Vincent Ambo 119af77b43 feat(go): Return errors with correct status codes to clients
Uses the structured errors feature introduced in the Nix code to
return more sensible errors to clients. For now this is quite limited,
but already a lot better than before:

* packages that could not be found result in 404s
* all other errors result in 500s

This way the registry clients will not attempt to interpret the
returned garbage data/empty response as something useful.
2019-08-02 01:08:14 +01:00

432 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
// Package main provides the implementation of a container registry that
// transparently builds container images based on Nix derivations.
// The Nix derivation used for image creation is responsible for creating
// objects that are compatible with the registry API. The targeted registry
// protocol is currently Docker's.
// When an image is requested, the required contents are parsed out of the
// request and a Nix-build is initiated that eventually responds with the
// manifest as well as information linking each layer digest to a local
// filesystem path.
// Nixery caches the filesystem paths and returns the manifest to the client.
// Subsequent requests for layer content per digest are then fulfilled by
// serving the files from disk.
package main
import (
// pkgSource represents the source from which the Nix package set used
// by Nixery is imported. Users configure the source by setting one of
// the supported environment variables.
type pkgSource struct {
srcType string
args string
// Convert the package source into the representation required by Nix.
func (p *pkgSource) renderSource(tag string) string {
// The 'git' source requires a tag to be present.
if p.srcType == "git" {
if tag == "latest" || tag == "" {
tag = "master"
return fmt.Sprintf("git!%s!%s", p.args, tag)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s!%s", p.srcType, p.args)
// Retrieve a package source from the environment. If no source is
// specified, the Nix code will default to a recent NixOS channel.
func pkgSourceFromEnv() *pkgSource {
if channel := os.Getenv("NIXERY_CHANNEL"); channel != "" {
log.Printf("Using Nix package set from Nix channel %q\n", channel)
return &pkgSource{
srcType: "nixpkgs",
args: channel,
if git := os.Getenv("NIXERY_PKGS_REPO"); git != "" {
log.Printf("Using Nix package set from git repository at %q\n", git)
return &pkgSource{
srcType: "git",
args: git,
if path := os.Getenv("NIXERY_PKGS_PATH"); path != "" {
log.Printf("Using Nix package set from path %q\n", path)
return &pkgSource{
srcType: "path",
args: path,
return nil
// config holds the Nixery configuration options.
type config struct {
bucket string // GCS bucket to cache & serve layers
builder string // Nix derivation for building images
web string // Static files to serve over HTTP
port string // Port on which to launch HTTP server
pkgs *pkgSource // Source for Nix package set
// ManifestMediaType is the Content-Type used for the manifest itself. This
// corresponds to the "Image Manifest V2, Schema 2" described on this page:
const manifestMediaType string = "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json"
// Image represents the information necessary for building a container image.
// This can be either a list of package names (corresponding to keys in the
// nixpkgs set) or a Nix expression that results in a *list* of derivations.
type image struct {
// Name of the container image.
name string
// Tag requested (only relevant for package sets from git repositories)
tag string
// Names of packages to include in the image. These must correspond
// directly to top-level names of Nix packages in the nixpkgs tree.
packages []string
// BuildResult represents the output of calling the Nix derivation responsible
// for building registry images.
// The `layerLocations` field contains the local filesystem paths to each
// individual image layer that will need to be served, while the `manifest`
// field contains the JSON-representation of the manifest that needs to be
// served to the client.
// The later field is simply treated as opaque JSON and passed through.
type BuildResult struct {
Error string `json:"error`
Pkgs []string `json:"pkgs"`
Manifest json.RawMessage `json:"manifest"`
LayerLocations map[string]struct {
Path string `json:"path"`
Md5 []byte `json:"md5"`
} `json:"layerLocations"`
// imageFromName parses an image name into the corresponding structure which can
// be used to invoke Nix.
// It will expand convenience names under the hood (see the `convenienceNames`
// function below).
func imageFromName(name string, tag string) image {
packages := strings.Split(name, "/")
return image{
name: name,
tag: tag,
packages: convenienceNames(packages),
// convenienceNames expands convenience package names defined by Nixery which
// let users include commonly required sets of tools in a container quickly.
// Convenience names must be specified as the first package in an image.
// Currently defined convenience names are:
// * `shell`: Includes bash, coreutils and other common command-line tools
// * `builder`: All of the above and the standard build environment
func convenienceNames(packages []string) []string {
shellPackages := []string{"bashInteractive", "coreutils", "moreutils", "nano"}
builderPackages := append(shellPackages, "stdenv")
if packages[0] == "shell" {
return append(packages[1:], shellPackages...)
} else if packages[0] == "builder" {
return append(packages[1:], builderPackages...)
} else {
return packages
// Call out to Nix and request that an image be built. Nix will, upon success,
// return a manifest for the container image.
func buildImage(ctx *context.Context, cfg *config, image *image, bucket *storage.BucketHandle) (*BuildResult, error) {
packages, err := json.Marshal(image.packages)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
args := []string{
"--argstr", "name",,
"--argstr", "packages", string(packages), cfg.builder,
if cfg.pkgs != nil {
args = append(args, "--argstr", "pkgSource", cfg.pkgs.renderSource(image.tag))
cmd := exec.Command("nix-build", args...)
outpipe, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
errpipe, err := cmd.StderrPipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = cmd.Start(); err != nil {
log.Println("Error starting nix-build:", err)
return nil, err
log.Printf("Started Nix image build for '%s'",
stdout, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(outpipe)
stderr, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(errpipe)
if err = cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
// TODO(tazjin): Propagate errors upwards in a usable format.
log.Printf("nix-build execution error: %s\nstdout: %s\nstderr: %s\n", err, stdout, stderr)
return nil, err
log.Println("Finished Nix image build")
buildOutput, err := ioutil.ReadFile(strings.TrimSpace(string(stdout)))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// The build output returned by Nix is deserialised to add all
// contained layers to the bucket. Only the manifest itself is
// re-serialised to JSON and returned.
var result BuildResult
err = json.Unmarshal(buildOutput, &result)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for layer, meta := range result.LayerLocations {
err = uploadLayer(ctx, bucket, layer, meta.Path, meta.Md5)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &result, nil
// uploadLayer uploads a single layer to Cloud Storage bucket. Before writing
// any data the bucket is probed to see if the file already exists.
// If the file does exist, its MD5 hash is verified to ensure that the stored
// file is not - for example - a fragment of a previous, incomplete upload.
func uploadLayer(ctx *context.Context, bucket *storage.BucketHandle, layer string, path string, md5 []byte) error {
layerKey := fmt.Sprintf("layers/%s", layer)
obj := bucket.Object(layerKey)
// Before uploading a layer to the bucket, probe whether it already
// exists.
// If it does and the MD5 checksum matches the expected one, the layer
// upload can be skipped.
attrs, err := obj.Attrs(*ctx)
if err == nil && bytes.Equal(attrs.MD5, md5) {
log.Printf("Layer sha256:%s already exists in bucket, skipping upload", layer)
} else {
writer := obj.NewWriter(*ctx)
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to open layer %s from path %s: %v", layer, path, err)
size, err := io.Copy(writer, file)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to write layer %s to Cloud Storage: %v", layer, err)
if err = writer.Close(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to write layer %s to Cloud Storage: %v", layer, err)
log.Printf("Uploaded layer sha256:%s (%v bytes written)\n", layer, size)
return nil
// layerRedirect constructs the public URL of the layer object in the Cloud
// Storage bucket and redirects the client there.
// The Docker client is known to follow redirects, but this might not be true
// for all other registry clients.
func layerRedirect(w http.ResponseWriter, cfg *config, digest string) {
log.Printf("Redirecting layer '%s' request to bucket '%s'\n", digest, cfg.bucket)
url := fmt.Sprintf("", cfg.bucket, digest)
w.Header().Set("Location", url)
// prepareBucket configures the handle to a Cloud Storage bucket in which
// individual layers will be stored after Nix builds. Nixery does not directly
// serve layers to registry clients, instead it redirects them to the public
// URLs of the Cloud Storage bucket.
// The bucket is required for Nixery to function correctly, hence fatal errors
// are generated in case it fails to be set up correctly.
func prepareBucket(ctx *context.Context, cfg *config) *storage.BucketHandle {
client, err := storage.NewClient(*ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Failed to set up Cloud Storage client:", err)
bkt := client.Bucket(cfg.bucket)
if _, err := bkt.Attrs(*ctx); err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Could not access configured bucket", err)
return bkt
// Regexes matching the V2 Registry API routes. This only includes the
// routes required for serving images, since pushing and other such
// functionality is not available.
var (
manifestRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^/v2/([\w|\-|\.|\_|\/]+)/manifests/([\w|\-|\.|\_]+)$`)
layerRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^/v2/([\w|\-|\.|\_|\/]+)/blobs/sha256:(\w+)$`)
func getConfig(key, desc string) string {
value := os.Getenv(key)
if value == "" {
log.Fatalln(desc + " must be specified")
return value
type registryHandler struct {
cfg *config
ctx *context.Context
bucket *storage.BucketHandle
func (h *registryHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Serve the manifest (straight from Nix)
manifestMatches := manifestRegex.FindStringSubmatch(r.RequestURI)
if len(manifestMatches) == 3 {
imageName := manifestMatches[1]
imageTag := manifestMatches[2]
log.Printf("Requesting manifest for image %q at tag %q", imageName, imageTag)
image := imageFromName(imageName, imageTag)
buildResult, err := buildImage(h.ctx, h.cfg, &image, h.bucket)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Failed to build image manifest", err)
// Some error types have special handling, which is applied
// here.
if buildResult.Error == "not_found" {
log.Printf("Could not find packages: %v\n", buildResult.Pkgs)
// This marshaling error is ignored because we know that this
// field represents valid JSON data.
manifest, _ := json.Marshal(buildResult.Manifest)
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", manifestMediaType)
// Serve an image layer. For this we need to first ask Nix for
// the manifest, then proceed to extract the correct layer from
// it.
layerMatches := layerRegex.FindStringSubmatch(r.RequestURI)
if len(layerMatches) == 3 {
digest := layerMatches[2]
layerRedirect(w, h.cfg, digest)
log.Printf("Unsupported registry route: %s\n", r.RequestURI)
func main() {
cfg := &config{
bucket: getConfig("BUCKET", "GCS bucket for layer storage"),
builder: getConfig("NIX_BUILDER", "Nix image builder code"),
web: getConfig("WEB_DIR", "Static web file dir"),
port: getConfig("PORT", "HTTP port"),
pkgs: pkgSourceFromEnv(),
ctx := context.Background()
bucket := prepareBucket(&ctx, cfg)
log.Printf("Starting Kubernetes Nix controller on port %s\n", cfg.port)
// Acknowledge that we speak V2
http.HandleFunc("/v2", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// All other /v2/ requests belong to the registry handler.
http.Handle("/v2/", &registryHandler{
cfg: cfg,
ctx: &ctx,
bucket: bucket,
// All other roots are served by the static file server.
http.Handle("/", http.FileServer(http.Dir(cfg.web)))
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":"+cfg.port, nil))