owothia is hardcoded to join ##tvl, which is a remnant of when TVL was on freenode, and on hackint the IRC channel is single-hash #tvl instead. Instead of hardcoding another channel name, let's make this configurable, so we don't need to recompile owothia for every different channel we want her in. It's now possible to set IRC_CHANNELS in owothia's environment to '["#foo", "#bar"]' to make her join both #foo and #bar automatically. Additionally IRC_IDENT can now be set to configure owothia's ident, which is required for ZNC compatibility. Change-Id: I0fc0856f4ea35f59255b76ae0e594325f18ef993 Reviewed-on: https://cl.tvl.fyi/c/depot/+/3130 Tested-by: BuildkiteCI Reviewed-by: sterni <sternenseemann@systemli.org>
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
import Network.IRC.Client
import Control.Lens
import NLP.POS
import NLP.Types (POSTagger)
import qualified NLP.Types.Tags as Tags
import NLP.Types.Tree
import qualified NLP.Corpora.Conll as Conll
import NLP.Corpora.Conll (Tag)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import System.Random
import System.Envy
import System.IO as S
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import qualified Data.Text
data Config = Config
{ _owoChance :: Int
, _ircServer :: ByteString
, _ircPort :: Int
, _ircServerPassword :: Maybe Text
, _nickservPassword :: Maybe Text
, _ircNick :: Maybe Text
, _ircIdent :: Maybe Text
, _ircChannels :: [Text]
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
makeLenses ''Config
instance Var [Text] where
toVar ts = show ts
fromVar s = readMaybe s >>= (pure . map Data.Text.pack)
instance FromEnv Config where
fromEnv _ =
Config <$> env "OWO_CHANCE"
<*> env "IRC_SERVER"
<*> env "IRC_PORT"
<*> envMaybe "IRC_NICK"
<*> envMaybe "IRC_IDENT"
<*> env "IRC_CHANNELS"
stopWord :: Text -> Bool
stopWord "'s" = True
stopWord "\"" = True
stopWord "is" = True
stopWord "are" = True
stopWord "am" = True
stopWord "were" = True
stopWord "was" = True
stopWord "be" = True
stopWord _ = False
pickVerb :: POS Tag -> Maybe Text
pickVerb (POS Conll.VB (Token verb)) = Just verb
pickVerb (POS Conll.VBD (Token verb)) = Just verb
pickVerb (POS Conll.VBG (Token verb)) = Just verb
pickVerb (POS Conll.VBN (Token verb)) = Just verb
pickVerb (POS Conll.VBZ (Token verb)) = Just verb
pickVerb _ = Nothing
pickNoun :: POS Tag -> Maybe Text
pickNoun (POS Conll.NN (Token noun)) = Just noun
pickNoun _ = Nothing
:: Tags.Tag tag
=> (POS tag -> Maybe Text)
-> POSTagger tag
-> Text
-> IO (Maybe Text)
randomPOS pickPOS tagger s = do
let candidates
= filter (not . stopWord)
. mapMaybe pickPOS
$ tag tagger s >>= \(TaggedSent ps) -> ps
i <- randomRIO (0, length candidates - 1)
pure $ candidates ^? ix i
doOwo :: MonadIO m => Config -> m Bool
doOwo conf = do
n <- liftIO (randomRIO @Int (0, conf ^. owoChance))
pure $ n == 0
data OwoType = Noun | Verb
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
instance Random OwoType where
random = over _1 (bool Noun Verb) . random
randomR = const random
vowels :: [Char]
vowels = "aeiou"
article :: Text -> Text
article (x :< _) | x `elem` vowels = "an"
article _ = "a"
owo :: OwoType -> Text -> Text
owo Noun n = mconcat
[ "I'm "
, article n
, " "
, n
, if "o" `Data.Text.isSuffixOf` n
then "wo"
else " owo"
owo Verb v = v <> " me owo"
pickOwo :: OwoType -> POS Tag -> Maybe Text
pickOwo Verb = pickVerb
pickOwo Noun = pickNoun
randomOwo :: OwoType -> POSTagger Tag -> Text -> IO (Maybe Text)
randomOwo = randomPOS . pickOwo
owothiaHandler :: Config -> Text -> IORef Bool -> POSTagger Tag -> EventHandler s
owothiaHandler conf nick state tagger = EventHandler Just $ \src ev -> do
hasIdentified <- readIORef state
when (not hasIdentified) $ do
traverse_ (send . Join) (conf ^. ircChannels)
writeIORef state True
when ("You are now identified" `BS.isInfixOf` (ev ^. raw)) $
traverse_ (send . Join) (conf ^. ircChannels)
case (src, ev ^. message) of
(Channel chan nick, Privmsg _ (Right m)) -> do
willOwo <- doOwo conf
when willOwo $ owoMessage chan m
_ -> pure()
pure ()
owoMessage chan m = do
owoType <- liftIO randomIO
mWord <- liftIO $ randomOwo owoType tagger m
for_ mWord $ \word -> send $ Privmsg chan $ Right $ owo owoType word
nickservAuthMsg = "IDENTIFY " <> nick <> " " <> fromJust (conf ^. nickservPassword)
nickservAuth = send $ Privmsg "NickServ" $ Right nickservAuthMsg
main :: IO ()
main = do
conf <- either fail pure =<< decodeEnv
tagger <- defaultTagger
state <- newIORef $ not . isJust $ (conf ^. nickservPassword)
S.hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
let nick = fromMaybe "owothia" (conf ^. ircNick)
conn =
plainConnection (conf ^. ircServer) (conf ^. ircPort)
& realname .~ "Owothia Revströwö"
& password .~ (conf ^. ircServerPassword)
& username .~ fromMaybe "owothia" (conf ^. ircIdent)
& logfunc .~ stdoutLogger
cfg =
defaultInstanceConfig nick
& channels .~ (conf ^. ircChannels)
& handlers %~ (owothiaHandler conf nick state tagger : )
runClient conn cfg ()