This is the clang-tidy lint 'google-explicit-constructor'. There's a whole bunch of breakage that was introduced by this, and we had to opt out a few types of this (esp. the string formatting crap). In some cases minor other changes have been done to keep the code working, instead of converting between types (e.g. an explicit comparison operator implementation for nix::Pid). Change-Id: I12e1ca51a6bc2c882dba81a2526b9729d26988e7 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: BuildkiteCI Reviewed-by: kanepyork <> Reviewed-by: glittershark <>
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147 lines
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#pragma once
#include <absl/status/statusor.h>
#include "libproto/worker.grpc.pb.h"
#include "libutil/serialise.hh"
#include "libutil/types.hh"
namespace nix {
// Size of the hashes rendered in store paths, in bytes
constexpr unsigned int kStorePathHashSize = 20;
MakeError(BadHash, Error);
// TODO(grfn): Replace this with the hash type enum from the daemon proto so we
// don't have to juggle two different types
enum HashType : char { htUnknown, htMD5, htSHA1, htSHA256, htSHA512 };
std::optional<HashType> hash_type_from(nix::proto::HashType hash_type);
nix::proto::HashType HashTypeToProto(HashType hash_type);
const int md5HashSize = 16;
const int sha1HashSize = 20;
const int sha256HashSize = 32;
const int sha512HashSize = 64;
// omitted: E O U T
constexpr char base32Chars[] = "0123456789abcdfghijklmnpqrsvwxyz";
enum Base : int { Base64, Base32, Base16, SRI };
struct Hash {
static const unsigned int maxHashSize = 64;
unsigned int hashSize = 0;
unsigned char hash[maxHashSize] = {};
HashType type = htUnknown;
/* Create an unset hash object. */
/* Create a zero-filled hash object. */
explicit Hash(HashType type) : type(type) { init(); };
/* Initialize the hash from a string representation, in the format
"[<type>:]<base16|base32|base64>" or "<type>-<base64>" (a
Subresource Integrity hash expression). If the 'type' argument
is htUnknown, then the hash type must be specified in the
string. */
explicit Hash(std::string_view s, HashType type = htUnknown);
/* Status-returning version of above constructor */
static absl::StatusOr<Hash> deserialize(std::string_view s,
HashType type = htUnknown);
// Legacy unwrapper for StatusOr. Throws BadHash.
static Hash unwrap_throw(absl::StatusOr<Hash> hash) noexcept(false);
void init();
/* Check whether a hash is set. */
explicit operator bool() const { return type != htUnknown; }
/* Check whether two hash are equal. */
bool operator==(const Hash& h2) const;
/* Check whether two hash are not equal. */
bool operator!=(const Hash& h2) const;
/* For sorting. */
bool operator<(const Hash& h) const;
/* Returns the length of a base-16 representation of this hash. */
size_t base16Len() const { return hashSize * 2; }
/* Returns the length of a base-32 representation of this hash. */
size_t base32Len() const { return (hashSize * 8 - 1) / 5 + 1; }
/* Returns the length of a base-64 representation of this hash. */
size_t base64Len() const { return ((4 * hashSize / 3) + 3) & ~3; }
/* Return a string representation of the hash, in base-16, base-32
or base-64. By default, this is prefixed by the hash type
(e.g. "sha256:"). */
std::string to_string(Base base = Base32, bool includeType = true) const;
/* Returns whether the passed string contains entirely valid base16
characters. */
static bool IsValidBase16(absl::string_view s);
/* Returns whether the passed string contains entirely valid base32
characters. */
static bool IsValidBase32(absl::string_view s);
// Convert this Hash to the format expected in store paths
[[nodiscard]] std::string ToStorePathHash() const;
/* Print a hash in base-16 if it's MD5, or base-32 otherwise. */
std::string printHash16or32(const Hash& hash);
/* Compute the hash of the given string. */
Hash hashString(HashType ht, const std::string& s);
/* Compute the hash of the given file. */
Hash hashFile(HashType ht, const Path& path);
/* A pair of the Hash, and the number of bytes consumed. */
typedef std::pair<Hash, unsigned long long> HashResult;
/* Compute the hash of the given path. The hash is defined as
(essentially) hashString(ht, dumpPath(path)). */
HashResult hashPath(HashType ht, const Path& path,
PathFilter& filter = defaultPathFilter);
/* Compress a hash to the specified number of bytes by cyclically
XORing bytes together. */
Hash compressHash(const Hash& hash, unsigned int newSize);
/* Parse a string representing a hash type. */
HashType parseHashType(const std::string& s);
/* And the reverse. */
std::string printHashType(HashType ht);
namespace hash {
union Ctx;
class HashSink : public BufferedSink {
HashType ht;
std::unique_ptr<hash::Ctx> ctx;
unsigned long long bytes;
explicit HashSink(HashType ht);
HashSink(const HashSink& h);
void write(const unsigned char* data, size_t len);
HashResult finish();
HashResult currentHash();
} // namespace nix