It adds a new operation, cmdAddToStoreNar, that does the same thing as the corresponding nix-daemon operation, i.e. call addToStore(). This replaces cmdImportPaths, which has the major issue that it sends the NAR first and the store path second, thus requiring us to store the incoming NAR either in memory or on disk until we decide what to do with it. For example, this reduces the memory usage of $ nix copy --to 'ssh://localhost?remote-store=/tmp/nix' /nix/store/95cwv4q54dc6giaqv6q6p4r02ia2km35-blender-2.79 from 267 MiB to 12 MiB. Probably fixes #1988.
316 lines
9.5 KiB
316 lines
9.5 KiB
#include "archive.hh"
#include "pool.hh"
#include "remote-store.hh"
#include "serve-protocol.hh"
#include "store-api.hh"
#include "worker-protocol.hh"
#include "ssh.hh"
#include "derivations.hh"
namespace nix {
static std::string uriScheme = "ssh://";
struct LegacySSHStore : public Store
const Setting<int> maxConnections{this, 1, "max-connections", "maximum number of concurrent SSH connections"};
const Setting<Path> sshKey{this, "", "ssh-key", "path to an SSH private key"};
const Setting<bool> compress{this, false, "compress", "whether to compress the connection"};
const Setting<Path> remoteProgram{this, "nix-store", "remote-program", "path to the nix-store executable on the remote system"};
const Setting<std::string> remoteStore{this, "", "remote-store", "URI of the store on the remote system"};
// Hack for getting remote build log output.
const Setting<int> logFD{this, -1, "log-fd", "file descriptor to which SSH's stderr is connected"};
struct Connection
std::unique_ptr<SSHMaster::Connection> sshConn;
FdSink to;
FdSource from;
int remoteVersion;
bool good = true;
std::string host;
ref<Pool<Connection>> connections;
SSHMaster master;
LegacySSHStore(const string & host, const Params & params)
: Store(params)
, host(host)
, connections(make_ref<Pool<Connection>>(
std::max(1, (int) maxConnections),
[this]() { return openConnection(); },
[](const ref<Connection> & r) { return r->good; }
, master(
// Use SSH master only if using more than 1 connection.
connections->capacity() > 1,
ref<Connection> openConnection()
auto conn = make_ref<Connection>();
conn->sshConn = master.startCommand(
fmt("command time %s --serve --write", remoteProgram)
+ (remoteStore.get() == "" ? "" : " --store " + shellEscape(remoteStore.get())));
conn->to = FdSink(conn->sshConn->in.get());
conn->from = FdSource(conn->sshConn->out.get());
try {
unsigned int magic = readInt(conn->from);
if (magic != SERVE_MAGIC_2)
throw Error("protocol mismatch with 'nix-store --serve' on '%s'", host);
conn->remoteVersion = readInt(conn->from);
if (GET_PROTOCOL_MAJOR(conn->remoteVersion) != 0x200)
throw Error("unsupported 'nix-store --serve' protocol version on '%s'", host);
} catch (EndOfFile & e) {
throw Error("cannot connect to '%1%'", host);
return conn;
string getUri() override
return uriScheme + host;
void queryPathInfoUncached(const Path & path,
Callback<std::shared_ptr<ValidPathInfo>> callback) override
try {
auto conn(connections->get());
debug("querying remote host '%s' for info on '%s'", host, path);
conn->to << cmdQueryPathInfos << PathSet{path};
auto info = std::make_shared<ValidPathInfo>();
conn->from >> info->path;
if (info->path.empty()) return callback(nullptr);
assert(path == info->path);
PathSet references;
conn->from >> info->deriver;
info->references = readStorePaths<PathSet>(*this, conn->from);
readLongLong(conn->from); // download size
info->narSize = readLongLong(conn->from);
if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn->remoteVersion) >= 4) {
auto s = readString(conn->from);
info->narHash = s.empty() ? Hash() : Hash(s);
conn->from >> info->ca;
info->sigs = readStrings<StringSet>(conn->from);
auto s = readString(conn->from);
assert(s == "");
} catch (...) { callback.rethrow(); }
void addToStore(const ValidPathInfo & info, Source & source,
RepairFlag repair, CheckSigsFlag checkSigs,
std::shared_ptr<FSAccessor> accessor) override
debug("adding path '%s' to remote host '%s'", info.path, host);
auto conn(connections->get());
if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn->remoteVersion) >= 4) {
<< cmdAddToStoreNar
<< info.path
<< info.deriver
<< info.narHash.to_string(Base16, false)
<< info.references
<< info.registrationTime
<< info.narSize
<< info.ultimate
<< info.sigs
try {
copyNAR(source, conn->to);
} catch (...) {
conn->good = false;
} else {
<< cmdImportPaths
<< 1;
try {
copyNAR(source, conn->to);
} catch (...) {
conn->good = false;
<< exportMagic
<< info.path
<< info.references
<< info.deriver
<< 0
<< 0;
if (readInt(conn->from) != 1)
throw Error("failed to add path '%s' to remote host '%s', info.path, host");
void narFromPath(const Path & path, Sink & sink) override
auto conn(connections->get());
conn->to << cmdDumpStorePath << path;
copyNAR(conn->from, sink);
PathSet queryAllValidPaths() override { unsupported(); }
void queryReferrers(const Path & path, PathSet & referrers) override
{ unsupported(); }
PathSet queryDerivationOutputs(const Path & path) override
{ unsupported(); }
StringSet queryDerivationOutputNames(const Path & path) override
{ unsupported(); }
Path queryPathFromHashPart(const string & hashPart) override
{ unsupported(); }
Path addToStore(const string & name, const Path & srcPath,
bool recursive, HashType hashAlgo,
PathFilter & filter, RepairFlag repair) override
{ unsupported(); }
Path addTextToStore(const string & name, const string & s,
const PathSet & references, RepairFlag repair) override
{ unsupported(); }
BuildResult buildDerivation(const Path & drvPath, const BasicDerivation & drv,
BuildMode buildMode) override
auto conn(connections->get());
<< cmdBuildDerivation
<< drvPath
<< drv
<< settings.maxSilentTime
<< settings.buildTimeout;
if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn->remoteVersion) >= 2)
<< settings.maxLogSize;
if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn->remoteVersion) >= 3)
<< settings.buildRepeat
<< settings.enforceDeterminism;
BuildResult status;
status.status = (BuildResult::Status) readInt(conn->from);
conn->from >> status.errorMsg;
if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn->remoteVersion) >= 3)
conn->from >> status.timesBuilt >> status.isNonDeterministic >> status.startTime >> status.stopTime;
return status;
void ensurePath(const Path & path) override
{ unsupported(); }
void addTempRoot(const Path & path) override
{ unsupported(); }
void addIndirectRoot(const Path & path) override
{ unsupported(); }
Roots findRoots() override
{ unsupported(); }
void collectGarbage(const GCOptions & options, GCResults & results) override
{ unsupported(); }
ref<FSAccessor> getFSAccessor() override
{ unsupported(); }
void addSignatures(const Path & storePath, const StringSet & sigs) override
{ unsupported(); }
void computeFSClosure(const PathSet & paths,
PathSet & out, bool flipDirection = false,
bool includeOutputs = false, bool includeDerivers = false) override
if (flipDirection || includeDerivers) {
Store::computeFSClosure(paths, out, flipDirection, includeOutputs, includeDerivers);
auto conn(connections->get());
<< cmdQueryClosure
<< includeOutputs
<< paths;
auto res = readStorePaths<PathSet>(*this, conn->from);
out.insert(res.begin(), res.end());
PathSet queryValidPaths(const PathSet & paths,
SubstituteFlag maybeSubstitute = NoSubstitute) override
auto conn(connections->get());
<< cmdQueryValidPaths
<< false // lock
<< maybeSubstitute
<< paths;
return readStorePaths<PathSet>(*this, conn->from);
void connect() override
auto conn(connections->get());
static RegisterStoreImplementation regStore([](
const std::string & uri, const Store::Params & params)
-> std::shared_ptr<Store>
if (std::string(uri, 0, uriScheme.size()) != uriScheme) return 0;
return std::make_shared<LegacySSHStore>(std::string(uri, uriScheme.size()), params);