Aspen Smith 82ecd61f5c chore(users): grfn -> aspen
Change-Id: I6c6847fac56f0a9a1a2209792e00a3aec5e672b9
Autosubmit: aspen <>
Reviewed-by: sterni <>
Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
Reviewed-by: lukegb <>
2024-02-14 19:37:41 +00:00

109 lines
4.2 KiB

module Xanthous.DataSpec (main, test) where
import Test.Prelude hiding (Right, Left, Down, toList, all)
import Data.Group
import Data.Foldable (toList, all)
import Xanthous.Data
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain test
test :: TestTree
test = testGroup "Xanthous.Data"
[ testGroup "Position"
[ testBatch $ monoid @Position mempty
, testProperty "group laws" $ \(pos :: Position) ->
pos <> invert pos == mempty && invert pos <> pos == mempty
, testGroup "stepTowards laws"
[ testProperty "takes only one step" $ \src tgt ->
src /= tgt ==>
isUnit (src `diffPositions` (src `stepTowards` tgt))
-- , testProperty "moves in the right direction" $ \src tgt ->
-- stepTowards src tgt == move (directionOf src tgt) src
, testProperty "directionOf laws" $ \pos dir ->
directionOf pos (move dir pos) == dir
, testProperty "diffPositions is add inverse" $ \(pos :: Position) pos ->
diffPositions pos pos == addPositions pos (invert pos)
, testGroup "isUnit"
[ testProperty "double direction is never unit" $ \dir ->
not . isUnit $ move dir (asPosition dir)
, testCase "examples" $ do
isUnit (Position @Int 1 1) @? "not . isUnit $ Position 1 1"
isUnit (Position @Int 0 (-1)) @? "not . isUnit $ Position 0 (-1)"
(not . isUnit) (Position @Int 1 13) @? "isUnit $ Position 1 13"
, testGroup "Direction"
[ testProperty "opposite is involutive" $ \(dir :: Direction) ->
opposite (opposite dir) == dir
, testProperty "opposite provides inverse" $ \dir ->
invert (asPosition dir) === asPosition (opposite dir)
, testProperty "asPosition isUnit" $ \dir ->
dir /= Here ==> isUnit (asPosition dir)
, testGroup "Move"
[ testCase "Up" $ move Up mempty @?= Position @Int 0 (-1)
, testCase "Down" $ move Down mempty @?= Position @Int 0 1
, testCase "Left" $ move Left mempty @?= Position @Int (-1) 0
, testCase "Right" $ move Right mempty @?= Position @Int 1 0
, testCase "UpLeft" $ move UpLeft mempty @?= Position @Int (-1) (-1)
, testCase "UpRight" $ move UpRight mempty @?= Position @Int 1 (-1)
, testCase "DownLeft" $ move DownLeft mempty @?= Position @Int (-1) 1
, testCase "DownRight" $ move DownRight mempty @?= Position @Int 1 1
, testGroup "Corner"
[ testGroup "instance Opposite"
[ testProperty "involutive" $ \(corner :: Corner) ->
opposite (opposite corner) === corner
, testGroup "Edge"
[ testGroup "instance Opposite"
[ testProperty "involutive" $ \(edge :: Edge) ->
opposite (opposite edge) === edge
, testGroup "Box"
[ testGroup "boxIntersects"
[ testProperty "True" $ \dims ->
boxIntersects (Box @Word (V2 1 1) (V2 2 2))
(Box (V2 2 2) dims)
, testProperty "False" $ \dims ->
not $ boxIntersects (Box @Word (V2 1 1) (V2 2 2))
(Box (V2 4 2) dims)
, testGroup "Neighbors"
[ testGroup "rotations"
[ testProperty "always has the same members"
$ \(neighs :: Neighbors Int) ->
all (\ns -> sort (toList ns) == sort (toList neighs))
$ rotations neighs
, testProperty "all rotations have the same rotations"
$ \(neighs :: Neighbors Int) ->
let rots = rotations neighs
in all (\ns -> sort (toList $ rotations ns) == sort (toList rots))
, testGroup "units"
[ testGroup "unit suffixes"
[ testCase "density"
$ tshow (10000 :: Grams `Per` Cubic Meters) @?= "10000.0 g/m³"
, testCase "volume"
$ tshow (5 :: Cubic Meters) @?= "5.0 m³"
, testCase "area"
$ tshow (5 :: Square Meters) @?= "5.0 m²"