My inconsistent git history-keeping is coming to bite me here. At the
moment, I can only speculate about what went wrong here. The gist is
this: I unintentionally committed files that were supposed to be ignored
This commit removes those files which includes:
- auto-save-list
- elpa packages
- quelpa packages
- misc
Super shared KBDs between i3wm and Emacs for:
- focusing windows (i.e. M-{h,j,k,l})
- deleting windows (i.e. M-q)
More support may be needed, but this is good DWIM behavior for now.
- Prefers "$HOME" to "~/urbint" for current project
- Prefers dark colorscheme
- Allows source-jumping to Emacs (nixify this to remove dep on
This is a massive diff that I had to do in a hurry - when leaving
Urbint. I'm pretty sure that most of these are updating Emacs packages,
but I'm not positive.
Debug startup:
- some packages were missing explicit use-package calls, which made this
configuration incompatible with fresh computers. After crashing my MBP
and trying to get this working thereafter, I learned.
Support LSP:
- LSP support for Haskell is good; embrace and prefer over Intero
Update KBDs:
- preferences change
- changing to a light theme (for now)
- enable rerere
- prefer less, since bat is my default pager, which doesn't look great
when looking at diffs, patches, etc
- fix broken alias
- support another alias
Adds a package that allows Emacs to searching through a projects
node_modules executables when resolving a binary like eslint, prettier
etc. This was being hacked together before by relying on explicit paths
to executables. This is a more durable solution.
Also includes some packages related to LSP for Javascript, which I
haven't been able to get working yet.
This was previously semi-supported. There were two problems, however:
1. My fill-column value of 80 got out-of-sync with my white-line-column
value of 100.
Solution: globally define wpc/fill-column, set that to 80, and
consume the new const in my config.
2. Nothing was activating whitespace mode.
Solution: add whitespace-mode to prog-mode-hook.
This SO answer helped tremendously:
I wasn't using the previous KBDs, which were modelled after Vim's answer
for Paredit KBDs.
Some of the mappings bothered me, so I needed that made more sense to
Accidentally commited the version of this configuration that has this
variable set to false.
Since most of the time, this variable should be true, commiting the true
version will clean up my git status output.
Useful since the new configuration branches according to a boolean that
encodes whether or not the Ergodox is connected.
Since I'm frequently switching between programming at my desk to
programming AFK, I need a faster way to update my Slate configuration.
Ideally - some script would watch the USB port for whether or not the
Ergo was connected. Until then...
After writing this, I have a sneaking suspiscion that I'm reinventing
something like Tmuxinator. I guess this is just a poor man's Tmuxinator.
For now, however, haven't had enough time to look into Tmuxinator as a
viable alternative, so this will have to do for now.
Furthermore, moved root-level tmux files to a subdir.
Need to learn more about `evil-goto-definition` because it is possible
and even likely that there is a known, friendlier alternative way to
dispatch the goto-definition using Evil's infrastructure. Needed a
hotfix, however, so this will have to suffice for now.