William Carroll 5f52077492 Re-type type using the altered keyboard
Remember: always read the instructions; that's the most important part.
2020-08-06 00:18:44 +01:00

24 lines
968 B

module App where
import Keyboard (Keyboard(..))
import Transforms (Transform(..))
import Utils ((|>))
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import qualified Utils
import qualified Keyboard
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
transform :: Keyboard -> Transform -> Keyboard
transform (Keyboard xs) HorizontalFlip = xs |> fmap reverse |> Keyboard
transform (Keyboard xs) VerticalFlip = xs |> reverse |> Keyboard
transform (Keyboard xs) (Shift n) = xs |> fmap (Utils.rotate n) |> Keyboard
retypePassage :: String -> Keyboard -> Maybe String
retypePassage passage newKeyboard =
|> fmap Char.toUpper
|> traverse (\c -> HM.lookup c Keyboard.charToCoord)
>>= traverse (Keyboard.coordToChar newKeyboard)