Change-Id: Ie8850a40e378f6cc0637a85e526fe5b5ed09fcd7 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: BuildkiteCI Reviewed-by: flokli <> Autosubmit: yuka <>
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128 lines
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use crate::{proto, B3Digest, Error};
use futures::stream::BoxStream;
use tonic::async_trait;
mod combinators;
mod directory_graph;
mod from_addr;
mod grpc;
mod memory;
mod object_store;
mod order_validator;
mod simple_putter;
mod sled;
pub mod tests;
mod traverse;
mod utils;
pub use self::combinators::Cache;
pub use self::directory_graph::DirectoryGraph;
pub use self::from_addr::from_addr;
pub use self::grpc::GRPCDirectoryService;
pub use self::memory::MemoryDirectoryService;
pub use self::object_store::ObjectStoreDirectoryService;
pub use self::order_validator::{LeavesToRootValidator, OrderValidator, RootToLeavesValidator};
pub use self::simple_putter::SimplePutter;
pub use self::sled::SledDirectoryService;
pub use self::traverse::descend_to;
pub use self::utils::traverse_directory;
#[cfg(feature = "cloud")]
mod bigtable;
#[cfg(feature = "cloud")]
pub use self::bigtable::BigtableDirectoryService;
/// The base trait all Directory services need to implement.
/// This is a simple get and put of [crate::proto::Directory], returning their
/// digest.
pub trait DirectoryService: Send + Sync {
/// Looks up a single Directory message by its digest.
/// The returned Directory message *must* be valid.
/// In case the directory is not found, Ok(None) is returned.
/// It is okay for certain implementations to only allow retrieval of
/// Directory digests that are at the "root", aka the last element that's
/// sent to a DirectoryPutter. This makes sense for implementations bundling
/// closures of directories together in batches.
async fn get(&self, digest: &B3Digest) -> Result<Option<proto::Directory>, Error>;
/// Uploads a single Directory message, and returns the calculated
/// digest, or an error. An error *must* also be returned if the message is
/// not valid.
async fn put(&self, directory: proto::Directory) -> Result<B3Digest, Error>;
/// Looks up a closure of [proto::Directory].
/// Ideally this would be a `impl Stream<Item = Result<proto::Directory, Error>>`,
/// and we'd be able to add a default implementation for it here, but
/// we can't have that yet.
/// This returns a pinned, boxed stream. The pinning allows for it to be polled easily,
/// and the box allows different underlying stream implementations to be returned since
/// Rust doesn't support this as a generic in traits yet. This is the same thing that
/// [async_trait] generates, but for streams instead of futures.
/// The individually returned Directory messages *must* be valid.
/// Directories are sent in an order from the root to the leaves, so that
/// the receiving side can validate each message to be a connected to the root
/// that has initially been requested.
fn get_recursive(
root_directory_digest: &B3Digest,
) -> BoxStream<'static, Result<proto::Directory, Error>>;
/// Allows persisting a closure of [proto::Directory], which is a graph of
/// connected Directory messages.
fn put_multiple_start(&self) -> Box<dyn DirectoryPutter>;
impl<A> DirectoryService for A
A: AsRef<dyn DirectoryService> + Send + Sync,
async fn get(&self, digest: &B3Digest) -> Result<Option<proto::Directory>, Error> {
async fn put(&self, directory: proto::Directory) -> Result<B3Digest, Error> {
fn get_recursive(
root_directory_digest: &B3Digest,
) -> BoxStream<'static, Result<proto::Directory, Error>> {
fn put_multiple_start(&self) -> Box<dyn DirectoryPutter> {
/// Provides a handle to put a closure of connected [proto::Directory] elements.
/// The consumer can periodically call [DirectoryPutter::put], starting from the
/// leaves. Once the root is reached, [DirectoryPutter::close] can be called to
/// retrieve the root digest (or an error).
/// DirectoryPutters might be created without a single [DirectoryPutter::put],
/// and then dropped without calling [DirectoryPutter::close],
/// for example when ingesting a path that ends up not pointing to a directory,
/// but a single file or symlink.
pub trait DirectoryPutter: Send {
/// Put a individual [proto::Directory] into the store.
/// Error semantics and behaviour is up to the specific implementation of
/// this trait.
/// Due to bursting, the returned error might refer to an object previously
/// sent via `put`.
async fn put(&mut self, directory: proto::Directory) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Close the stream, and wait for any errors.
/// If there's been any invalid Directory message uploaded, and error *must*
/// be returned.
async fn close(&mut self) -> Result<B3Digest, Error>;