William Carroll 3c8e6f0cc5 Support updated emacs
Finally ported my up-to-date emacs configuration here. I was putting
this off for a long while, unsure of how to handle all of the work. All
it took was my laptop being fried to force me to do this. So... voila!
2018-07-19 12:00:08 -04:00

32 lines
883 B

;;; haskell.el --- My Haskell preferences -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Author: William Carroll <>
;;; Commentary:
;; Hosts my Haskell development preferences
;;; Code:
;; Haskell support
(use-package intero
(intero-global-mode 1))
;; text objects for Haskell
(quelpa '(evil-text-objects-haskell
:fetcher github
:repo "urbint/evil-text-objects-haskell"))
(require 'evil-text-objects-haskell)
(use-package haskell-mode
:gfhook #'evil-text-objects-haskell/install
:after (intero evil-text-objects-haskell)
(flycheck-add-next-checker 'intero 'haskell-hlint)
(let ((m-symbols
'(("`mappend`" . "")
("<>" . ""))))
(dolist (item m-symbols) (add-to-list 'haskell-font-lock-symbols-alist item)))
(setq haskell-font-lock-symbols t))
(provide 'wpc-haskell)
;;; haskell.el ends here