Moving the function into Tailwind.use. Creating and consuming some functions like Tailwind.if_ and Tailwind.when to make it easier to conditionally style some of my components.
33 lines
720 B
33 lines
720 B
module Tempo exposing (render)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Responsive
import Tailwind
import UI
type alias Props msg =
{ tempo : Int
, handleInput : String -> msg
render : Props msg -> Html msg
render { tempo, handleInput } =
div [ class "text-center" ]
[ p
[ [ "py-10"
, Responsive.h2
|> Tailwind.use
|> class
[ text (String.fromInt tempo ++ " BPM") ]
, UI.textField
{ placeholderText = "Set tempo..."
, handleInput = handleInput
, classes = []