Vincent Ambo 6285cd8dbf feat(build-image): Use new image layering algorithm for images
Removes usage of the old layering algorithm and replaces it with the
new one.

Apart from the new layer layout this means that each layer is now
built in a separate derivation, which hopefully leads to better
2019-08-14 00:02:04 +01:00

323 lines
12 KiB

# Copyright 2019 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This file contains a modified version of dockerTools.buildImage that, instead
# of outputting a single tarball which can be imported into a running Docker
# daemon, builds a manifest file that can be used for serving the image over a
# registry API.
# Image Name
# Image tag, the Nix's output hash will be used if null
tag ? null,
# Tool used to determine layer grouping
# Files to put on the image (a nix store path or list of paths).
contents ? [],
# Packages to install by name (which must refer to top-level attributes of
# nixpkgs). This is passed in as a JSON-array in string form.
packages ? "[]",
# Optional bash script to run on the files prior to fixturizing the layer.
extraCommands ? "", uid ? 0, gid ? 0,
# Docker's modern image storage mechanisms have a maximum of 125
# layers. To allow for some extensibility (via additional layers),
# the default here is set to something a little less than that.
maxLayers ? 96,
# Configuration for which package set to use when building.
# Both channels of the public nixpkgs repository as well as imports
# from private repositories are supported.
# This setting can be invoked with three different formats:
# 1. nixpkgs!$channel (e.g. nixpkgs!nixos-19.03)
# 2. git!$repo!$rev (e.g. git!!master)
# 3. path!$path (e.g. path!/var/local/nixpkgs)
# '!' was chosen as the separator because `builtins.split` does not
# support regex escapes and there are few other candidates. It
# doesn't matter much because this is invoked by the server.
pkgSource ? "nixpkgs!nixos-19.03",
with builtins; let
# If a nixpkgs channel is requested, it is retrieved from Github (as
# a tarball) and imported.
fetchImportChannel = channel:
let url = "${channel}.tar.gz";
in import (fetchTarball url) {};
# If a git repository is requested, it is retrieved via
# builtins.fetchGit which defaults to the git configuration of the
# outside environment. This means that user-configured SSH
# credentials etc. are going to work as expected.
fetchImportGit = url: rev:
# builtins.fetchGit needs to know whether 'rev' is a reference
# (e.g. a branch/tag) or a revision (i.e. a commit hash)
# Since this data is being extrapolated from the supplied image
# tag, we have to guess if we want to avoid specifying a format.
# There are some additional caveats around whether the default
# branch contains the specified revision, which need to be
# explained to users.
spec = if (stringLength rev) == 40 then {
inherit url rev;
} else {
inherit url;
ref = rev;
in import (fetchGit spec) {};
importPath = path: import (toPath path) {};
source = split "!" pkgSource;
sourceType = elemAt source 0;
pkgs =
if sourceType == "nixpkgs"
then fetchImportChannel (elemAt source 2)
else if sourceType == "git"
then fetchImportGit (elemAt source 2) (elemAt source 4)
else if sourceType == "path"
then importPath (elemAt source 2)
else throw("Invalid package set source specification: ${pkgSource}");
# Since this is essentially a re-wrapping of some of the functionality that is
# implemented in the dockerTools, we need all of its components in our top-level
# namespace.
with pkgs;
with dockerTools;
tarLayer = "application/vnd.docker.image.rootfs.diff.tar";
baseName = baseNameOf name;
# deepFetch traverses the top-level Nix package set to retrieve an item via a
# path specified in string form.
# For top-level items, the name of the key yields the result directly. Nested
# items are fetched by using dot-syntax, as in Nix itself.
# Due to a restriction of the registry API specification it is not possible to
# pass uppercase characters in an image name, however the Nix package set
# makes use of camelCasing repeatedly (for example for `haskellPackages`).
# To work around this, if no value is found on the top-level a second lookup
# is done on the package set using lowercase-names. This is not done for
# nested sets, as they often have keys that only differ in case.
# For example, `deepFetch pkgs "xorg.xev"` retrieves `pkgs.xorg.xev` and
# `deepFetch haskellpackages.stylish-haskell` retrieves
# `haskellPackages.stylish-haskell`.
deepFetch = with lib; s: n:
let path = splitString "." n;
err = { error = "not_found"; pkg = n; };
# The most efficient way I've found to do a lookup against
# case-differing versions of an attribute is to first construct a
# mapping of all lowercased attribute names to their differently cased
# equivalents.
# This map is then used for a second lookup if the top-level
# (case-sensitive) one does not yield a result.
hasUpper = str: (match ".*[A-Z].*" str) != null;
allUpperKeys = filter hasUpper (attrNames s);
lowercased = listToAttrs (map (k: {
name = toLower k;
value = k;
}) allUpperKeys);
caseAmendedPath = map (v: if hasAttr v lowercased then lowercased."${v}" else v) path;
fetchLower = attrByPath caseAmendedPath err s;
in attrByPath path fetchLower s;
# allContents is the combination of all derivations and store paths passed in
# directly, as well as packages referred to by name.
# It accumulates potential errors about packages that could not be found to
# return this information back to the server.
allContents =
# Folds over the results of 'deepFetch' on all requested packages to
# separate them into errors and content. This allows the program to
# terminate early and return only the errors if any are encountered.
let splitter = attrs: res:
if hasAttr "error" res
then attrs // { errors = attrs.errors ++ [ res ]; }
else attrs // { contents = attrs.contents ++ [ res ]; };
init = { inherit contents; errors = []; };
fetched = (map (deepFetch pkgs) (fromJSON packages));
in foldl' splitter init fetched;
contentsEnv = symlinkJoin {
name = "bulk-layers";
paths = allContents.contents;
popularity = builtins.fetchurl {
url = "";
sha256 = "16sxd49vqqg2nrhwynm36ba6bc2yff5cd5hf83wi0hanw5sx3svk";
# Before actually creating any image layers, the store paths that need to be
# included in the image must be sorted into the layers that they should go
# into.
# How contents are allocated to each layer is decided by the `group-layers.go`
# program. The mechanism used is described at the top of the program's source
# code, or alternatively in the layering design document:
# To invoke the program, a graph of all runtime references is created via
# Nix's exportReferencesGraph feature - the resulting layers are read back
# into Nix using import-from-derivation.
groupedLayers = fromJSON (readFile (runCommand "grouped-layers.json" {
__structuredAttrs = true;
exportReferencesGraph.graph = allContents.contents;
PATH = "${groupLayers}/bin";
builder = toFile "builder" ''
group-layers --budget ${toString (maxLayers - 1)} --pop ${popularity} --out ''${outputs[out]}
} ""));
# Given a list of store paths, create an image layer tarball with
# their contents.
pathsToLayer = paths: runCommand "layer.tar" {
} ''
tar --no-recursion -rf "$out" \
--mtime="@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" \
--owner=0 --group=0 /nix /nix/store
tar -rpf "$out" --hard-dereference --sort=name \
--mtime="@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" \
--owner=0 --group=0 ${lib.concatStringsSep " " paths}
bulkLayers = writeText "bulk-layers"
(lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (layer: pathsToLayer layer.contents)
customisationLayer = mkCustomisationLayer {
name = baseName;
contents = contentsEnv;
baseJson = writeText "empty.json" "{}";
inherit uid gid extraCommands;
# Inspect the returned bulk layers to determine which layers belong to the
# image and how to serve them.
# This computes both an MD5 and a SHA256 hash of each layer, which are used
# for different purposes. See the registry server implementation for details.
allLayersJson = runCommand "fs-layer-list.json" {
buildInputs = [ coreutils findutils jq openssl ];
} ''
cat ${bulkLayers} | sort -t/ -k5 -n > layer-list
echo -n layer-list:
cat layer-list
echo ${customisationLayer}/layer.tar >> layer-list
for layer in $(cat layer-list); do
layerSha256=$(sha256sum $layer | cut -d ' ' -f1)
# The server application compares binary MD5 hashes and expects base64
# encoding instead of hex.
layerMd5=$(openssl dgst -md5 -binary $layer | openssl enc -base64)
layerSize=$(wc -c $layer | cut -d ' ' -f1)
jq -n -c --arg sha256 $layerSha256 --arg md5 $layerMd5 --arg size $layerSize --arg path $layer \
'{ size: ($size | tonumber), sha256: $sha256, md5: $md5, path: $path }' >> fs-layers
cat fs-layers | jq -s -c '.' > $out
allLayers = fromJSON (readFile allLayersJson);
# Image configuration corresponding to the OCI specification for the file type
# 'application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json'
config = {
architecture = "amd64";
os = "linux";
rootfs.type = "layers";
rootfs.diff_ids = map (layer: "sha256:${layer.sha256}") allLayers;
# Required to let Kubernetes import Nixery images
config = {};
configJson = writeText "${baseName}-config.json" (toJSON config);
configMetadata = fromJSON (readFile (runCommand "config-meta" {
buildInputs = [ jq openssl ];
} ''
size=$(wc -c ${configJson} | cut -d ' ' -f1)
sha256=$(sha256sum ${configJson} | cut -d ' ' -f1)
md5=$(openssl dgst -md5 -binary ${configJson} | openssl enc -base64)
jq -n -c --arg size $size --arg sha256 $sha256 --arg md5 $md5 \
'{ size: ($size | tonumber), sha256: $sha256, md5: $md5 }' \
>> $out
# Corresponds to the manifest JSON expected by the Registry API.
# This is Docker's "Image Manifest V2, Schema 2":
manifest = {
schemaVersion = 2;
mediaType = "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json";
config = {
mediaType = "application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json";
size = configMetadata.size;
digest = "sha256:${configMetadata.sha256}";
layers = map (layer: {
mediaType = tarLayer;
digest = "sha256:${layer.sha256}";
size = layer.size;
}) allLayers;
# This structure maps each layer digest to the actual tarball that will need
# to be served. It is used by the controller to cache the paths during a pull.
layerLocations = {
"${configMetadata.sha256}" = {
path = configJson;
md5 = configMetadata.md5;
} // (listToAttrs (map (layer: {
name = "${layer.sha256}";
value = {
path = layer.path;
md5 = layer.md5;
}) allLayers));
# Final output structure returned to the controller in the case of a
# successful build.
manifestOutput = {
inherit manifest layerLocations;
# Output structure returned if errors occured during the build. Currently the
# only error type that is returned in a structured way is 'not_found'.
errorOutput = {
error = "not_found";
pkgs = map (err: err.pkg) allContents.errors;
in writeText "manifest-output.json" (if (length allContents.errors) == 0
then toJSON manifestOutput
else toJSON errorOutput