I had a spare fifteen minutes and decided that I should tidy up my
monorepo. The work of tidying up is not finished; this is a small step in the
right direction.
- Created a tools directory
- Created a scratch directory (see README.md for more information)
- Added README.md to third_party
- Renamed delete_dotfile_symlinks -> symlinkManager
- Packaged symlinkManager as an executable symlink-mgr using buildGo
Today I learned that you can email your Kindle files to read them using the
paperwhite display. I'm attempting to read RFCs, so after reading 1/4 of the way
through RFC6479 (on OAuth2.0), I realized that it might be easier to read on my
Kindle instead of on my computer screen. Out of this, rfcToKindle.go was born.
I'm not sure if I'd like to publish this or not.