-- 7f6c15aadc4d97e217dd446518dbb4fdc86b36a3 by Derek Mauro <dmauro@google.com>: Upgrade GCC automated testing to use GCC 9.2 and Cmake 3.16.2 PiperOrigin-RevId: 288488783 -- a978cee848d3cf65b0826c981bfd81022fc36660 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>: Removing formatting traits that were only used internally. ON_CALL/EXPECT_CALL do a sufficient job here. PiperOrigin-RevId: 288386509 -- fdec6f40293d5883220f1f0ea1261f7c5b60a66e by Derek Mauro <dmauro@google.com>: Upgrade MacOS tests to use Bazel 2.0.0 PiperOrigin-RevId: 288373298 -- 465865c4123e9481ab50ea0527e92b39519704dd by Derek Mauro <dmauro@google.com>: Changes to support GCC 9 * Fix several -Wredundant-move warnings * Remove FlatHashMap.Any test, which basically doesn't work on any platform any more (see https://cplusplus.github.io/LWG/lwg-active.html#3121) * Fix a constant sign-compare warning * Conditionally compile out the PoisonHash test which doesn't build PiperOrigin-RevId: 288360204 -- 57c4bb07fc58e7dd2a04f3c45027aab5ecaccf25 by Andy Soffer <asoffer@google.com>: Deflaking MockingBitGen test. Because MockingBitGen can return random values, it is inherently flaky. For log-unifrom, 2040 is a common enough value that tests failed unreasonably frequently. Replacing it with a significantly larger value so as to be much less common. 50000 is a good choice because it is (tied for) the least likely to occur randomly from this distribution, but is still in the distribution. PiperOrigin-RevId: 288360112 -- 86f38e4109899d972de353b1c556c018cfe37956 by Matt Calabrese <calabrese@google.com>: Remove construction tests for the internal `CompressedTuple<std::any>` instantiation. This was not guaranteed to work for the reasons that `std::tuple<std::any>` copy construction does not actually work by standard specification (some implementations introduce workarounds for this). In GCC9, `CompressedTuple<std::any>` and `std::tuple<std::any>` both fail for the same reasons, and a proper "fix" requires updating `std::any`, which is out of our control. PiperOrigin-RevId: 288351977 GitOrigin-RevId: 7f6c15aadc4d97e217dd446518dbb4fdc86b36a3 Change-Id: I5d5c62bd297dc0ff1f2970ff076bb5cd088a7e4c
196 lines
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// Copyright 2018 The Abseil Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// mocking_bit_gen.h
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file includes an `absl::MockingBitGen` class to use as a mock within the
// Googletest testing framework. Such a mock is useful to provide deterministic
// values as return values within (otherwise random) Abseil distribution
// functions. Such determinism within a mock is useful within testing frameworks
// to test otherwise indeterminate APIs.
// More information about the Googletest testing framework is available at
// https://github.com/google/googletest
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <typeindex>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <utility>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/meta/type_traits.h"
#include "absl/random/distributions.h"
#include "absl/random/internal/distribution_caller.h"
#include "absl/random/internal/mocking_bit_gen_base.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_join.h"
#include "absl/types/span.h"
#include "absl/types/variant.h"
#include "absl/utility/utility.h"
namespace absl {
namespace random_internal {
template <typename, typename>
struct MockSingleOverload;
} // namespace random_internal
// MockingBitGen
// `absl::MockingBitGen` is a mock Uniform Random Bit Generator (URBG) class
// which can act in place of an `absl::BitGen` URBG within tests using the
// Googletest testing framework.
// Usage:
// Use an `absl::MockingBitGen` along with a mock distribution object (within
// mock_distributions.h) inside Googletest constructs such as ON_CALL(),
// EXPECT_TRUE(), etc. to produce deterministic results conforming to the
// distribution's API contract.
// Example:
// // Mock a call to an `absl::Bernoulli` distribution using Googletest
// absl::MockingBitGen bitgen;
// ON_CALL(absl::MockBernoulli(), Call(bitgen, 0.5))
// .WillByDefault(testing::Return(true));
// EXPECT_TRUE(absl::Bernoulli(bitgen, 0.5));
// // Mock a call to an `absl::Uniform` distribution within Googletest
// absl::MockingBitGen bitgen;
// ON_CALL(absl::MockUniform<int>(), Call(bitgen, testing::_, testing::_))
// .WillByDefault([] (int low, int high) {
// return (low + high) / 2;
// });
// EXPECT_EQ(absl::Uniform<int>(gen, 0, 10), 5);
// EXPECT_EQ(absl::Uniform<int>(gen, 30, 40), 35);
// At this time, only mock distributions supplied within the Abseil random
// library are officially supported.
class MockingBitGen : public absl::random_internal::MockingBitGenBase {
MockingBitGen() {}
~MockingBitGen() override;
template <typename DistrT, typename... Args>
using MockFnType =
::testing::MockFunction<typename DistrT::result_type(Args...)>;
// MockingBitGen::Register
// Register<DistrT, FormatT, ArgTupleT> is the main extension point for
// extending the MockingBitGen framework. It provides a mechanism to install a
// mock expectation for the distribution `distr_t` onto the MockingBitGen
// context.
// The returned MockFunction<...> type can be used to setup additional
// distribution parameters of the expectation.
template <typename DistrT, typename... Args, typename... Ms>
decltype(std::declval<MockFnType<DistrT, Args...>>().gmock_Call(
Register(Ms&&... matchers) {
auto& mock =
mocks_[std::type_index(GetTypeId<DistrT, std::tuple<Args...>>())];
if (!mock.mock_fn) {
auto* mock_fn = new MockFnType<DistrT, Args...>;
mock.mock_fn = mock_fn;
mock.match_impl = &MatchImpl<DistrT, Args...>;
deleters_.emplace_back([mock_fn] { delete mock_fn; });
return static_cast<MockFnType<DistrT, Args...>*>(mock.mock_fn)
mutable std::vector<std::function<void()>> deleters_;
using match_impl_fn = void (*)(void* mock_fn, void* t_erased_dist_args,
void* t_erased_result);
struct MockData {
void* mock_fn = nullptr;
match_impl_fn match_impl = nullptr;
mutable absl::flat_hash_map<std::type_index, MockData> mocks_;
template <typename DistrT, typename... Args>
static void MatchImpl(void* mock_fn, void* dist_args, void* result) {
using result_type = typename DistrT::result_type;
*static_cast<result_type*>(result) = absl::apply(
[mock_fn](Args... args) -> result_type {
return (*static_cast<MockFnType<DistrT, Args...>*>(mock_fn))
// Looks for an appropriate mock - Returns the mocked result if one is found.
// Otherwise, returns a random value generated by the underlying URBG.
bool CallImpl(const std::type_info& key_type, void* dist_args,
void* result) override {
// Trigger a mock, if there exists one that matches `param`.
auto it = mocks_.find(std::type_index(key_type));
if (it == mocks_.end()) return false;
auto* mock_data = static_cast<MockData*>(&it->second);
mock_data->match_impl(mock_data->mock_fn, dist_args, result);
return true;
template <typename, typename>
friend struct ::absl::random_internal::MockSingleOverload;
friend struct ::absl::random_internal::DistributionCaller<
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation Details Only Below
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace random_internal {
template <>
struct DistributionCaller<absl::MockingBitGen> {
template <typename DistrT, typename FormatT, typename... Args>
static typename DistrT::result_type Call(absl::MockingBitGen* gen,
Args&&... args) {
return gen->template Call<DistrT, FormatT>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
} // namespace random_internal
} // namespace absl