Since I've published this, I should include an Overview page to orient potential
users. This Overview could be better -- as could many things with this app --
but it's a start, and I'm seeking small wins.
Observed problem: Tapping "C major, A minor" key, which LPC sets by default,
does not unset it.
Bug: handleClick passed the relativeMinor Key but the default value in
State.Model is the C Major key. We would toggled b/w [Cmajor] ->
[Cmajor,Aminor], and because toggled checked if either Cmajor or Aminor was
present, it was always true.
Solution: Check relativeMajor to set toggled.
Now that I have a deployed an MVP of my app, I am tidying things up to support
the next phase of development.
- Moved application Model-related code into State module
- Moved each View into its own module
- Deleted unused ChordInspector component
- Deleted unused Msg's, {Increase,Decrease}Tempo
- Deleted misc unused code