test-and-exp ()
"Switch between the .nix and .exp file in a Tvix/Nix test."
(let* ((file (buffer-file-name))
(other (if (s-suffix? ".nix" file)
(s-replace-regexp ".nix$" ".exp" file)
(if (s-suffix? ".exp" file)
(s-replace-regexp ".exp$" ".nix" file)
(error "Not a .nix/.exp file!")))))
(find-file other)))
(defun reliably-switch-buffer ()
"Reliably and interactively switch buffers, without ending up in a
situation where the buffer was renamed during selection and an
empty new buffer is created.
This is done by, in contrast to most buffer-switching functions,
retaining a list of the buffer *objects* and their associated
names, instead of only their names (which might change)."
(let* ((buffers (seq-map (lambda (b) (cons (buffer-name b) b))
(seq-filter (lambda (b) (not (string-prefix-p " " (buffer-name b))))
;; Annotate buffers that display remote files. I frequently
;; want to see it, because I might have identically named
;; files open locally and remotely at the same time, and it
;; helps with differentiating them.
(lambda (name)
(if-let* ((file (buffer-file-name (cdr (assoc name buffers))))
(remote (file-remote-p file)))
(format " [%s]" remote)))))
(name (completing-read "Switch to buffer: " (seq-map #'car buffers)))
(selected (or (cdr (assoc name buffers))
;; Allow users to manually select invisible buffers ...
(get-buffer name))))
(switch-to-buffer (or selected name) nil 't)))
(defun run-xdg-app ()
"Use `//users/tazjin/gio-list-apps' to retrieve a list of
installed (and visible) XDG apps, and let users launch them."
(let* ((apps (taz-list-xdg-apps))
;; Display the command that will be run as an annotation
'(:annotation-function (lambda (app) (format " [%s]" (cdr (assoc app apps)))))))
(run-external-command--handler (cdr (assoc (completing-read "App: " apps nil t) apps)))))
(defun advice-remove-all (sym)
"Remove all advices from symbol SYM."
(interactive "aFunction symbol: ")
(advice-mapc (lambda (advice _props) (advice-remove sym advice)) sym))
(provide 'functions)