Manually merging:
- I added the description from universe/ into the heading of
- .envrc: dotfiles/.envrc was a superset of universe/.envrc
- .gitignore: Adding some of the ignored patterns from universe/.gitignore to
Everything else here should be a simple rename.
I'm not actually sure if this is sensitive information, but I'm erring on the
side of caution and ignoring it in case it is.
squash! Ignore .gnupg/random_seed
Removing more files that clutter my `gst`
This time I ran...
git rm -r --cached .
...which is supposed to help ignore files that `git` already tracks. This may be
the missing piece I've been looking for.
This repo's history seems to reflect my difficult wrestling with
Git, GitHub, gitignore files. I'm still not sure I understand
everything that's going on.