I had a spare fifteen minutes and decided that I should tidy up my
monorepo. The work of tidying up is not finished; this is a small step in the
right direction.
- Created a tools directory
- Created a scratch directory (see README.md for more information)
- Added README.md to third_party
- Renamed delete_dotfile_symlinks -> symlinkManager
- Packaged symlinkManager as an executable symlink-mgr using buildGo
Supporting a function that resolves a file name checking for the nearest
occurrence of the file from the CWD until it traverses beyond the user's home
directory, after which point it checks in backupPaths.
- Created a gopkgs directory and registered it with default.nix's readTree
- Moved monzo_ynab/utils -> gopkgs
- Consumed utils.go in main.go
- Renamed monzo_ynab -> job
In order to persist my access and refresh tokens, I needed a store. I think
using a database like SQLite may have been fine for this but was heavier weight
than what I wanted.
I decided to write a simple key-value store when the state is encoded and JSON
in a file called kv.json.
- Support field nesting
- Support better error handling
- Support parameterizing the store path (i.e. ./kv.json)