William Carroll fc0c795c4e Debug failed Emacs initialization
My newly minted macro for defining monitors introduced two bugs:
1. Laptop defined its position in terms of 4k-horizontal and 4k-horizontal
   defined its position in terms of laptop, I introduced a circular dependency.
2. The identifier, `laptop-monitor`, which `window-manager.el` depends on, is
   now defined as `laptop`.

A friendly reminder to myself to always test new Emacs builds to make sure that
everything can initialize properly. This is something that my CI should be
automating, but ever since I moved flats, I lost my CI and need to restore it.

This is another reminder to drop into a TTY when Emacs fails to initialize, run
`nix-env --rollback`, then attempt to restart X. But this time, debugging this
entirely from a TTY wasn't so disappointing.
2020-09-29 10:10:24 +01:00

107 lines
3.7 KiB

;;; display.el --- Working with single or multiple displays -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Author: William Carroll <>
;; Version: 0.0.1
;; URL:
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
;;; Commentary:
;; Mostly wrappers around xrandr.
;; Troubleshooting:
;; The following commands help me when I (infrequently) interact with xrandr.
;; - xrandr --listmonitors
;; - xrandr --query
;;; Code:
;; Dependencies
(require 'prelude)
;; Library
(cl-defmacro display-register (name &key
"Macro to define a constant and two functions for {en,dis}abling a display.
NAME - the human-readable identifier for the display
OUTPUT - the xrandr identifier for the display
PRIMARY - if true, send --primary flag to xrandr
POSITION - one of {left-of,right-of,above,below,same-as}
SIZE - the pixel resolution of the display
RATE - the refresh rate
DPI - the pixel density in dots per square inch
rotate - one of {normal,left,right,inverted}
See the man-page for xrandr for more details."
(defconst ,(intern (format "display-%s" name)) ,output
,(format "The xrandr identifier for %s" name))
(defun ,(intern (format "display-enable-%s" name)) ()
,(format "Attempt to enable my %s monitor" name)
:name ,(format "display-enable-%s" name)
:command ,(format
"xrandr --output %s --%s %s --auto --size %dx%d --rate %0.2f --dpi %d --rotate %s"
(if primary "primary" "noprimary")
(if position
(format "--%s %s"
(car position)
(eval (cadr position)))
(car size) (cadr size)
(defun ,(intern (format "display-disable-%s" name)) ()
,(format "Attempt to disable my %s monitor." name)
:name ,(format "display-disable-%s" name)
:command ,(format
"xrandr --output %s --off"
;; I'm omitting the position argument to avoid a circular dependency between
;; laptop and 4k-horizontal.
(display-register laptop
:output "eDP1"
:primary nil
:size (3840 2160)
:rate 30.0
:dpi 144
:rotate normal)
(display-register 4k-horizontal
:output "HDMI1"
:primary t
:position (above display-laptop)
:size (3840 2160)
:rate 30.0
:dpi 144
:rotate normal)
(display-register 4k-vertical
:output "DP2"
:primary nil
:position (right-of display-4k-horizontal)
:size (3840 2160)
:rate 30.0
:dpi 144
:rotate right)
(provide 'display)
;;; display.el ends here