I had a spare fifteen minutes and decided that I should tidy up my
monorepo. The work of tidying up is not finished; this is a small step in the
right direction.
- Created a tools directory
- Created a scratch directory (see README.md for more information)
- Added README.md to third_party
- Renamed delete_dotfile_symlinks -> symlinkManager
- Packaged symlinkManager as an executable symlink-mgr using buildGo
I was a bit weaker than I expected to be in my most recent interview using
TypeScript. To improve, I think I'd like to attempt solving some of the
InterviewCake.com questions using TypeScript.
If you've read the previous commits, the inspiration for `run` arose because I
need to call `npx ts-code <file>`, which is easy enough to remember, but I'd
still rather just call `run <file>`.