`restrict` uses a predicate function to restrict a type, giving the restricting a descriptive name in the process. First, the wrapped type definition is checked (e.g. int) and then the value is checked with the predicate, so the predicate can already depend on the value being of the wrapped type. Change-Id: Ic3edde45a8f34c31bc164414580d0a1aa5a821d5 Reviewed-on: https://cl.tvl.fyi/c/depot/+/2312 Tested-by: BuildkiteCI Reviewed-by: Profpatsch <mail@profpatsch.de> Reviewed-by: tazjin <mail@tazj.in>
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322 lines
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# Copyright 2019 Google LLC
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Provides a "type-system" for Nix that provides various primitive &
# polymorphic types as well as the ability to define & check records.
# All types (should) compose as expected.
{ lib ? (import <nixpkgs> {}).lib, ... }:
with builtins; let
prettyPrint = lib.generators.toPretty {};
# typedef' :: struct {
# name = string;
# checkType = function; (a -> result)
# checkToBool = option function; (result -> bool)
# toError = option function; (a -> result -> string)
# def = option any;
# match = option function;
# } -> type
# -> (a -> b)
# -> (b -> bool)
# -> (a -> b -> string)
# -> type
# This function creates an attribute set that acts as a type.
# It receives a type name, a function that is used to perform a
# check on an arbitrary value, a function that can translate the
# return of that check to a boolean that informs whether the value
# is type-conformant, and a function that can construct error
# messages from the check result.
# This function is the low-level primitive used to create types. For
# many cases the higher-level 'typedef' function is more appropriate.
typedef' = { name, checkType
, checkToBool ? (result: result.ok)
, toError ? (_: result: result.err)
, def ? null
, match ? null }: {
inherit name checkToBool toError;
# check :: a -> bool
# This function is used to determine whether a given type is
# conformant.
check = value: checkToBool (checkType value);
# checkType :: a -> struct { ok = bool; err = option string; }
# This function checks whether the passed value is type conformant
# and returns an optional type error string otherwise.
inherit checkType;
# __functor :: a -> a
# This function checks whether the passed value is type conformant
# and throws an error if it is not.
# The name of this function is a special attribute in Nix that
# makes it possible to execute a type attribute set like a normal
# function.
__functor = self: value:
let result = self.checkType value;
in if checkToBool result then value
else throw (toError value result);
typeError = type: val:
"expected type '${type}', but value '${prettyPrint val}' is of type '${typeOf val}'";
# typedef :: string -> (a -> bool) -> type
# typedef is the simplified version of typedef' which uses a default
# error message constructor.
typedef = name: check: typedef' {
inherit name;
checkType = check;
checkToBool = r: r;
toError = value: _result: typeError name value;
checkEach = name: t: l: foldl' (acc: e:
let res = t.checkType e;
isT = t.checkToBool res;
in {
ok = acc.ok && isT;
err = if isT
then acc.err
else acc.err + "${prettyPrint e}: ${t.toError e res}\n";
}) { ok = true; err = "expected type ${name}, but found:\n"; } l;
in lib.fix (self: {
# Primitive types
any = typedef "any" (_: true);
unit = typedef "unit" (v: v == {});
int = typedef "int" isInt;
bool = typedef "bool" isBool;
float = typedef "float" isFloat;
string = typedef "string" isString;
path = typedef "path" (x: typeOf x == "path");
drv = typedef "derivation" (x: isAttrs x && x ? "type" && x.type == "derivation");
function = typedef "function" (x: isFunction x || (isAttrs x && x ? "__functor"
&& isFunction x.__functor));
# Type for types themselves. Useful when defining polymorphic types.
type = typedef "type" (x:
isAttrs x
&& hasAttr "name" x && self.string.check x.name
&& hasAttr "checkType" x && self.function.check x.checkType
&& hasAttr "checkToBool" x && self.function.check x.checkToBool
&& hasAttr "toError" x && self.function.check x.toError
# Polymorphic types
option = t: typedef' rec {
name = "option<${t.name}>";
checkType = v:
let res = t.checkType v;
in {
ok = isNull v || (self.type t).checkToBool res;
err = "expected type ${name}, but value does not conform to '${t.name}': "
+ t.toError v res;
eitherN = tn: typedef "either<${concatStringsSep ", " (map (x: x.name) tn)}>"
(x: any (t: (self.type t).check x) tn);
either = t1: t2: self.eitherN [ t1 t2 ];
list = t: typedef' rec {
name = "list<${t.name}>";
checkType = v: if isList v
then checkEach name (self.type t) v
else {
ok = false;
err = typeError name v;
attrs = t: typedef' rec {
name = "attrs<${t.name}>";
checkType = v: if isAttrs v
then checkEach name (self.type t) (attrValues v)
else {
ok = false;
err = typeError name v;
# Structs / record types
# Checks that all fields match their declared types, no optional
# fields are missing and no unexpected fields occur in the struct.
# Anonymous structs are supported (e.g. for nesting) by omitting the
# name.
# TODO: Support open records?
struct =
# Struct checking is more involved than the simpler types above.
# To make the actual type definition more readable, several
# helpers are defined below.
# checkField checks an individual field of the struct against
# its definition and creates a typecheck result. These results
# are aggregated during the actual checking.
checkField = def: name: value: let result = def.checkType value; in rec {
ok = def.checkToBool result;
err = if !ok && isNull value
then "missing required ${def.name} field '${name}'\n"
else "field '${name}': ${def.toError value result}\n";
# checkExtraneous determines whether a (closed) struct contains
# any fields that are not part of the definition.
checkExtraneous = def: has: acc:
if (length has) == 0 then acc
else if (hasAttr (head has) def)
then checkExtraneous def (tail has) acc
else checkExtraneous def (tail has) {
ok = false;
err = acc.err + "unexpected struct field '${head has}'\n";
# checkStruct combines all structure checks and creates one
# typecheck result from them
checkStruct = def: value:
init = { ok = true; err = ""; };
extraneous = checkExtraneous def (attrNames value) init;
checkedFields = map (n:
let v = if hasAttr n value then value."${n}" else null;
in checkField def."${n}" n v) (attrNames def);
combined = foldl' (acc: res: {
ok = acc.ok && res.ok;
err = if !res.ok then acc.err + res.err else acc.err;
}) init checkedFields;
in {
ok = combined.ok && extraneous.ok;
err = combined.err + extraneous.err;
struct' = name: def: typedef' {
inherit name def;
checkType = value: if isAttrs value
then (checkStruct (self.attrs self.type def) value)
else { ok = false; err = typeError name value; };
toError = _: result: "expected '${name}'-struct, but found:\n" + result.err;
in arg: if isString arg then (struct' arg) else (struct' "anon" arg);
# Enums & pattern matching
enum =
plain = name: def: typedef' {
inherit name def;
checkType = (x: isString x && elem x def);
checkToBool = x: x;
toError = value: _: "'${prettyPrint value} is not a member of enum ${name}";
enum' = name: def: lib.fix (e: (plain name def) // {
match = x: actions: deepSeq (map e (attrNames actions)) (
actionKeys = attrNames actions;
missing = foldl' (m: k: if (elem k actionKeys) then m else m ++ [ k ]) [] def;
in if (length missing) > 0
then throw "Missing match action for members: ${prettyPrint missing}"
else actions."${e x}");
in arg: if isString arg then (enum' arg) else (enum' "anon" arg);
# Sum types
# The representation of a sum type is an attribute set with only one
# value, where the key of the value denotes the variant of the type.
sum =
plain = name: def: typedef' {
inherit name def;
checkType = (x:
let variant = elemAt (attrNames x) 0;
in if isAttrs x && length (attrNames x) == 1 && hasAttr variant def
then let t = def."${variant}";
v = x."${variant}";
res = t.checkType v;
in if t.checkToBool res
then { ok = true; }
else {
ok = false;
err = "while checking '${name}' variant '${variant}': "
+ t.toError v res;
else { ok = false; err = typeError name x; }
sum' = name: def: lib.fix (s: (plain name def) // {
match = x: actions:
let variant = deepSeq (s x) (elemAt (attrNames x) 0);
actionKeys = attrNames actions;
defKeys = attrNames def;
missing = foldl' (m: k: if (elem k actionKeys) then m else m ++ [ k ]) [] defKeys;
in if (length missing) > 0
then throw "Missing match action for variants: ${prettyPrint missing}"
else actions."${variant}" x."${variant}";
in arg: if isString arg then (sum' arg) else (sum' "anon" arg);
# Typed function definitions
# These definitions wrap the supplied function in type-checking
# forms that are evaluated when the function is called.
# Note that typed functions themselves are not types and can not be
# used to check values for conformity.
defun =
mkFunc = sig: f: {
inherit sig;
__toString = self: foldl' (s: t: "${s} -> ${t.name}")
"λ :: ${(head self.sig).name}" (tail self.sig);
__functor = _: f;
defun' = sig: func: if length sig > 2
then mkFunc sig (x: defun' (tail sig) (func ((head sig) x)))
else mkFunc sig (x: ((head (tail sig)) (func ((head sig) x))));
in sig: func: if length sig < 2
then (throw "Signature must at least have two types (a -> b)")
else defun' sig func;
# Restricting types
# `restrict` wraps a type `t`, and uses a predicate `pred` to further
# restrict the values, giving the restriction a descriptive `name`.
# First, the wrapped type definition is checked (e.g. int) and then the
# value is checked with the predicate, so the predicate can already
# depend on the value being of the wrapped type.
restrict = name: pred: t:
let restriction = "${t.name}[${name}]"; in typedef' {
name = restriction;
checkType = v:
let res = t.checkType v;
if !(t.checkToBool res)
then res
else {
ok = pred v;
err = "${prettyPrint v} does not conform to restriction '${restriction}'";