Having a default constructor for this causes a variety of annoying situations across the codebase in which this is initialised to an unexpected value, leading to constant guarding against those conditions. It turns out there's actually no intrinsic reason that this default constructor needs to exist. The biggest one was addressed in CL/1138 and this commit cleans up the remaining bits. Change-Id: I4a847f50bc90e72f028598196592a7d8730a4e01 Reviewed-on: https://cl.tvl.fyi/c/depot/+/1139 Reviewed-by: isomer <isomer@tvl.fyi> Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
344 lines
9.2 KiB
344 lines
9.2 KiB
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <variant>
#include "libexpr/symbol-table.hh"
#include "libexpr/value.hh"
#include "libutil/types.hh" // TODO(tazjin): audit this include
namespace nix {
MakeError(EvalError, Error);
MakeError(ParseError, Error);
MakeError(AssertionError, EvalError);
MakeError(ThrownError, AssertionError);
MakeError(Abort, EvalError);
MakeError(TypeError, EvalError);
MakeError(UndefinedVarError, Error);
MakeError(RestrictedPathError, Error);
/* Position objects. */
struct Pos {
std::optional<Symbol> file;
unsigned int line, column;
Pos(const std::optional<Symbol>& file, unsigned int line, unsigned int column)
: file(file), line(line), column(column){};
// TODO(tazjin): remove this - empty pos is never useful
Pos() : file(std::nullopt), line(0), column(0){};
operator bool() const { return line != 0; }
bool operator<(const Pos& p2) const {
if (!file.has_value()) {
return true;
if (!line) {
return p2.line;
if (!p2.line) {
return false;
int d = ((std::string)file.value()).compare((std::string)p2.file.value());
if (d < 0) {
return true;
if (d > 0) {
return false;
if (line < p2.line) {
return true;
if (line > p2.line) {
return false;
return column < p2.column;
extern Pos noPos;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& str, const Pos& pos);
struct Env;
struct Value;
class EvalState;
struct StaticEnv;
/* An attribute path is a sequence of attribute names. */
using AttrName = std::variant<Symbol, Expr*>;
typedef std::vector<AttrName> AttrPath;
std::string showAttrPath(const AttrPath& attrPath);
/* Abstract syntax of Nix expressions. */
struct Expr {
virtual ~Expr(){};
virtual void show(std::ostream& str) const;
virtual void bindVars(const StaticEnv& env);
virtual void eval(EvalState& state, Env& env, Value& v);
virtual Value* maybeThunk(EvalState& state, Env& env);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& str, const Expr& e);
void show(std::ostream& str) const; \
void eval(EvalState& state, Env& env, Value& v); \
void bindVars(const StaticEnv& env);
struct ExprInt : Expr {
NixInt n;
Value v;
ExprInt(NixInt n) : n(n) { mkInt(v, n); };
Value* maybeThunk(EvalState& state, Env& env);
struct ExprFloat : Expr {
NixFloat nf;
Value v;
ExprFloat(NixFloat nf) : nf(nf) { mkFloat(v, nf); };
Value* maybeThunk(EvalState& state, Env& env);
struct ExprString : Expr {
Symbol s;
Value v;
ExprString(const Symbol& s) : s(s) { mkString(v, s); };
Value* maybeThunk(EvalState& state, Env& env);
/* Temporary class used during parsing of indented strings. */
struct ExprIndStr : Expr {
std::string s;
ExprIndStr(const std::string& s) : s(s){};
struct ExprPath : Expr {
std::string s;
Value v;
ExprPath(const std::string& s) : s(s) { mkPathNoCopy(v, this->s.c_str()); };
Value* maybeThunk(EvalState& state, Env& env);
struct ExprVar : Expr {
Pos pos;
Symbol name;
/* Whether the variable comes from an environment (e.g. a rec, let
or function argument) or from a "with". */
bool fromWith;
/* In the former case, the value is obtained by going `level'
levels up from the current environment and getting the
`displ'th value in that environment. In the latter case, the
value is obtained by getting the attribute named `name' from
the set stored in the environment that is `level' levels up
from the current one.*/
unsigned int level;
unsigned int displ;
ExprVar(const Symbol& name) : name(name){};
ExprVar(const Pos& pos, const Symbol& name) : pos(pos), name(name){};
Value* maybeThunk(EvalState& state, Env& env);
// [tazjin] I *think* that this struct describes the syntactic
// construct for "selecting" something out of an attribute set, e.g.
// `a.b.c` => ExprSelect{"b", "c"}.
// Each path element has got a pointer to an expression, which seems
// to be the thing preceding its period, but afaict that is only set
// for the first one in a path.
struct ExprSelect : Expr {
Pos pos;
Expr *e, *def;
AttrPath attrPath;
ExprSelect(const Pos& pos, Expr* e, const AttrPath& attrPath, Expr* def)
: pos(pos), e(e), def(def), attrPath(attrPath){};
ExprSelect(const Pos& pos, Expr* e, const Symbol& name)
: pos(pos), e(e), def(0) {
struct ExprOpHasAttr : Expr {
Expr* e;
AttrPath attrPath;
ExprOpHasAttr(Expr* e, const AttrPath& attrPath) : e(e), attrPath(attrPath){};
struct ExprAttrs : Expr {
bool recursive;
struct AttrDef {
bool inherited;
Expr* e;
Pos pos;
unsigned int displ; // displacement
AttrDef(Expr* e, const Pos& pos, bool inherited = false)
: inherited(inherited), e(e), pos(pos){};
typedef std::map<Symbol, AttrDef> AttrDefs;
AttrDefs attrs;
struct DynamicAttrDef {
Expr *nameExpr, *valueExpr;
Pos pos;
DynamicAttrDef(Expr* nameExpr, Expr* valueExpr, const Pos& pos)
: nameExpr(nameExpr), valueExpr(valueExpr), pos(pos){};
typedef std::vector<DynamicAttrDef> DynamicAttrDefs;
DynamicAttrDefs dynamicAttrs;
ExprAttrs() : recursive(false){};
struct ExprList : Expr {
std::vector<Expr*> elems;
struct Formal {
Symbol name;
Expr* def; // def = default, not definition
Formal(const Symbol& name, Expr* def) : name(name), def(def){};
// Describes structured function arguments (e.g. `{ a }: ...`)
struct Formals {
typedef std::list<Formal> Formals_;
Formals_ formals;
std::set<Symbol> argNames; // used during parsing
bool ellipsis;
struct ExprLambda : Expr {
Pos pos;
std::optional<Symbol> name;
Symbol arg;
bool matchAttrs;
Formals* formals;
Expr* body;
ExprLambda(const Pos& pos, const Symbol& arg, bool matchAttrs,
Formals* formals, Expr* body)
: pos(pos),
body(body) {
if (!arg.empty() && formals &&
formals->argNames.find(arg) != formals->argNames.end()) {
throw ParseError(
format("duplicate formal function argument '%1%' at %2%") % arg %
void setName(Symbol& name);
std::string showNamePos() const;
struct ExprLet : Expr {
ExprAttrs* attrs;
Expr* body;
ExprLet(ExprAttrs* attrs, Expr* body) : attrs(attrs), body(body){};
struct ExprWith : Expr {
Pos pos;
Expr *attrs, *body;
size_t prevWith;
ExprWith(const Pos& pos, Expr* attrs, Expr* body)
: pos(pos), attrs(attrs), body(body){};
struct ExprIf : Expr {
Expr *cond, *then, *else_;
ExprIf(Expr* cond, Expr* then, Expr* else_)
: cond(cond), then(then), else_(else_){};
struct ExprAssert : Expr {
Pos pos;
Expr *cond, *body;
ExprAssert(const Pos& pos, Expr* cond, Expr* body)
: pos(pos), cond(cond), body(body){};
struct ExprOpNot : Expr {
Expr* e;
ExprOpNot(Expr* e) : e(e){};
#define MakeBinOp(name, s) \
struct name : Expr { \
Pos pos; \
Expr *e1, *e2; \
name(Expr* e1, Expr* e2) : e1(e1), e2(e2){}; \
name(const Pos& pos, Expr* e1, Expr* e2) : pos(pos), e1(e1), e2(e2){}; \
void show(std::ostream& str) const { \
str << "(" << *e1 << " " s " " << *e2 << ")"; \
} \
void bindVars(const StaticEnv& env) { \
e1->bindVars(env); \
e2->bindVars(env); \
} \
void eval(EvalState& state, Env& env, Value& v); \
MakeBinOp(ExprApp, "");
MakeBinOp(ExprOpEq, "==");
MakeBinOp(ExprOpNEq, "!=");
MakeBinOp(ExprOpAnd, "&&");
MakeBinOp(ExprOpOr, "||");
MakeBinOp(ExprOpImpl, "->");
MakeBinOp(ExprOpUpdate, "//");
MakeBinOp(ExprOpConcatLists, "++");
struct ExprConcatStrings : Expr {
Pos pos;
bool forceString;
std::vector<Expr*>* es;
ExprConcatStrings(const Pos& pos, bool forceString, std::vector<Expr*>* es)
: pos(pos), forceString(forceString), es(es){};
struct ExprPos : Expr {
Pos pos;
ExprPos(const Pos& pos) : pos(pos){};
/* Static environments are used to map variable names onto (level,
displacement) pairs used to obtain the value of the variable at
runtime. */
struct StaticEnv {
bool isWith;
const StaticEnv* up;
typedef std::map<Symbol, unsigned int> Vars;
Vars vars;
StaticEnv(bool isWith, const StaticEnv* up) : isWith(isWith), up(up){};
} // namespace nix