Enable autorandr with Nix home-manager. I discovered autorandr when looking through the home-manager source code. I was hoping it would automatically enable/disable my external monitor when I connect/disconnect my HDMI cable, but it doesn't. With autorandr, I run... ```shell > autorandr --load mobile ``` ...to load my randr settings for just my laptop without the external monitor, and I run... ```shell > autorandr --load docked ``` ...to load my randr settings for my external monitor. I'm not sure if this brings much more value than my existing display.el module, but I'm willing to try it for now.
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216 lines
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{ config, pkgs, ... }:
briefcase = import <briefcase> {};
in {
home = {
packages = with pkgs; [
keyboard = {
options = [
# Swap Caps-Lock and Escape
"remove Lock = Caps_Lock"
"keysym Caps_Lock = Escape"
sessionVariables = {
BROWSER = "google-chrome";
EDITOR = "emacsclient";
stateVersion = "19.09";
# Programs
programs.home-manager = {
enable = true;
path = builtins.toPath ~/home-manager;
programs.git = {
enable = true;
package = briefcase.utils.wrapNonNixProgram {
path = "/usr/bin/git";
as = "git";
userName = "William Carroll";
userEmail = "wpcarro@gmail.com";
aliases = {
today = "! git log --date=relative --since=00:00:00 --all --no-merges --oneline --author=\"$(git config --get user.email)\"";
yday = "! git log --since=yesterday.midnight --until=today.midnight --oneline --author=\"$(git config --get user.email)\"";
changed-files = "! git --no-pager diff --name-only $(current_branch) $(git merge-base $(current_branch) master)";
conflicts = "! git --no-pager diff --name-only --diff-filter=U";
unstage = "reset HEAD --";
extraConfig = {
push.default = "current";
rebase = {
autosquash = true;
autostash = true;
rerere.enabled = true;
programs.gpg = {
enable = true;
settings = {
keyserver = "hkp://pgp.mit.edu";
programs.ssh = {
enable = true;
matchBlocks = {
desktop = {
user = "wpcarro";
hostname = "zeno.lon.corp.google.com";
socrates = {
user = "wpcarro";
hostname = "";
programs.fish = {
enable = true;
shellAliases = {
c = "xclip -selection clipboard -i";
p = "xclip -selection clipboard -o";
cat = "bat --theme='Monokai Extended Light'";
rgh = "rg --hidden";
fdh = "fd --hidden";
tpr = "tput reset";
ls = "exa --sort=type";
ll = "exa --long --sort=type";
la = "exa --long --all --sort=type";
gst = "git status";
gsh = "git show HEAD";
gpf = "git push --force-with-lease";
gd = "git diff";
shellAbbrs = {
sys = "systemctl";
sysst = "systemctl status";
sysu = "systemctl --user";
sysust = "systemctl --user status";
promptInit = builtins.readFile ../fish/prompt.fish;
functions = {
ptree = {
body = ''
for pid in (pgrep $argv[1])
pstree -s -p $pid
programs.fzf = rec {
enable = true;
defaultCommand = "fd --hidden --follow --exclude '.git'";
fileWidgetCommand = defaultCommand;
enableFishIntegration = true;
programs.direnv = {
enable = true;
enableFishIntegration = true;
programs.autorandr = {
enable = true;
profiles = let
# To get these values, I ran `xrandr --props` and searched for
# 'EDID:'. While these are long and a bit unsightly, I cannot think of a
# desirable workaround, so I'm going to leave them for now.
laptop = "00ffffffffffff000daed71400000000151b0104a51f117802ee95a3544c99260f505400000001010101010101010101010101010101363680a0703820402e1e240035ad10000018000000fe004e3134304843452d474e320a20000000fe00434d4e0a202020202020202020000000fe004e3134304843452d474e320a2000e2";
hdmi4k = "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";
in {
mobile = {
fingerprint = {
eDP1 = laptop;
HDMI1 = hdmi4k;
config = {
eDP1 = {
enable = true;
primary = true;
mode = "1920x1080";
rate = "59.93";
HDMI1 = {
enable = false;
docked = {
fingerprint = {
eDP1 = laptop;
HDMI1 = hdmi4k;
config = {
eDP1 = {
enable = false;
HDMI1 = {
enable = true;
primary = true;
mode = "3840x2160";
rate = "30.00";
# Services
xsession = {
enable = true;
windowManager.command = "dbus-launch --exit-with-session wpcarros-emacs";
# Filter blue light from screen after sunset.
services.redshift = {
enable = true;
latitude = "51.49";
longitude = "-0.18";
package = briefcase.utils.wrapNonNixProgram {
path = "/usr/bin/redshift";
as = "redshift";
# Hide the cursor during X sessions after 1 second.
services.unclutter.enable = true;
# Support mouseless workflows.
services.keynav.enable = true;
services.lorri.enable = true;
services.gpg-agent = {
enable = true;
defaultCacheTtl = 8 * 60 * 60; # 8 hours
maxCacheTtl = 8 * 60 * 60;