Vincent Ambo 249f17b60a feat(oidc): Implement initial OIDC actor
Implements an actor that can perform OAuth2 logins (not really
OIDC-compliant yet because Rust doesn't have an easy to use JWT
library that supports JWKS, and I don't have time for that right now).

Currently this hardcodes some Office365-specific stuff.
2018-04-08 22:36:34 +02:00

135 lines
3.8 KiB

//! This module provides authentication via OIDC compliant
//! authentication sources.
//! Currently Converse only supports a single OIDC provider. Note that
//! this has so far only been tested with Office365.
use actix::prelude::*;
use reqwest;
use url::Url;
use url_serde;
use errors::*;
use reqwest::header::Authorization;
use hyper::header::Bearer;
/// This structure represents the contents of an OIDC discovery
/// document.
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct OidcConfig {
#[serde(with = "url_serde")]
authorization_endpoint: Url,
token_endpoint: String,
userinfo_endpoint: String,
scopes_supported: Vec<String>,
issuer: String,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct OidcExecutor {
pub client_id: String,
pub client_secret: String,
pub redirect_uri: String,
pub oidc_config: OidcConfig,
/// This struct represents the form response returned by an OIDC
/// provider with the `code`.
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
pub struct CodeResponse {
pub code: String,
/// This struct represents the data extracted from the ID token and
/// stored in the user's session.
pub struct Author {
pub name: String,
pub email: String,
impl Actor for OidcExecutor {
type Context = Context<Self>;
/// Message used to request the login URL:
pub struct GetLoginUrl; // TODO: Add a nonce parameter stored in session.
impl Message for GetLoginUrl {
type Result = String;
impl Handler<GetLoginUrl> for OidcExecutor {
type Result = String;
fn handle(&mut self, _: GetLoginUrl, _: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result {
let mut url: Url = self.oidc_config.authorization_endpoint.clone();
let mut params = url.query_pairs_mut();
params.append_pair("client_id", &self.client_id);
params.append_pair("response_type", "code");
params.append_pair("scope", "openid");
params.append_pair("redirect_uri", &self.redirect_uri);
params.append_pair("response_mode", "form_post");
return url.into_string();
/// Message used to request the token from the returned code and
/// retrieve userinfo from the appropriate endpoint.
pub struct RetrieveToken(pub CodeResponse);
impl Message for RetrieveToken {
type Result = Result<Author>;
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct TokenResponse {
access_token: String,
// TODO: This is currently hardcoded to Office365 fields.
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct Userinfo {
name: String,
unique_name: String, // email in office365
impl Handler<RetrieveToken> for OidcExecutor {
type Result = Result<Author>;
fn handle(&mut self, msg: RetrieveToken, _: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result {
debug!("Received OAuth2 code, requesting access_token");
let client = reqwest::Client::new();
let params: [(&str, &str); 5] = [
("client_id", &self.client_id),
("client_secret", &self.client_secret),
("grant_type", "authorization_code"),
("code", &msg.0.code),
("redirect_uri", &self.redirect_uri),
let response: TokenResponse =
let user: Userinfo = client.get(&self.oidc_config.userinfo_endpoint)
.header(Authorization(Bearer { token: response.access_token }))
Ok(Author {
email: user.unique_name,
/// Convenience function to attempt loading an OIDC discovery document
/// from a specified URL:
pub fn load_oidc(url: &str) -> Result<OidcConfig> {
let config: OidcConfig = reqwest::get(url)?.json()?;