Add a new package to panettone, :panettone.email with functions to send email notifications to users through the SMTP relay on whitby, respecting the value of `enable_email_notifications` on the user_settings table. Change-Id: Ia4ec65965abda06f1fadb178143d66bb8eae6482 Reviewed-on: https://cl.tvl.fyi/c/depot/+/2804 Tested-by: BuildkiteCI Reviewed-by: sterni <sternenseemann@systemli.org> Reviewed-by: tazjin <mail@tazj.in>
48 lines
1.7 KiB
Common Lisp
48 lines
1.7 KiB
Common Lisp
(in-package :panettone.email)
(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
(defvar *smtp-server* "localhost"
"The host for SMTP connections")
(defvar *smtp-server-port* 2525
"The port for SMTP connections")
(defvar *notification-from* "tvlbot@tazj.in"
"The email address to send email notifications from")
(defvar *notification-from-display-name* "Panettone"
"The Display Name to use when sending email notifications")
(defvar *notification-subject-prefix* "[panettone]"
"String to prefix all email subjects with")
(defun send-email-notification (&key to subject message)
"Sends an email to TO with the given SUBJECT and MESSAGE, using the current
values of `*smtp-server*', `*smtp-server-port*' and `*email-notification-from*'"
(let ((subject (if *notification-subject-prefix*
(format nil "~A ~A"
:port *smtp-server-port*
:display-name *notification-from-display-name*)))
(defun user-has-email-notifications-enabled-p (dn)
"Returns T if the user with the given DN has enabled email notifications"
(enable-email-notifications-p (settings-for-user dn)))
(defun notify-user (dn &key subject message)
"Sends an email notification to the user with DN with the given SUBJECT and
MESSAGE, iff that user has not disabled email notifications"
(when (user-has-email-notifications-enabled-p dn)
(when-let ((user (find-user-by-dn dn)))
:to (mail user)
:subject subject
:message message))))