fix(users/Profpatsch/whatcd-resolver): reduce json data from db
We’d transfer the full json data for each torrent from the db instead of just the 2 or 3 fields we need. Adds some more helpers for parsing database values. Adds some better logging events & traces. Change-Id: I5db386c4ea247febf5f9fc3815da2e7f11286d41 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: BuildkiteCI Reviewed-by: Profpatsch <>
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 104 additions and 20 deletions
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple (Binary (fromBinary))
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromField qualified as PG
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow qualified as PG
import FieldParser (FieldParser)
import FieldParser qualified as Field
import Json qualified
import Label
import PossehlAnalyticsPrelude
@ -24,12 +26,65 @@ bytea = fromField @(Binary ByteString) <&> (.fromBinary)
byteaMay :: Decoder (Maybe ByteString)
byteaMay = fromField @(Maybe (Binary ByteString)) <&> fmap (.fromBinary)
-- | Parse a `text` field.
text :: Decoder Text
text = fromField @Text
-- | Parse a nullable `text` field.
textMay :: Decoder (Maybe Text)
textMay = fromField @(Maybe Text)
-- | Parse a `text` field, and then use a 'FieldParser' to convert the result further.
textParse :: (Typeable to) => FieldParser Text to -> Decoder to
textParse = parse @Text
-- | Parse a nullable `text` field, and then use a 'FieldParser' to convert the result further.
textParseMay :: (Typeable to) => FieldParser Text to -> Decoder (Maybe to)
textParseMay = parseMay @Text
-- | Parse a type implementing 'FromField', and then use a 'FieldParser' to convert the result further.
parse ::
forall from to.
( PG.FromField from,
Typeable to
) =>
FieldParser from to ->
Decoder to
parse parser = Decoder $ PG.fieldWith $ \field bytes -> do
val <- PG.fromField @from field bytes
case Field.runFieldParser parser val of
Left err ->
(err & prettyError & textToString)
Right a -> pure a
-- | Parse a nullable type implementing 'FromField', and then use a 'FieldParser' to convert the result further.
parseMay ::
forall from to.
( PG.FromField from,
Typeable to
) =>
FieldParser from to ->
Decoder (Maybe to)
parseMay parser = Decoder $ PG.fieldWith $ \field bytes -> do
val <- PG.fromField @(Maybe from) field bytes
case Field.runFieldParser parser <$> val of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just (Left err) ->
(err & prettyError & textToString)
Just (Right a) -> pure (Just a)
-- | Turn any type that implements 'PG.fromField' into a 'Decoder'. Use type applications to prevent accidental conversions:
-- @
-- fromField @Text :: Decoder Text
-- @
fromField :: PG.FromField a => Decoder a
fromField :: (PG.FromField a) => Decoder a
fromField = Decoder $ PG.fieldWith PG.fromField
-- | Turn any type that implements 'PG.fromField' into a 'Decoder' and wrap the result into the given 'Label'. Use type applications to prevent accidental conversions:
@ -37,7 +92,7 @@ fromField = Decoder $ PG.fieldWith PG.fromField
-- @
-- fromField @"myField" @Text :: Decoder (Label "myField" Text)
-- @
fromFieldLabel :: forall lbl a. PG.FromField a => Decoder (Label lbl a)
fromFieldLabel :: forall lbl a. (PG.FromField a) => Decoder (Label lbl a)
fromFieldLabel = label @lbl <$> fromField
-- | Parse fields out of a json value returned from the database.
@ -55,7 +110,7 @@ fromFieldLabel = label @lbl <$> fromField
-- Also note: `->>` will coerce the json value to @text@, regardless of the content.
-- So the JSON object @{"foo": {}}"@ would be returned as the text: @"{\"foo\": {}}"@.
json :: Typeable a => Json.ParseT ErrorTree Identity a -> Decoder a
json :: (Typeable a) => Json.ParseT ErrorTree Identity a -> Decoder a
json parser = Decoder $ PG.fieldWith $ \field bytes -> do
val <- PG.fromField @Json.Value field bytes
case Json.parseValue parser val of
@ -81,7 +136,7 @@ json parser = Decoder $ PG.fieldWith $ \field bytes -> do
-- Also note: `->>` will coerce the json value to @text@, regardless of the content.
-- So the JSON object @{"foo": {}}"@ would be returned as the text: @"{\"foo\": {}}"@.
jsonMay :: Typeable a => Json.ParseT ErrorTree Identity a -> Decoder (Maybe a)
jsonMay :: (Typeable a) => Json.ParseT ErrorTree Identity a -> Decoder (Maybe a)
jsonMay parser = Decoder $ PG.fieldWith $ \field bytes -> do
val <- PG.fromField @(Maybe Json.Value) field bytes
case Json.parseValue parser <$> val of
@ -74,6 +74,16 @@ addAttribute span key a = Otel.addAttribute span ("_." <> key) a
addAttributes :: (MonadIO m) => Otel.Span -> HashMap Text Otel.Attribute -> m ()
addAttributes span attrs = Otel.addAttributes span $ attrs & HashMap.mapKeys ("_." <>)
addEventSimple :: (MonadIO m) => Otel.Span -> Text -> m ()
addEventSimple span name =
{ Otel.newEventName = name,
Otel.newEventTimestamp = Nothing,
Otel.newEventAttributes = mempty
-- | Create an otel attribute from a json encoder
jsonAttribute :: Enc -> Otel.Attribute
jsonAttribute e = e & Enc.encToTextPretty & Otel.toAttribute
@ -364,14 +364,13 @@ data TorrentData transmissionInfo = TorrentData
torrentId :: Int,
seedingWeight :: Int,
artists :: [T2 "artistId" Int "artistName" Text],
torrentJson :: Json.Value,
torrentGroupJson :: TorrentGroupJson,
torrentStatus :: TorrentStatus transmissionInfo
data TorrentGroupJson = TorrentGroupJson
{ groupName :: Text,
groupYear :: Int
groupYear :: Natural
data TorrentStatus transmissionInfo
@ -420,8 +419,9 @@ getBestTorrents opts = do
t.full_json_result AS torrent_json,
tg.full_json_result AS torrent_group_json,
t.full_json_result->'artists' AS artists,
tg.full_json_result->>'groupName' AS group_name,
tg.full_json_result->>'groupYear' AS group_year,
t.torrent_file IS NOT NULL AS has_torrent_file,
FROM filtered_torrents f
@ -442,19 +442,15 @@ getBestTorrents opts = do
groupId <- Dec.fromField @Int
torrentId <- Dec.fromField @Int
seedingWeight <- Dec.fromField @Int
(torrentJson, artists) <- Dec.json $ do
val <- Json.asValue
artists <- Json.keyOrDefault "artists" [] $ Json.eachInArray $ do
artists <- Dec.json $
Json.eachInArray $ do
id_ <- Json.keyLabel @"artistId" "id" (Json.asIntegral @_ @Int)
name <- Json.keyLabel @"artistName" "name" Json.asText
pure $ T2 id_ name
pure (val, artists)
torrentGroupJson <-
( Dec.json $ do
groupName <- Json.key "groupName" Json.asText
groupYear <- Json.key "groupYear" (Json.asIntegral @_ @Int)
pure $ TorrentGroupJson {..}
torrentGroupJson <- do
groupName <- Dec.text
groupYear <- Dec.textParse Field.decimalNatural
pure $ TorrentGroupJson {..}
hasTorrentFile <- Dec.fromField @Bool
transmissionTorrentHash <-
Dec.fromField @(Maybe Text)
@ -388,6 +388,7 @@ runHandlers defaultHandler handlers req respond = withRunInIO $ \runInIO -> do
( \span -> do
res <- act span <&> (\h -> T2 (label @"html" h) (label @"extraHeaders" []))
addEventSimple span "Got Html result, rendering…"
liftIO $ respond (resp res)
let htmlResp res = Wai.responseLBS Http.ok200 ([("Content-Type", "text/html")] <> res.extraHeaders) . Html.renderHtml $ res.html
@ -444,6 +445,24 @@ singleQueryArgument field inner =
>>> Parse.fieldParser inner
singleQueryArgumentMay :: Text -> FieldParser ByteString to -> Parse Http.Query (Maybe to)
singleQueryArgumentMay field inner =
( \(ctx, qry) -> case qry
& mapMaybe
( \(k, v) ->
if k == (field & textToBytesUtf8)
then Just v
else Nothing
) of
[] -> Right Nothing
[Nothing] -> Left [fmt|Expected one query argument with a value, but "{field}" was a query flag|]
[Just one] -> Right (Just one)
more -> Left [fmt|More than one value for query argument "{field}": {show more}, at {ctx & Parse.showContext}|]
>>> Parse.maybe (Parse.fieldParser inner)
-- | Make sure we can parse the given Text into an URI.
textToURI :: Parse Text URI
textToURI =
@ -518,6 +537,9 @@ getBestTorrentsTable dat = do
fresh <- getBestTorrentsData dat
pure $ mkBestTorrentsTable fresh
doIfJust :: (Applicative f) => (a -> f ()) -> Maybe a -> f ()
doIfJust = traverse_
getBestTorrentsData ::
( MonadTransmission m,
MonadThrow m,
@ -527,7 +549,8 @@ getBestTorrentsData ::
) =>
Maybe (Label "artistRedactedId" Natural) ->
Transaction m [TorrentData (Label "percentDone" Percentage)]
getBestTorrentsData artistFilter = do
getBestTorrentsData artistFilter = inSpan' "get torrents table data" $ \span -> do
artistFilter & doIfJust (\a -> addAttribute span "artist-filter.redacted-id" (a.artistRedactedId & showToText & Otel.toAttribute))
bestStale :: [TorrentData ()] <- getBestTorrents GetBestTorrentsFilter {onlyArtist = artistFilter, onlyDownloaded = False}
actual <-
@ -596,7 +619,7 @@ mkBestTorrentsTable fresh = do
{Html.toHtml @Text b.torrentGroupJson.groupName}
<td>{Html.toHtml @Int b.torrentGroupJson.groupYear}</td>
<td>{Html.toHtml @Natural b.torrentGroupJson.groupYear}</td>
<td>{Html.toHtml @Int b.seedingWeight}</td>
<td><details hx-trigger="toggle once" hx-post="snips/redacted/torrentDataJson" hx-vals={Enc.encToBytesUtf8 $ Enc.object [("torrent-id", b.torrentId)]}></details></td>
Add table
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