Supports ZSH themes based on which device I'm working. This might get
annoying after awhile, but I think the idea of having the prompt reflect
when I'm on a different machine than my own might be useful.
Adds "cloudtop" alias in ssh config.
This repo's history seems to reflect my difficult wrestling with
Git, GitHub, gitignore files. I'm still not sure I understand
everything that's going on.
- support <leader>e* KBDs for quickly editing common configuration files
- prefer dark theme to light theme
- prefer nowrap by default instead of toggling wrap
Beware and avoid leaking sensitive data.
- ensure wpcarro/dotfiles remains private while support potentially
sensitive documents
- consider encrypting sensitive documents using gnupg or git-crypt
- consider having someone from the Security team audit the repository to
ensure that nothing sensitive is being leaked