nixpkgs changed something in how it deals with configuration of the package set itself when that is externally instantiated (like in depot) It seems like we can work around this mostly by just ... deleting some code, as all instances of this were for allowing unfree code, which we've already set on the top-level anyways. * //users/sterni: fix nixpkgs config assertion to point at pkgs.config * //users/wpcarro: disable locate service, which is broken in nixpkgs Change-Id: Iacf6f1c8fd5b5289e7265e155d74f8269a858ceb Reviewed-on: https://cl.tvl.fyi/c/depot/+/9541 Reviewed-by: sterni <sternenseemann@systemli.org> Reviewed-by: wpcarro <wpcarro@gmail.com> Reviewed-by: grfn <grfn@gws.fyi> Tested-by: BuildkiteCI Autosubmit: tazjin <tazjin@tvl.su> Reviewed-by: tazjin <tazjin@tvl.su>
497 lines
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497 lines
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# Declarative, but low Nix module for a modded minecraft server using the
# fabric mod loader. That is to say, the build of the final server JAR
# is not encapsulated in a derivation.
# The module has the following interesting properties:
# * The fabric installer is executed on each server startup to assemble the
# patched server.jar. This is unfortunately necessary, as it seems to be
# difficult to do so in a derivation (fabric-installer accesses the network,
# the build doesn't seem to be reproducible). At least this avoids the
# question of the patched jar's redistributability.
# * RCON is used for starting and stopping which should prevent data loss,
# since we can issue a manual save command.
# * The entire runtime directory of the server is assembled from scratch on
# each start, so only blessed state (like the world) and declarative
# configuration (whitelist.json, server.properties, ...) survive.
# * It supports more than one server running on the same machine.
# Missing features:
# * Support for bans
# * Support for mutable whitelist, ops, …
# * Op levels
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 sterni <sternenseemann@systemli.org>
{ lib, pkgs, config, depot, ... }:
# Dependencies
inherit (depot.nix.utils) storePathName;
inherit (depot.nix) getBins;
bins = getBins pkgs.mcrcon [ "mcrcon" ]
// getBins pkgs.jre [ "java" ]
// getBins pkgs.diffutils [ "diff" ]
// getBins pkgs.moreutils [ "sponge" ]
// getBins pkgs.extrace [ "pwait" ]
// getBins pkgs.util-linux [ "flock" ];
# Needed JARs
fetchJar = { pname, version, url, sha256, passthru ? { } }:
pkgs.fetchurl {
name = "${pname}-${version}.jar";
inherit url sha256;
passthru = passthru // { inherit version; };
fabricInstallerJar =
fetchJar rec {
pname = "fabric-installer";
version = "0.11.2";
url = "https://maven.fabricmc.net/net/fabricmc/fabric-installer/${version}/fabric-installer-${version}.jar";
sha256 = "09sw013b385cw1w4n4f89bgsy1n9q90fagmy4xr5laxi3gpmpbf6";
# log4j workaround for Minecraft Server >= 1.12 && < 1.17
log4jFix_112_116 = pkgs.fetchurl {
url = "https://launcher.mojang.com/v1/objects/02937d122c86ce73319ef9975b58896fc1b491d1/log4j2_112-116.xml";
sha256 = "1paha357xbaffl38ckzgdh4l5iib2ydqbv7jsg67nj31nlalclr9";
serverJars = {
# Manually updated list of known minecraft `server.jar`s for now.
# Making this comprehensive isn't that interesting for now, since the module
# is annoying to use outside of depot anyways as it uses //nix.
"1.16.5" = fetchJar {
pname = "server";
version = "1.16.5";
url = "https://launcher.mojang.com/v1/objects/1b557e7b033b583cd9f66746b7a9ab1ec1673ced/server.jar";
sha256 = "19ix6x5ij4jcwqam1dscnqwm0m251gysc2j793wjcrb9sb3jkwsq";
passthru = {
baseJvmOpts = [
"1.17" = fetchJar {
pname = "server";
version = "1.17";
url = "https://launcher.mojang.com/v1/objects/0a269b5f2c5b93b1712d0f5dc43b6182b9ab254e/server.jar";
sha256 = "0jqz7hpx7zvjj2n5rfrh8jmdj6ziqyp8c9nq4sr4jmkbky6hsfbv";
passthru.baseJvmOpts = [
"1.17.1" = fetchJar {
pname = "server";
version = "1.17.1";
url = "https://launcher.mojang.com/v1/objects/a16d67e5807f57fc4e550299cf20226194497dc2/server.jar";
sha256 = "0pzmzagvrrapjsnd8xg4lqwynwnb5rcqk2n9h2kzba8p2fs13hp8";
passthru.baseJvmOpts = [
"1.18" = fetchJar {
pname = "server";
version = "1.18";
url = "https://launcher.mojang.com/v1/objects/3cf24a8694aca6267883b17d934efacc5e44440d/server.jar";
sha256 = "0vvycjcfq96z7cl5dsrq98k9b7j7l4x0y9nflrcqmcvink7fs5w4";
passthru.baseJvmOpts = [
"1.18.1" = fetchJar {
pname = "server";
version = "1.18.1";
url = "https://launcher.mojang.com/v1/objects/125e5adf40c659fd3bce3e66e67a16bb49ecc1b9/server.jar";
sha256 = "1pyvym6xzjb1siizzj4ma7lpb05qhgxnzps8lmlbk00lv0515kgb";
"1.18.2" = fetchJar {
pname = "server";
version = "1.18.2";
url = "https://launcher.mojang.com/v1/objects/c8f83c5655308435b3dcf03c06d9fe8740a77469/server.jar";
sha256 = "0hx330bnadixph44sip0h5h986m11qxbdba6lbgwz4da6lg9vgjp";
"1.19" = fetchJar {
pname = "server";
version = "1.19";
url = "https://launcher.mojang.com/v1/objects/e00c4052dac1d59a1188b2aa9d5a87113aaf1122/server.jar";
sha256 = "1cnjrqr2vn8gppd1y1lcdrc46fd7m1b3zl28zpbw72fgy1bd1vyy";
"1.19.1" = fetchJar {
pname = "server";
version = "1.19.1";
url = "https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/8399e1211e95faa421c1507b322dbeae86d604df/server.jar";
sha256 = "0jnlb5z8a7qi6p6bbwnmdl77b8kq83ryfdp58dhx8kg2hf6lbfx8";
"1.19.2" = fetchJar {
pname = "server";
version = "1.19.2";
url = "https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/f69c284232d7c7580bd89a5a4931c3581eae1378/server.jar";
sha256 = "15jdxh5zvsgvvk9hnv47swgjfg8fr653g6nx99q1rxpmkq32frxj";
"1.19.3" = fetchJar {
pname = "server";
version = "1.19.3";
url = "https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/c9df48efed58511cdd0213c56b9013a7b5c9ac1f/server.jar";
sha256 = "06qykz3nq7qmfw4phs3wvq3nk28clg8s3qrs37856aai8b8kmgaf";
# Starting with 1.19.4 we could use --pidFile for systemd's PIDFile=, but as
# the service doesn't fork, there seems to be no point.
"1.19.4" = fetchJar {
pname = "server";
version = "1.19.4";
url = "https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/8f3112a1049751cc472ec13e397eade5336ca7ae/server.jar";
sha256 = "0lrzpqd6zjvqh9g2byicgh66n43z0hwzp863r22ifx2hll6s2955";
# mods directory for fabric
makeModFolder = name: mods:
pkgs.runCommand "${name}-fabric-mod-folder" { } (
mkdir -p "$out"
'' + lib.concatMapStrings
(mod: ''
test -f "${mod}" || {
printf 'Not a regular file: %s\n' "${mod}" >&2
exit 1
ln -s "${mod}" "$out/${storePathName mod}"
# Create a server.properties file
propertyValue = v:
if builtins.isBool v
then lib.boolToString v
else toString v;
serverPropertiesFile = name: instanceCfg:
serverProperties' =
builtins.removeAttrs instanceCfg.serverProperties [
] // {
enable-rcon = true;
pkgs.writeText "${name}-server.properties" (''
# created by minecraft-fabric.nix
'' + lib.concatStrings (lib.mapAttrsToList
(key: value: ''
${key}=${propertyValue value}
# Create JSON “state” files
writeJson = name: data: pkgs.writeText "${name}.json" (builtins.toJSON data);
toWhitelist = name: uuid: { inherit name uuid; };
whitelistFile = name: instanceCfg:
writeJson "${name}-whitelist" (
lib.mapAttrsToList toWhitelist instanceCfg.whitelist
opsFile = name: instanceCfg:
writeJson "${name}-ops" (
(name: value:
toWhitelist name value // {
level = 4;
bypassesPlayerLimit = true;
# Service start and stop scripts
stopScript = name: instanceCfg:
pkgs.writeShellScript "minecraft-fabric-${name}-stop" ''
set -eu
# Before shutting down, display the diff between prescribed and used
# server.properties file for debugging purposes; filter out credential
sort "$actualProperties" | ${bins.sponge} "$actualProperties"
( ${bins.diff} -u "${serverPropertiesFile name instanceCfg}" \
"$actualProperties" \
|| true ) | grep -v rcon.password
export MCRCON_HOST=localhost
export MCRCON_PORT=${lib.escapeShellArg instanceCfg.serverProperties."rcon.port"}
# Unfortunately, mcrcon can't read the password from a file
export MCRCON_PASS="$(cat "''${CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY}/rcon-password")"
# Send stop request
"${bins.mcrcon}" 'say Server is stopping' save-all stop
# Wait for service to come down (systemd SIGTERMs right after ExecStop)
"${bins.flock}" "''${RUNTIME_DIRECTORY}" true
startScript = name: instanceCfg:
serverJar = serverJars.${instanceCfg.version} or
(throw "Don't have server.jar for Minecraft Server ${instanceCfg.version}");
pkgs.writeShellScript "minecraft-fabric-${name}-start" ''
set -eu
copyFromStore() {
install -m600 "$1" "$2"
# Check if world is available
if test ! -d "${instanceCfg.world}"; then
echo "Could not find world, generating new one" >&2
mkdir -p "${instanceCfg.world}"
# Put required files into place
echo eula=true > eula.txt
ln -s "${instanceCfg.world}" "${instanceCfg.level-name or "world"}"
copyFromStore "${serverJar}" server.jar
copyFromStore "${whitelistFile name instanceCfg}" whitelist.json
copyFromStore "${opsFile name instanceCfg}" ops.json
ln -s "${makeModFolder name instanceCfg.mods}" mods
# Create config and set password from credentials (echo hopefully doesn't leak)
copyFromStore "${serverPropertiesFile name instanceCfg}" server.properties
echo "rcon.password=$(cat "$CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY/rcon-password")" >> server.properties
# Build patched jar
"${bins.java}" -jar "${fabricInstallerJar}" \
server -mcversion "${instanceCfg.version}"
# Lock is held as long as the server is running, so that we can wait for
# the actual shutdown in the stop script without relying on $MAINPID.
exec "${bins.flock}" "''${RUNTIME_DIRECTORY}" \
"${bins.java}" \
${lib.escapeShellArgs (serverJar.baseJvmOpts or [ ] ++ instanceCfg.jvmOpts)} \
-jar fabric-server-launch.jar nogui
# Option types
impurePath = lib.types.path // {
name = "impurePath";
check = x:
lib.types.path.check x
&& !(builtins.isPath x)
&& !(lib.hasPrefix builtins.storeDir (toString x));
instanceType = lib.types.submodule {
options = {
enable = lib.mkEnableOption "Minecraft server instance with the fabric mod loader";
version = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.str;
description = "Minecraft Server version to use.";
example = "1.16.5";
mods = lib.mkOption {
type = with lib.types; listOf package;
description = "List of fabric mod JARs to load.";
default = [ ];
world = lib.mkOption {
type = impurePath;
description = "Path to the Minecraft world folder to use.";
example = "/var/minecraft/world";
jvmOpts = lib.mkOption {
type = with lib.types; listOf str;
default = [ ];
example = [
description = ''
Options to pass to
in order to tweak the runtime of the JVM.
user = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.str;
default = "minecraft";
description = ''
Name of an existing user to run the server as. Needs to have write
access to the specified world.
group = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.str;
default = "users";
description = ''
Name of an existing group to run the server under.
rconPasswordFile = lib.mkOption {
type = impurePath;
description = ''
File (outised the store) that stores the password to use for Minecraft's
RCON interface.
example = "/var/secrets/minecraft-rcon";
whitelist = lib.mkOption {
type = with lib.types; attrsOf str;
description = ''
Attribute set mapping whitelisted user names to their user ids.
example = {
sternenseemann = "d8e48069-1905-4886-a5da-a4ee917ee254";
ops = lib.mkOption {
type = with lib.types; attrsOf str;
description = ''
Attribute set mapping op-ed user names to their user ids.
Setting permission levels is not possible at the moment,
set to 4 by default.
example = {
sternenseemann = "d8e48069-1905-4886-a5da-a4ee917ee254";
serverProperties = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.submodule {
freeformType = lib.types.attrs;
# Only options the module needs to access are declared explicitly
options = {
server-port = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.port;
default = 25565;
description = ''
Port to listen on.
"rcon.port" = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.port;
default = 25575;
description = ''
Port to use for the RCON control mechanism.
cfg = config.services.minecraft-fabric-server;
serverPorts = lib.mapAttrsToList
(_: instanceCfg:
rconPorts = lib.mapAttrsToList
(_: instanceCfg:
options = {
services.minecraft-fabric-server = lib.mkOption {
type = with lib.types; attrsOf instanceType;
default = { };
description = "Minecraft server instances with the fabric mod loader";
config = {
assertions = [
assertion = builtins.all (instance: !instance.enable) (builtins.attrValues cfg)
|| pkgs.config.allowUnfreeRedistributable or false
|| pkgs.config.allowUnfree or false;
message = lib.concatStringsSep " " [
"You need to allow unfree software for minecraft,"
"as you'll implicitly agree to Mojang's EULA."
assertion =
allPorts = serverPorts ++ rconPorts;
lib.unique allPorts == allPorts;
message = "All assigned ports need to be unique.";
systemd.services = lib.mapAttrs'
(name: instanceCfg:
name = "minecraft-fabric-${name}";
inherit (instanceCfg) enable;
value = {
description = "Minecraft server ${name} with the fabric mod loader";
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
after = [ "network.target" ];
serviceConfig = {
Type = "simple";
User = instanceCfg.user;
Group = instanceCfg.group;
ExecStart = startScript name instanceCfg;
ExecStop = stopScript name instanceCfg;
RuntimeDirectory = "minecraft-fabric-${name}";
LoadCredential = "rcon-password:${instanceCfg.rconPasswordFile}";
RestartSec = "40s";
networking.firewall = {
allowedTCPPorts = serverPorts;
allowedUDPPorts = serverPorts;