Add a very basic, naive auto-move command, which just steps the player in a direction until they collide with something, regardless of any surrounding beasties who might want to eat them. There's a lot of other stuff going on here - in order to get this working the way I wanted with a slight (I settled on 50ms) delay between every step in these autocommands while still redrawing in between I had to do all the extra machinery for custom Brick events with a channel, and then at the same time adding the bits for actually executing autocommands in a general fashion (because there will definitely be more!) hit my threshold for size for App.hs which sent me on a big journey to break it up into smaller files -- which seems actually like it was quite successful. Hopefully this will help with compile times too, though App.hs is still pretty slow (maybe more to do here).
289 lines
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289 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
module Xanthous.Game.Prompt
( PromptType(..)
, SPromptType(..)
, SingPromptType(..)
, PromptCancellable(..)
, PromptResult(..)
, PromptState(..)
, MenuOption(..)
, mkMenuItems
, PromptInput
, Prompt(..)
, mkPrompt
, mkMenu
, mkPointOnMapPrompt
, isCancellable
, submitPrompt
) where
import Xanthous.Prelude
import Brick.Widgets.Edit (Editor, editorText, getEditContents)
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary.Generic
import Xanthous.Util (smallestNotIn)
import Xanthous.Data (Direction, Position)
import Xanthous.Data.App (ResourceName)
import qualified Xanthous.Data.App as Resource
data PromptType where
StringPrompt :: PromptType
Confirm :: PromptType
Menu :: Type -> PromptType
DirectionPrompt :: PromptType
PointOnMap :: PromptType
Continue :: PromptType
deriving stock (Generic)
instance Show PromptType where
show StringPrompt = "StringPrompt"
show Confirm = "Confirm"
show (Menu _) = "Menu"
show DirectionPrompt = "DirectionPrompt"
show PointOnMap = "PointOnMap"
show Continue = "Continue"
data SPromptType :: PromptType -> Type where
SStringPrompt :: SPromptType 'StringPrompt
SConfirm :: SPromptType 'Confirm
SMenu :: SPromptType ('Menu a)
SDirectionPrompt :: SPromptType 'DirectionPrompt
SPointOnMap :: SPromptType 'PointOnMap
SContinue :: SPromptType 'Continue
instance NFData (SPromptType pt) where
rnf SStringPrompt = ()
rnf SConfirm = ()
rnf SMenu = ()
rnf SDirectionPrompt = ()
rnf SPointOnMap = ()
rnf SContinue = ()
class SingPromptType pt where singPromptType :: SPromptType pt
instance SingPromptType 'StringPrompt where singPromptType = SStringPrompt
instance SingPromptType 'Confirm where singPromptType = SConfirm
instance SingPromptType 'DirectionPrompt where singPromptType = SDirectionPrompt
instance SingPromptType 'PointOnMap where singPromptType = SPointOnMap
instance SingPromptType 'Continue where singPromptType = SContinue
instance Show (SPromptType pt) where
show SStringPrompt = "SStringPrompt"
show SConfirm = "SConfirm"
show SMenu = "SMenu"
show SDirectionPrompt = "SDirectionPrompt"
show SPointOnMap = "SPointOnMap"
show SContinue = "SContinue"
data PromptCancellable
= Cancellable
| Uncancellable
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Generic)
deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
instance Arbitrary PromptCancellable where
arbitrary = genericArbitrary
data PromptResult (pt :: PromptType) where
StringResult :: Text -> PromptResult 'StringPrompt
ConfirmResult :: Bool -> PromptResult 'Confirm
MenuResult :: forall a. a -> PromptResult ('Menu a)
DirectionResult :: Direction -> PromptResult 'DirectionPrompt
PointOnMapResult :: Position -> PromptResult 'PointOnMap
ContinueResult :: PromptResult 'Continue
instance Arbitrary (PromptResult 'StringPrompt) where
arbitrary = StringResult <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary (PromptResult 'Confirm) where
arbitrary = ConfirmResult <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (PromptResult ('Menu a)) where
arbitrary = MenuResult <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary (PromptResult 'DirectionPrompt) where
arbitrary = DirectionResult <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary (PromptResult 'PointOnMap) where
arbitrary = PointOnMapResult <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary (PromptResult 'Continue) where
arbitrary = pure ContinueResult
data PromptState pt where
:: Editor Text ResourceName -> PromptState 'StringPrompt
DirectionPromptState :: PromptState 'DirectionPrompt
ContinuePromptState :: PromptState 'Continue
ConfirmPromptState :: PromptState 'Confirm
MenuPromptState :: forall a. PromptState ('Menu a)
PointOnMapPromptState :: Position -> PromptState 'PointOnMap
instance NFData (PromptState pt) where
rnf sps@(StringPromptState ed) = sps `deepseq` ed `deepseq` ()
rnf DirectionPromptState = ()
rnf ContinuePromptState = ()
rnf ConfirmPromptState = ()
rnf MenuPromptState = ()
rnf pomps@(PointOnMapPromptState pos) = pomps `deepseq` pos `deepseq` ()
instance Arbitrary (PromptState 'StringPrompt) where
arbitrary = StringPromptState <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary (PromptState 'DirectionPrompt) where
arbitrary = pure DirectionPromptState
instance Arbitrary (PromptState 'Continue) where
arbitrary = pure ContinuePromptState
instance Arbitrary (PromptState ('Menu a)) where
arbitrary = pure MenuPromptState
instance CoArbitrary (PromptState 'StringPrompt) where
coarbitrary (StringPromptState ed) = coarbitrary ed
instance CoArbitrary (PromptState 'DirectionPrompt) where
coarbitrary DirectionPromptState = coarbitrary ()
instance CoArbitrary (PromptState 'Continue) where
coarbitrary ContinuePromptState = coarbitrary ()
instance CoArbitrary (PromptState ('Menu a)) where
coarbitrary MenuPromptState = coarbitrary ()
deriving stock instance Show (PromptState pt)
data MenuOption a = MenuOption Text a
deriving stock (Eq, Generic, Functor)
deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
instance Comonad MenuOption where
extract (MenuOption _ x) = x
extend cok mo@(MenuOption text _) = MenuOption text (cok mo)
mkMenuItems :: (MonoFoldable f, Element f ~ (Char, MenuOption a))
=> f
-> Map Char (MenuOption a)
mkMenuItems = flip foldl' mempty $ \items (chr, option) ->
let chr' = if has (ix chr) items
then smallestNotIn $ keys items
else chr
in items & at chr' ?~ option
instance Show (MenuOption a) where
show (MenuOption m _) = show m
type family PromptInput (pt :: PromptType) :: Type where
PromptInput ('Menu a) = Map Char (MenuOption a)
PromptInput 'PointOnMap = Position -- Character pos
PromptInput _ = ()
data Prompt (m :: Type -> Type) where
:: forall (pt :: PromptType)
(m :: Type -> Type).
-> SPromptType pt
-> PromptState pt
-> PromptInput pt
-> (PromptResult pt -> m ())
-> Prompt m
instance Show (Prompt m) where
show (Prompt c pt ps pri _)
= "(Prompt "
<> show c <> " "
<> show pt <> " "
<> show ps <> " "
<> showPri
<> " <function>)"
where showPri = case pt of
SMenu -> show pri
_ -> "()"
instance NFData (Prompt m) where
rnf (Prompt c SMenu ps pri cb)
= c
`deepseq` ps
`deepseq` pri
`seq` cb
`seq` ()
rnf (Prompt c spt ps pri cb)
= c
`deepseq` spt
`deepseq` ps
`deepseq` pri
`seq` cb
`seq` ()
instance CoArbitrary (m ()) => CoArbitrary (Prompt m) where
coarbitrary (Prompt c SStringPrompt ps pri cb) =
variant @Int 1 . coarbitrary (c, ps, pri, cb)
coarbitrary (Prompt c SConfirm _ pri cb) = -- TODO fill in prompt state
variant @Int 2 . coarbitrary (c, pri, cb)
coarbitrary (Prompt c SMenu _ps _pri _cb) =
variant @Int 3 . coarbitrary c {-, ps, pri, cb -}
coarbitrary (Prompt c SDirectionPrompt ps pri cb) =
variant @Int 4 . coarbitrary (c, ps, pri, cb)
coarbitrary (Prompt c SPointOnMap _ pri cb) = -- TODO fill in prompt state
variant @Int 5 . coarbitrary (c, pri, cb)
coarbitrary (Prompt c SContinue ps pri cb) =
variant @Int 6 . coarbitrary (c, ps, pri, cb)
-- instance Function (Prompt m) where
-- function = functionMap toTuple _fromTuple
-- where
-- toTuple (Prompt c pt ps pri cb) = (c, pt, ps, pri, cb)
mkPrompt :: (PromptInput pt ~ ()) => PromptCancellable -> SPromptType pt -> (PromptResult pt -> m ()) -> Prompt m
mkPrompt c pt@SStringPrompt cb =
let ps = StringPromptState $ editorText Resource.Prompt (Just 1) ""
in Prompt c pt ps () cb
mkPrompt c pt@SDirectionPrompt cb = Prompt c pt DirectionPromptState () cb
mkPrompt c pt@SContinue cb = Prompt c pt ContinuePromptState () cb
mkPrompt c pt@SConfirm cb = Prompt c pt ConfirmPromptState () cb
:: forall a m.
-> Map Char (MenuOption a) -- ^ Menu items
-> (PromptResult ('Menu a) -> m ())
-> Prompt m
mkMenu c = Prompt c SMenu MenuPromptState
:: PromptCancellable
-> Position
-> (PromptResult 'PointOnMap -> m ())
-> Prompt m
mkPointOnMapPrompt c pos = Prompt c SPointOnMap (PointOnMapPromptState pos) pos
isCancellable :: Prompt m -> Bool
isCancellable (Prompt Cancellable _ _ _ _) = True
isCancellable (Prompt Uncancellable _ _ _ _) = False
submitPrompt :: Applicative m => Prompt m -> m ()
submitPrompt (Prompt _ pt ps _ cb) =
case (pt, ps) of
(SStringPrompt, StringPromptState edit) ->
cb . StringResult . mconcat . getEditContents $ edit
(SDirectionPrompt, DirectionPromptState) ->
pure () -- Don't use submit with a direction prompt
(SContinue, ContinuePromptState) ->
cb ContinueResult
(SMenu, MenuPromptState) ->
pure () -- Don't use submit with a menu prompt
(SPointOnMap, PointOnMapPromptState pos) ->
cb $ PointOnMapResult pos
(SConfirm, ConfirmPromptState) ->
cb $ ConfirmResult True