Commit graph

34 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
William Carroll
808e6ee484 Support Misc module
Define two functions for attempting to return an element in a list that precedes
or succeeds another element.

I prefer having something like Utils.List. Perhaps I will refactor.
2020-04-11 23:10:14 +01:00
William Carroll
c24c9b7fb9 Support BPM for tempo
Using BPM as the unit for tempo.

TODO: Consider a higher-fidelity way to calculate BPM, although I'm not sure
this is critical functionality; an interesting problem is just seducing me, and
this app would be better off resisting the temptation.
2020-04-11 17:46:46 +01:00
William Carroll
93bdebf9b2 Track app ideas
Use an org file to track random ideas or features or improvements.
2020-04-11 17:44:20 +01:00
William Carroll
3c8bfe85c9 Prefer type alias to type
Elm reminds me of Haskell. In fact, I'm using `haskell-mode` (for now) in Emacs
to write my Elm code, and it works reliably. I'm not writing a Haskell app, but
if I were, I would define my application Model with the following Haskell code:

data Model = Model { whitelistedChords :: [Theory.Chord]
                   , selectedChord :: Theory.Chord
                   , isPaused :: Bool
                   , tempo :: Int

When I first modelled my application state, I did something similar. After
reading more Elm examples of SPAs, I see that people prefer using type aliases
to define records. As far as I know, you cannot do this in Haskell; I believe
all types are "tagged" (something about "nominal typing" comes to mind). Anyhow,
Elm isn't Haskell; Haskell has cool features like type classes; Elm has cool
features like human-readable error messages and exhaustiveness checking for
cases. I love Haskell, and I love Elm, and you didn't ask.

Anyhow, this commit refactors my records as type aliases instead of types. I
think the resulting code is more readable and ergonomic.
2020-04-11 16:50:02 +01:00
William Carroll
52eb456a0f Support basic tempo
Supporting Play/Pause events, and Increase/Decrease tempo.

TODO: Convert milliseconds to BPM
2020-04-11 16:09:11 +01:00
William Carroll
2f446d0441 Improve the styling of the piano
Create a more convincing representation of the piano.

I would like to compute the left-offset based on the naturalWidth. That change
is probably forthcoming.
2020-04-11 11:36:37 +01:00
William Carroll
3562343c19 Generate all known chords and display randomly selected chords
First of all, Elm's purity is beautiful. I think every language should model
their error messages and develop experience after Elm. If I didn't have to
download packages, I don't think I would need an internet connection to
troubleshoot my program's errors. This is how helpful I find the compiler.

Now that that's out of the way, here's what I've changed since we've last
- Use Elm's Browser.element to create a reactive application with state
- Write a function to generate all of the chords about which CDS knows
- Move some code out of Main.elm into other modules
- Depend on List.Extra, Random, Random.Extra

What's left:
- Lots of work
- Instead of clicking a button to show a new chord, use a timer
- Add mobile-first styling (probably add TailwindCSS)
- Persist settings in LocalStorage (and then eventually create user accounts)
- Allow users to curate the list of chords they're interested in practicing
- Deploy the website and dogfood it

- How can I handle tempo? I don't expect setInterval to be enough (maybe it
2020-04-11 10:45:42 +01:00
William Carroll
b600f709b4 Model data and sketch ideas for Chord Drill Sergeant
Initialize an Elm application to build a MVP for the Chord Drill Sergeant
application. There isn't much to see at the moment. I'm just sketching
ideas. More forthcoming...
2020-04-10 23:03:01 +01:00
William Carroll
c350222fcc Create README for Chord Drill Sergeant
See the README for more information.

I've wanted to use an application like this for awhile. I would like to start
developing this soon.
2020-04-10 14:48:00 +01:00
William Carroll
065d58dd5a Add README for typo-po
See the README for more context on typo-po.

I drank a strong cup of coffee this morning, and I cannot quiet the activity in
my head. I'm attempting to use READMEs in my //website/sandbox to track ideas
that I would typically track using my phone's notes application. Creating a
README forces me to write more than I may have written in my phone's
notes. Also, since this repository is available at, I
can share these ideas with friends by sending them a URL! So much for "stealth
mode"... Well I guess this stress-tests my theory that ideas are less important
than execution.
2020-04-10 13:54:33 +01:00
William Carroll
a2f68732de Create README for Github Issues Service
See the README for an overview of the concept.

Basically I would like a simpler way to collect feature requests and bug
reportss from my web apps.
2020-04-10 13:40:04 +01:00
William Carroll
5e2f54b0fb Add a README to //website/habits
In //website, I have the following directories about habits:
- days-of-week-habits
- habitgarden
- habits

Without READMEs in each of these directories, visitors (and myself) can
easily get confused.
2020-04-05 16:31:46 +01:00
William Carroll
4e038f5a18 Add README to //website
Help orient visitors for my cobbled website.
2020-04-05 16:29:17 +01:00
William Carroll
3555f5a418 Fix spelling errors in cell-phone-experiment blog
Shoutout to Ryan D. for texting me about these.
2020-04-03 17:20:13 +01:00
William Carroll
55e1170bf5 Change Disqus shortname
I setup a Disqus Admin account.
2020-04-03 11:35:31 +01:00
William Carroll
466392673e Edit cell-phone-experiment blog post
After a full night's rest, I re-read my blog post and made some changes:
- Fix grammatical errors
- Clarify unclear passages
2020-04-03 11:26:20 +01:00
William Carroll
87c7b31271 Finish blog post about cell phone usage
Read the blog post for more information.
2020-04-03 02:08:25 +01:00
William Carroll
af969a7641 Prototype my digital habits journal
Trying to obviate my Google Sheets spreadsheet in favor of a more focused web
2020-03-30 20:28:38 +01:00
William Carroll
778114e6a8 Digitize daily habits
Create a web app off the post-its that I keep near my bathroom mirror.
2020-03-27 18:26:27 +00:00
William Carroll
c68b3ba021 Change srcs to src for website.goals derivation
Debug the typo.
2020-03-27 16:02:44 +00:00
William Carroll
48cdb69efb Publish habits as a webpage
I think it might be a good idea to version control my habits, so that I can
audit them as they change.

I'm publishing these on my website, so that I can refer to them wherever I had
2020-03-27 16:02:44 +00:00
William Carroll
0281eb58aa Add node_modules to .gitignore of boilerplate/typescript
briefcase's top-level .gitignore ignores node_modules, so I never noticed that
it was missing from my boilerplate .gitignore. I don't *really* need to add it
to that .gitignore, but if I want to cleanly eject directories from this
monorepo, it makes sense to keep the .gitignore files local to each project.
2020-03-27 10:59:50 +00:00
William Carroll
514136c99a Run Prettier across projects
Prettier was not running when I saved Emacs buffers.

- prettier-js-mode needs needs node; lorri exposes node to direnv; direnv
  exposes node to Emacs; lorri was not working as expected.

Now that I'm using nix-buffer, I can properly expose node (and other
dependencies) to my Emacs buffers. Now Prettier is working.

Since prettier hadn't worked for so long, I stopped thinking about it. As such,
I did not include it as a dependency in boilerplate/typescript. I added it
now. I retroactively ran prettier across a few of my frontend projects to unify
the code styling.

I may need to run...
$ cd ~/briefcase
$ nix-shell
$ npx prettier --list-different "**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx,html,css,json}"
``` see which files I should have formatted.
2020-03-27 10:59:50 +00:00
William Carroll
f4f7f454fa Delete nut-score
In the spirit of minimalism, I would like to delete this half-baked project from
my repository.

Do less, but better.
2020-03-27 10:59:50 +00:00
William Carroll
6b224a9e31 Drop support for lorri
Lorri does not cleanly integrate with my corporate device, which cannot run
NixOS. To expose dependencies to Emacs buffers, I will use nix-buffer.el, which
reads its values from dir-locals.nix. To easily expose dependencies from my
existing shell.nix files into dir-locals.nix, I wrote a Nix utility function.
2020-03-27 10:59:50 +00:00
William Carroll
3ff6ae3697 Use Parcel's --public-url option when building
By default Parcel prefixes output paths with /. So when Chrome loads it attempts to get the CSS and JS and other assets from instead of Using the --public-url ./ option
makes Parcel output relative paths, which should work better for my needs.
2020-03-25 17:18:51 +00:00
William Carroll
06d2467c56 Use boilerplate/typescript for goals
After deploying the version of this application that built everything in the
browser, which originally was the impetus for the entire project, I learned that
the babel in-browser transformer won't work. I'm not sure why, but I need to
move on from this project and do other work.

I ported the code to my boilerplate/typescript, which works. Wahoo!
2020-03-25 17:04:41 +00:00
William Carroll
89cd77a64b Create
Create a simple React app to define my goals. See the goals/ for more
2020-03-25 16:30:22 +00:00
William Carroll
527aeeeced Add sandbox project using Contentful CMS
I used the boilerplate/typescript project as a starting point. This project
fetches and renders books that I'm defining in a Contentful CMS that I created.
2020-03-24 13:27:30 +00:00
William Carroll
57b58e9b2f Move nut-score into website/sandbox
Also move some .gitignore entries from the top-level .gitignore into a
subdirectory .gitignore.
2020-03-24 12:29:34 +00:00
William Carroll
f4fea2346e Move sandbox into website
Nest the sandbox work under ./website.
2020-03-20 00:52:05 +00:00
William Carroll
1d5ab45303 Move learn to website/learn
Nest the learn directory in the website directory.
2020-03-20 00:47:21 +00:00
William Carroll
95e761e59b Move blog into website/blog
Nest the blog work within the website directory.
2020-03-20 00:46:29 +00:00
William Carroll
54d1a0048a Add sitemap to
- Create ./website directory
- Add a sitemap to
- Move covid-uk directory to sandbox directory

TODO: Next sandbox, blog, and learn in the website directory
2020-03-20 00:22:13 +00:00