I'm borrowing from @tazjin's dotfiles, which are stored in Git on Borg. When you call `nix-build ~/briefcase/mail`, result will output a systemd units, which you should move to ~/.config/systemd/user/. The path to `gmi`, which is Lieer's executable, exists in /nix/store, and you can read it from the systemd unit file (i.e. lieer-google.service). Lieer synchronizes notmuch with Gmail and Gmail with notmuch. Here's a general sequence of commands that I ran to set everything up. Special thank you to @tazjin for helping me with all of this. These steps are not certified as a tutorial; I'm recalling them from memory. When I set this up things didn't work as expected immediately and I had to troubleshoot. ```shell > mkdir -p ~/mail/account.google > cd ~/mail/account.google > nix-env -iA nixpkgs.notmuch > notmuch setup > nix-build ~/briefcase/mail > cp ./result/lieer-google.{service,timer} ~/.config/systemd/user > rm ./result > systemctl --user cat lieer-google ...copy the /nix/store path to gmi... > notmuch new > /nix/store/gmi init ...follow the OAuth login flow... > ``` Unknowns? - Do I need to call `systemctl --user start lieer-google` at startup? Or should I move these units to user/default.target.wants? - Can I send email from notmuch? - How do I use notmuch to delete email? To respond to emails? To do anything? Todo: - Once this configuration stabilizes, I should package everything with Nix.
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{ depot ? import <depot> {}, ... }:
inherit (builtins) fetchGit;
tazjdots = import (fetchGit "sso://user/tazjin/dotfiles") { pkgs = depot; };
in tazjdots.services.lieer