Florian Klink 28b692fd50 feat(tvix/tvix-store): improve progress bars
Don't show an empty spinner for daemon commands.
Move the bar to the right, so the text is better aligned between spinner
progress and bar progress styles.

Generally, push progress bars a bit more down to the place where we can
track progress. This includes adding one in the upload_blob span.

Introduce another progress style template for transfers, which
interprets the counter as bytes (not just a plain integer), and also a data rate.
Use it for here and in the fetching code, and also make the progress bar
itself a bit less wide.

Change-Id: I15c2ea3d2b24b5186cec19cd3dbd706638497f40
Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
Autosubmit: flokli <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Hauser <>
2024-06-17 12:57:34 +00:00

340 lines
11 KiB

//! The main library function here is [ingest_entries], receiving a stream of
//! [IngestionEntry].
//! Specific implementations, such as ingesting from the filesystem, live in
//! child modules.
use crate::directoryservice::DirectoryPutter;
use crate::directoryservice::DirectoryService;
use crate::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use crate::proto::node::Node;
use crate::proto::Directory;
use crate::proto::DirectoryNode;
use crate::proto::FileNode;
use crate::proto::SymlinkNode;
use crate::B3Digest;
use futures::{Stream, StreamExt};
use tracing::Level;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use tracing::instrument;
mod error;
pub use error::IngestionError;
pub mod archive;
pub mod blobs;
pub mod fs;
/// Ingests [IngestionEntry] from the given stream into a the passed [DirectoryService].
/// On success, returns the root [Node].
/// The stream must have the following invariants:
/// - All children entries must come before their parents.
/// - The last entry must be the root node which must have a single path component.
/// - Every entry should have a unique path, and only consist of normal components.
/// This means, no windows path prefixes, absolute paths, `.` or `..`.
/// - All referenced directories must have an associated directory entry in the stream.
/// This means if there is a file entry for `foo/bar`, there must also be a `foo` directory
/// entry.
/// Internally we maintain a [HashMap] of [PathBuf] to partially populated [Directory] at that
/// path. Once we receive an [IngestionEntry] for the directory itself, we remove it from the
/// map and upload it to the [DirectoryService] through a lazily created [DirectoryPutter].
/// On success, returns the root node.
#[instrument(skip_all, ret(level = Level::TRACE), err)]
pub async fn ingest_entries<DS, S, E>(
directory_service: DS,
mut entries: S,
) -> Result<Node, IngestionError<E>>
DS: DirectoryService,
S: Stream<Item = Result<IngestionEntry, E>> + Send + std::marker::Unpin,
E: std::error::Error,
// For a given path, this holds the [Directory] structs as they are populated.
let mut directories: HashMap<PathBuf, Directory> = HashMap::default();
let mut maybe_directory_putter: Option<Box<dyn DirectoryPutter>> = None;
let root_node = loop {
let mut entry = entries
// The last entry of the stream must have 1 path component, after which
// we break the loop manually.
.expect("Tvix bug: unexpected end of stream")?;
let name = entry
// If this is the root node, it will have an empty name.
let node = match &mut entry {
IngestionEntry::Dir { .. } => {
// If the entry is a directory, we traversed all its children (and
// populated it in `directories`).
// If we don't have it in directories, it's a directory without
// children.
let directory = directories
// In that case, it contained no children
let directory_size = directory.size();
let directory_digest = directory.digest();
// Use the directory_putter to upload the directory.
// If we don't have one yet (as that's the first one to upload),
// initialize the putter.
.get_or_insert_with(|| directory_service.put_multiple_start())
.map_err(|e| {
IngestionError::UploadDirectoryError(entry.path().to_owned(), e)
Node::Directory(DirectoryNode {
digest: directory_digest.into(),
size: directory_size,
IngestionEntry::Symlink { ref target, .. } => Node::Symlink(SymlinkNode {
target: target.to_owned().into(),
IngestionEntry::Regular {
} => Node::File(FileNode {
digest: digest.to_owned().into(),
size: *size,
executable: *executable,
let parent = entry
.expect("Tvix bug: got entry with root node");
if parent == crate::Path::ROOT {
break node;
} else {
// record node in parent directory, creating a new [Directory] if not there yet.
entries.count().await == 0,
"Tvix bug: left over elements in the stream"
"Tvix bug: left over directories after processing ingestion stream"
// if there were directories uploaded, make sure we flush the putter, so
// they're all persisted to the backend.
if let Some(mut directory_putter) = maybe_directory_putter {
#[cfg_attr(not(debug_assertions), allow(unused))]
let root_directory_digest = directory_putter
.map_err(|e| IngestionError::FinalizeDirectoryUpload(e))?;
if let Node::Directory(directory_node) = &root_node {
.expect("invalid digest len")
} else {
unreachable!("Tvix bug: directory putter initialized but no root directory node");
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum IngestionEntry {
Regular {
path: PathBuf,
size: u64,
executable: bool,
digest: B3Digest,
Symlink {
path: PathBuf,
target: Vec<u8>,
Dir {
path: PathBuf,
impl IngestionEntry {
fn path(&self) -> &Path {
match self {
IngestionEntry::Regular { path, .. } => path,
IngestionEntry::Symlink { path, .. } => path,
IngestionEntry::Dir { path } => path,
fn is_dir(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, IngestionEntry::Dir { .. })
mod test {
use rstest::rstest;
use crate::proto::node::Node;
use crate::proto::{Directory, DirectoryNode, FileNode, SymlinkNode};
use crate::{directoryservice::MemoryDirectoryService, fixtures::DUMMY_DIGEST};
use super::ingest_entries;
use super::IngestionEntry;
#[case::single_file(vec![IngestionEntry::Regular {
path: "foo".parse().unwrap(),
size: 42,
executable: true,
digest: DUMMY_DIGEST.clone(),
Node::File(FileNode { name: "foo".into(), digest: DUMMY_DIGEST.clone().into(), size: 42, executable: true }
#[case::single_symlink(vec![IngestionEntry::Symlink {
path: "foo".parse().unwrap(),
target: b"blub".into(),
Node::Symlink(SymlinkNode { name: "foo".into(), target: "blub".into()})
#[case::single_dir(vec![IngestionEntry::Dir {
path: "foo".parse().unwrap(),
Node::Directory(DirectoryNode { name: "foo".into(), digest: Directory::default().digest().into(), size: Directory::default().size()})
IngestionEntry::Regular {
path: "foo/.keep".parse().unwrap(),
size: 0,
executable: false,
digest: EMPTY_BLOB_DIGEST.clone(),
IngestionEntry::Dir {
path: "foo".parse().unwrap(),
Node::Directory(DirectoryNode { name: "foo".into(), digest: DIRECTORY_WITH_KEEP.digest().into(), size: DIRECTORY_WITH_KEEP.size() })
/// This is intentionally a bit unsorted, though it still satisfies all
/// requirements we have on the order of elements in the stream.
IngestionEntry::Regular {
path: "blub/.keep".parse().unwrap(),
size: 0,
executable: false,
digest: EMPTY_BLOB_DIGEST.clone(),
IngestionEntry::Regular {
path: "blub/keep/.keep".parse().unwrap(),
size: 0,
executable: false,
digest: EMPTY_BLOB_DIGEST.clone(),
IngestionEntry::Dir {
path: "blub/keep".parse().unwrap(),
IngestionEntry::Symlink {
path: "blub/aa".parse().unwrap(),
target: b"/nix/store/somewhereelse".into(),
IngestionEntry::Dir {
path: "blub".parse().unwrap(),
Node::Directory(DirectoryNode { name: "blub".into(), digest: DIRECTORY_COMPLICATED.digest().into(), size:DIRECTORY_COMPLICATED.size() })
async fn test_ingestion(#[case] entries: Vec<IngestionEntry>, #[case] exp_root_node: Node) {
let directory_service = MemoryDirectoryService::default();
let root_node = ingest_entries(
futures::stream::iter(entries.into_iter().map(Ok::<_, std::io::Error>)),
.expect("must succeed");
assert_eq!(exp_root_node, root_node, "root node should match");
IngestionEntry::Regular {
path: "blub/.keep".parse().unwrap(),
size: 0,
executable: false,
digest: EMPTY_BLOB_DIGEST.clone(),
IngestionEntry::Dir {
path: "blub".parse().unwrap(),
IngestionEntry::Regular {
path: "blub/.keep".parse().unwrap(),
size: 0,
executable: false,
digest: EMPTY_BLOB_DIGEST.clone(),
IngestionEntry::Regular {
path: ".keep".parse().unwrap(),
size: 0,
executable: false,
digest: EMPTY_BLOB_DIGEST.clone(),
IngestionEntry::Dir {
path: "".parse().unwrap(),
async fn test_ingestion_fail(#[case] entries: Vec<IngestionEntry>) {
let directory_service = MemoryDirectoryService::default();
let _ = ingest_entries(
futures::stream::iter(entries.into_iter().map(Ok::<_, std::io::Error>)),