Expose the NAR calculation to a separate `CalculateNAR` method, which responds with the NAR size and sha256 hash. Contrary to what cl/7618 and cl/7620 initially did, don't add different other request types. In the CalculateNARResponse message, there's now some duplication in the (optional) `narinfo` field of a PathInfo, but I'm not entirely sure if we want to drop the fields from there yet. Change-Id: Id797c56e17efedac115fbd43de9dfde9fa1db140 Reviewed-on: https://cl.tvl.fyi/c/depot/+/7663 Reviewed-by: tazjin <tazjin@tvl.su> Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
73 lines
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Protocol Buffer
73 lines
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Protocol Buffer
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright © 2022 The Tvix Authors
syntax = "proto3";
package tvix.store.v1;
import "tvix/store/protos/pathinfo.proto";
option go_package = "code.tvl.fyi/tvix/store/protos;storev1";
service PathInfoService {
// Return a PathInfo message, identified by the decoded nixbase32 part
// of a Nix output path.
// To substitute /nix/store/xm35nga2g20mz5sm5l6n8v3bdm86yj83-
// cowsay-3.04 the bytes in the request would be
// nixbase32dec("xm35nga2g20mz5sm5l6n8v3bdm86yj83").
rpc Get(GetPathInfoRequest) returns (PathInfo);
// Put uploads a PathInfo object to the remote end. It MUST not return
// until the PathInfo object has been written on the the remote end.
// The remote end MAY check if a potential DirectoryNode has already been
// uploaded.
// Uploading clients SHOULD obviously not steer other machines to try to
// substitute before from the remote end before having finished uploading
// PathInfo, Directories and Blobs.
// The returned PathInfo object MAY contain additional narinfo signatures,
// but is otherwise left untouched.
rpc Put(PathInfo) returns (PathInfo);
// Calculate the NAR representation of the contents specified by the
// root_node. The calculation SHOULD be cached server-side for subsequent
// requests.
// All references (to blobs or Directory messages) MUST already exist in
// the store.
// The method can be used to produce a Nix fixed-output path, which
// contains the (compressed) sha256 of the NAR content representation in
// the root_node name (suffixed with the name).
// It can also be used to calculate arbitrary NAR hashes of output paths,
// in case a legacy Nix Binary Cache frontend is provided.
rpc CalculateNAR(Node) returns (CalculateNARResponse);
// GetPathInfoRequest describes the lookup parameters that can be used to
// lookup a PathInfo objects.
// Currently, only a lookup by output hash is supported.
message GetPathInfoRequest {
oneof by_what {
// The output hash of a nix path (20 bytes).
// This is the nixbase32-decoded portion of a Nix output path, so to substitute
// /nix/store/xm35nga2g20mz5sm5l6n8v3bdm86yj83-cowsay-3.04
// this field would contain nixbase32dec("xm35nga2g20mz5sm5l6n8v3bdm86yj83").
bytes by_output_hash = 1;
// CalculateNARResponse is the response returned by the CalculateNAR request.
// It contains the size of the NAR representation (in bytes), and the sha56
// digest.
message CalculateNARResponse {
// This size of the NAR file, in bytes.
uint32 nar_size = 1;
// The sha256 of the NAR file representation.
bytes nar_sha256 = 2;