This makes the awkward withDoctype utility obsolete which is much nicer. Technically, this is a BREAKING CHANGE since it was possible to create valid documents without an <html> tag before: withDoctype (lib.concatStrings [ (<head> { } …) (<body> { } …) ]) I don't think this usecase is worth preserving since this can just be written as <html> { } [ (<head> { } …) (<body> { } …) ] and omitting the <html> tag is not recommended since it should be used to set the language of the document (which we didn't in the example above). Change-Id: Idc5104ce88fe8bee965c076229b79387915c3605 Reviewed-on: Autosubmit: sterni <> Reviewed-by: sterni <> Tested-by: BuildkiteCI Reviewed-by: tazjin <>
98 lines
2.4 KiB
98 lines
2.4 KiB
{ depot, pkgs, ... }:
inherit (depot.users.sterni.nix.html)
exampleDocument = <html> { lang = "en"; } [
(<head> { } [
(<meta> { charset = "utf-8"; } null)
(<title> { } "html.nix example document")
rel = "license";
href = "";
type = "text/html";
(<style> { } (esc ''
hgroup h2 {
font-weight: normal;
dd {
margin: 0;
(<body> { } [
(<main> { } [
(<hgroup> { } [
(<h1> { } (esc "html.nix"))
(<h2> { } [
(<em> { } "the")
# test flattening
(esc " ")
(esc "most")
[ (esc " cursed ") ]
(esc "HTML DSL ever!")
(<dl> { } [
(<dt> { } [
(esc "Q: Wait, it's all ")
href = "";
(esc "cursed"))
(esc " nix hacks?")
(<dd> { } (esc "A: Always has been. 🔫"))
(<dt> { } (esc "Q: Why does this work?"))
(<dd> { } [
(esc "Because nix ")
href = "";
(esc "translates "))
href = "";
(esc "SPATH tokens"))
(esc " like ")
(<code> { } (esc "<nixpkgs>"))
(esc " into calls to ")
(<code> { } (esc "__findFile"))
(esc " in the ")
(<em> { } (esc "current"))
(esc " scope.")
pkgs.runCommand "html.nix.html"
passAsFile = [ "exampleDocument" ];
inherit exampleDocument;
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.html5validator ];
} ''
set -x
test "${esc "<> && \" \'"}" = "<> && " '"
# slow as hell unfortunately
html5validator "$exampleDocumentPath"
mv "$exampleDocumentPath" "$out"
set +x