Add dungeon level generation
Add a dungeon level generator, which: 1. generates an infinite sequence of rectangular rooms within the dimensions of the level 2. removes any duplicates from that sequence 3. Generates a graph from the delaunay triangulation of the centerpoints of those rooms 4. Generates the minimum-spanning-tree of that delaunay triangulation, with weights given by line length in points 5. Adds back a subset (default 10-15%) of edges from the delaunay triangulation to the graph 6. Uses the resulting graph to draw corridors between the rooms, using a random point on the near edge of each room to pick the points of the corridors
This commit is contained in:
20 changed files with 680 additions and 103 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/src/Data/Geometry/PlanarSubdivision/Merge.hs b/src/Data/Geometry/PlanarSubdivision/Merge.hs
index 1136114..3f4e7bb 100644
--- a/src/Data/Geometry/PlanarSubdivision/Merge.hs
+++ b/src/Data/Geometry/PlanarSubdivision/Merge.hs
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ mergeWith' mergeFaces p1 p2 = PlanarSubdivision cs vd rd rf
-- we have to shift the number of the *Arcs*. Since every dart
-- consists of two arcs, we have to shift by numDarts / 2
-- Furthermore, we take numFaces - 1 since we want the first
- -- *internal* face of p2 (the one with FaceId 1) to correspond with the first free
+ -- /internal/ face of p2 (the one with FaceId 1) to correspond with the first free
-- position (at index numFaces)
cs = p1^.components <> p2'^.components
@ -1,7 +1,32 @@
{ nixpkgs ? import ./nixpkgs.nix {} }:
let inherit (nixpkgs) pkgs;
in self: super: rec {
generic-arbitrary = pkgs.haskell.lib.appendPatch
in self: super: with pkgs.haskell.lib; rec {
generic-arbitrary = appendPatch
[ ./build/generic-arbitrary-export-garbitrary.patch ];
hgeometry =
(self.callHackageDirect {
pkg = "hgeometry";
ver = "";
sha256 = "02hyvbqm57lr47w90vdgl71cfbd6lvwpqdid9fcnmxkdjbq4kv6b";
} {}) [ ./build/hgeometry-fix-haddock.patch ];
hgeometry-combinatorial =
self.callHackageDirect {
pkg = "hgeometry-combinatorial";
ver = "";
sha256 = "12k41wd9fd1y3jd5djwcpwg2s1cva87wh14i0m1yn49zax9wl740";
} {};
vinyl = pkgs.haskell.lib.overrideSrc
(pkgs.haskell.lib.markUnbroken super.vinyl)
rec {
src = nixpkgs.fetchzip {
url = "mirror://hackage/vinyl-${version}/vinyl-${version}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "190ffrmm76fh8fi9afkcda2vldf89y7dxj10434h28mbpq55kgsx";
version = "0.12.0";
@ -30,14 +30,19 @@ dependencies:
- containers
- data-default
- deepseq
- fgl
- fgl-arbitrary
- file-embed
- filepath
- generic-arbitrary
- generic-monoid
- generic-lens
- groups
- hgeometry
- hgeometry-combinatorial
- JuicyPixels
- lens
- linear
- megaparsec
- MonadRandom
- mtl
@ -49,6 +54,7 @@ dependencies:
- raw-strings-qq
- reflection
- Rasterific
- streams
- stache
- semigroupoids
- tomland
@ -18,11 +18,7 @@ let
overrides = (self: super: {
ghc = super.ghc // { withPackages = super.ghc.withHoogle; };
ghcWithPackages = self.ghc.withPackages;
# eww
generic-arbitrary = pkgs.haskell.lib.appendPatch
[ ./build/generic-arbitrary-export-garbitrary.patch ];
} // (import ./haskell-overlay.nix { inherit nixpkgs; }) self super);
else packageSet
@ -47,19 +47,22 @@ parseRunParams = RunParams
data Command
= Run RunParams
| Load FilePath
| Generate GeneratorInput Dimensions
| Generate GeneratorInput Dimensions (Maybe Int)
parseDimensions :: Opt.Parser Dimensions
parseDimensions = Dimensions
<$> Opt.option
( Opt.short 'w'
<> Opt.long "width"
<> Opt.metavar "TILES"
<*> Opt.option
( Opt.short 'h'
<> Opt.long "height"
<> Opt.metavar "TILES"
parseCommand :: Opt.Parser Command
parseCommand = (<|> Run <$> parseRunParams) $ Opt.subparser
$ Opt.command "run"
@ -75,6 +78,8 @@ parseCommand = (<|> Run <$> parseRunParams) $ Opt.subparser
<$> parseGeneratorInput
<*> parseDimensions
<*> optional
(Opt.option (Opt.long "seed"))
<**> Opt.helper
(Opt.progDesc "Generate a sample level"))
@ -91,6 +96,9 @@ runGame :: RunParams -> IO ()
runGame rparams = do
app <- makeApp
gameSeed <- maybe getRandom pure $ seed rparams
when (isNothing $ seed rparams)
. putStrLn
$ "Seed: " <> tshow gameSeed
let initialState = Game.initialStateFromSeed gameSeed &~ do
for_ (characterName rparams) $ \cn ->
Game.character . Character.characterName ?= cn
@ -112,11 +120,16 @@ loadGame saveFile = do
pure ()
runGenerate :: GeneratorInput -> Dimensions -> IO ()
runGenerate input dims = do
randGen <- getStdGen
let res = generateFromInput input dims randGen
runGenerate :: GeneratorInput -> Dimensions -> Maybe Int -> IO ()
runGenerate input dims mSeed = do
putStrLn "Generating..."
genSeed <- maybe getRandom pure mSeed
let randGen = mkStdGen genSeed
res = generateFromInput input dims randGen
rs = regions $ amap not res
when (isNothing mSeed)
. putStrLn
$ "Seed: " <> tshow genSeed
putStr "num regions: "
print $ length rs
putStr "region lengths: "
@ -128,7 +141,7 @@ runGenerate input dims = do
runCommand :: Command -> IO ()
runCommand (Run runParams) = runGame runParams
runCommand (Load saveFile) = loadGame saveFile
runCommand (Generate input dims) = runGenerate input dims
runCommand (Generate input dims mSeed) = runGenerate input dims mSeed
main :: IO ()
main = runCommand =<< Opt.execParser optParser
@ -8,16 +8,20 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoTypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
-- | Common data types for Xanthous
module Xanthous.Data
( -- *
( Opposite(..)
-- *
, Position'(..)
, Position
, x
, y
-- **
, Positioned(..)
, _Positioned
, position
@ -30,6 +34,18 @@ module Xanthous.Data
, stepTowards
, isUnit
-- * Boxes
, Box(..)
, topLeftCorner
, bottomRightCorner
, setBottomRightCorner
, dimensions
, inBox
, boxIntersects
, boxCenter
, boxEdge
, module Linear.V2
-- *
, Per(..)
, invertRate
@ -49,11 +65,15 @@ module Xanthous.Data
-- *
, Direction(..)
, opposite
, move
, asPosition
, directionOf
-- *
, Corner(..)
, Edge(..)
, cornerEdges
-- *
, Neighbors(..)
, edges
@ -65,6 +85,9 @@ module Xanthous.Data
) where
import Xanthous.Prelude hiding (Left, Down, Right, (.=))
import Linear.V2 hiding (_x, _y)
import qualified Linear.V2 as L
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary, CoArbitrary, Function)
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary.Generic
import Data.Group
@ -74,11 +97,18 @@ import Data.Aeson.Generic.DerivingVia
import Data.Aeson
( ToJSON(..), FromJSON(..), object, (.=), (.:), withObject)
import Xanthous.Util (EqEqProp(..), EqProp)
import Xanthous.Util (EqEqProp(..), EqProp, between)
import Xanthous.Util.QuickCheck (GenericArbitrary(..))
import Xanthous.Orphans ()
import Xanthous.Util.Graphics
-- | opposite ∘ opposite ≡ id
class Opposite x where
opposite :: x -> x
-- fromScalar ∘ scalar ≡ id
class Scalar a where
scalar :: a -> Double
@ -109,7 +139,10 @@ data Position' a where
deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON)
via WithOptions '[ FieldLabelModifier '[Drop 1] ]
(Position' a)
makeLenses ''Position'
x, y :: Lens' (Position' a) a
x = lens (\(Position xx _) -> xx) (\(Position _ yy) xx -> Position xx yy)
y = lens (\(Position _ yy) -> yy) (\(Position xx _) yy -> Position xx yy)
type Position = Position' Int
@ -236,7 +269,7 @@ instance Arbitrary Direction where
arbitrary = genericArbitrary
shrink = genericShrink
opposite :: Direction -> Direction
instance Opposite Direction where
opposite Up = Down
opposite Down = Up
opposite Left = Right
@ -295,6 +328,40 @@ stepTowards (view _Position -> p₁) (view _Position -> p₂)
data Corner
= TopLeft
| TopRight
| BottomLeft
| BottomRight
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Generic)
instance Opposite Corner where
opposite TopLeft = BottomRight
opposite TopRight = BottomLeft
opposite BottomLeft = TopRight
opposite BottomRight = TopLeft
data Edge
= TopEdge
| LeftEdge
| RightEdge
| BottomEdge
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Generic)
instance Opposite Edge where
opposite TopEdge = BottomEdge
opposite BottomEdge = TopEdge
opposite LeftEdge = RightEdge
opposite RightEdge = LeftEdge
cornerEdges :: Corner -> (Edge, Edge)
cornerEdges TopLeft = (TopEdge, LeftEdge)
cornerEdges TopRight = (TopEdge, RightEdge)
cornerEdges BottomLeft = (BottomEdge, LeftEdge)
cornerEdges BottomRight = (BottomEdge, RightEdge)
data Neighbors a = Neighbors
{ _topLeft
, _top
@ -307,7 +374,7 @@ data Neighbors a = Neighbors
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)
deriving anyclass (NFData)
makeLenses ''Neighbors
makeFieldsNoPrefix ''Neighbors
instance Applicative Neighbors where
pure α = Neighbors
@ -403,3 +470,57 @@ newtype Hitpoints = Hitpoints Word
via Word
deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via Sum Word
data Box a = Box
{ _topLeftCorner :: V2 a
, _dimensions :: V2 a
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Generic)
deriving Arbitrary via GenericArbitrary (Box a)
makeFieldsNoPrefix ''Box
bottomRightCorner :: Num a => Box a -> V2 a
bottomRightCorner box =
V2 (box ^. topLeftCorner . L._x + box ^. dimensions . L._x)
(box ^. topLeftCorner . L._y + box ^. dimensions . L._y)
setBottomRightCorner :: (Num a, Ord a) => Box a -> V2 a -> Box a
setBottomRightCorner box br@(V2 brx bry)
| brx < box ^. topLeftCorner . L._x || bry < box ^. topLeftCorner . L._y
= box & topLeftCorner .~ br
& dimensions . L._x .~ ((box ^. topLeftCorner . L._x) - brx)
& dimensions . L._y .~ ((box ^. topLeftCorner . L._y) - bry)
| otherwise
= box & dimensions . L._x .~ (brx - (box ^. topLeftCorner . L._x))
& dimensions . L._y .~ (bry - (box ^. topLeftCorner . L._y))
inBox :: (Ord a, Num a) => Box a -> V2 a -> Bool
inBox box pt = flip all [L._x, L._y] $ \component ->
between (box ^. topLeftCorner . component)
(box ^. to bottomRightCorner . component)
(pt ^. component)
boxIntersects :: (Ord a, Num a) => Box a -> Box a -> Bool
boxIntersects box₁ box₂
= any (inBox box₁) [box₂ ^. topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner box₂]
boxCenter :: (Fractional a) => Box a -> V2 a
boxCenter box = V2 cx cy
cx = box ^. topLeftCorner . L._x + (box ^. dimensions . L._x / 2)
cy = box ^. topLeftCorner . L._y + (box ^. dimensions . L._y / 2)
boxEdge :: (Enum a, Num a) => Box a -> Edge -> [V2 a]
boxEdge box LeftEdge =
V2 (box ^. topLeftCorner . L._x)
<$> [box ^. topLeftCorner . L._y .. box ^. to bottomRightCorner . L._y]
boxEdge box RightEdge =
V2 (box ^. to bottomRightCorner . L._x)
<$> [box ^. to bottomRightCorner . L._y .. box ^. to bottomRightCorner . L._y]
boxEdge box TopEdge =
flip V2 (box ^. topLeftCorner . L._y)
<$> [box ^. topLeftCorner . L._x .. box ^. to bottomRightCorner . L._x]
boxEdge box BottomEdge =
flip V2 (box ^. to bottomRightCorner . L._y)
<$> [box ^. topLeftCorner . L._x .. box ^. to bottomRightCorner . L._x]
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import qualified Options.Applicative as Opt
import Control.Monad.Random
import qualified Xanthous.Generators.CaveAutomata as CaveAutomata
import qualified Xanthous.Generators.Dungeon as Dungeon
import Xanthous.Generators.Util
import Xanthous.Generators.LevelContents
import Xanthous.Data (Dimensions, Position'(Position), Position)
@ -35,14 +36,18 @@ import Xanthous.Entities.Item (Item)
import Xanthous.Entities.Creature (Creature)
data Generator = CaveAutomata
data Generator
= CaveAutomata
| Dungeon
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
data SGenerator (gen :: Generator) where
SCaveAutomata :: SGenerator 'CaveAutomata
SDungeon :: SGenerator 'Dungeon
type family Params (gen :: Generator) :: Type where
Params 'CaveAutomata = CaveAutomata.Params
Params 'Dungeon = Dungeon.Params
:: RandomGen g
@ -52,6 +57,7 @@ generate
-> g
-> Cells
generate SCaveAutomata = CaveAutomata.generate
generate SDungeon = Dungeon.generate
data GeneratorInput where
GeneratorInput :: forall gen. SGenerator gen -> Params gen -> GeneratorInput
@ -60,10 +66,23 @@ generateFromInput :: RandomGen g => GeneratorInput -> Dimensions -> g -> Cells
generateFromInput (GeneratorInput sg ps) = generate sg ps
parseGeneratorInput :: Opt.Parser GeneratorInput
parseGeneratorInput = Opt.subparser $
Opt.command "cave" (
(GeneratorInput <$> pure SCaveAutomata <*> CaveAutomata.parseParams)
(Opt.progDesc "cellular-automata based cave generator"))
parseGeneratorInput = Opt.subparser
$ generatorCommand SCaveAutomata
"Cellular-automata based cave generator"
<> generatorCommand SDungeon
"Classic dungeon map generator"
generatorCommand sgen name desc parseParams =
Opt.command name
(GeneratorInput <$> pure sgen <*> parseParams)
(Opt.progDesc desc)
showCells :: Cells -> Text
showCells arr =
@ -2,23 +2,25 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Xanthous.Generators.CaveAutomata
( Params(..)
, defaultParams
, parseParams
, generate
) where
import Xanthous.Prelude
import Control.Monad.Random (RandomGen, runRandT)
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import qualified Options.Applicative as Opt
import Xanthous.Util (between)
import Xanthous.Util.Optparse
import Xanthous.Data (Dimensions, width, height)
import Xanthous.Generators.Util
data Params = Params
{ _aliveStartChance :: Double
@ -70,13 +72,6 @@ parseParams = Params
<> Opt.metavar "STEPS"
readWithGuard predicate errmsg = do
res <-
unless (predicate res)
$ Opt.readerError
$ errmsg res
pure res
parseChance = readWithGuard
(between 0 1)
$ \res -> "Chance must be in the range [0,1], got: " <> show res
@ -85,7 +80,7 @@ parseParams = Params
(between 0 8)
$ \res -> "Neighbors must be in the range [0,8], got: " <> show res
generate :: RandomGen g => Params -> Dimensions -> g -> UArray (Word, Word) Bool
generate :: RandomGen g => Params -> Dimensions -> g -> Cells
generate params dims gen
= runSTUArray
$ fmap fst
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Xanthous.Generators.Dungeon
( Params(..)
, defaultParams
, parseParams
, generate
) where
import Xanthous.Prelude hiding ((:>))
import Control.Monad.Random
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.Array.IArray (amap)
import Data.Stream.Infinite (Stream(..))
import qualified Data.Stream.Infinite as Stream
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Linear.V2
import Linear.Metric
import qualified Options.Applicative as Opt
import Xanthous.Random
import Xanthous.Data hiding (x, y, _x, _y, edges)
import Xanthous.Generators.Util
import Xanthous.Util.Graphics (delaunay, straightLine)
import Xanthous.Util.Graph (mstSubGraph)
data Params = Params
{ _numRoomsRange :: (Word, Word)
, _roomDimensionRange :: (Word, Word)
, _connectednessRatioRange :: (Double, Double)
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
makeLenses ''Params
defaultParams :: Params
defaultParams = Params
{ _numRoomsRange = (6, 8)
, _roomDimensionRange = (3, 12)
, _connectednessRatioRange = (0.1, 0.15)
parseParams :: Opt.Parser Params
parseParams = Params
<$> parseRange
"number of rooms to generate in the dungeon"
(defaultParams ^. numRoomsRange)
<*> parseRange
"size in tiles of one of the sides of a room"
(defaultParams ^. roomDimensionRange)
<*> parseRange
( "ratio of edges from the delaunay triangulation to re-add to the "
<> "minimum-spanning-tree")
(defaultParams ^. connectednessRatioRange)
<**> Opt.helper
parseRange name desc metavar (defMin, defMax) =
<$> Opt.option
( Opt.long ("min-" <> name)
<> Opt.value defMin
<> Opt.showDefault
<> ("Minimum " <> desc)
<> Opt.metavar metavar
<*> Opt.option
( Opt.long ("max-" <> name)
<> Opt.value defMax
<> Opt.showDefault
<> ("Maximum " <> desc)
<> Opt.metavar metavar
generate :: RandomGen g => Params -> Dimensions -> g -> Cells
generate params dims gen
= amap not
$ runSTUArray
$ fmap fst
$ flip runRandT gen
$ generate' params dims
generate' :: RandomGen g => Params -> Dimensions -> CellM g s (MCells s)
generate' params dims = do
cells <- initializeEmpty dims
rooms <- genRooms params dims
for_ rooms $ fillRoom cells
let fullRoomGraph = delaunayRoomGraph rooms
mst = mstSubGraph fullRoomGraph
mstEdges = Graph.edges mst
nonMSTEdges = filter (\(n₁, n₂, _) -> (n₁, n₂) `notElem` mstEdges)
$ Graph.labEdges fullRoomGraph
reintroEdgeCount <- floor . (* fromIntegral (length nonMSTEdges))
<$> getRandomR (params ^. connectednessRatioRange)
let reintroEdges = take reintroEdgeCount nonMSTEdges
corridorGraph = Graph.insEdges reintroEdges mst
corridors <- traverse
( uncurry corridorBetween
. over both (fromJust . Graph.lab corridorGraph)
) $ Graph.edges corridorGraph
for_ (join corridors) $ \pt -> lift $ writeArray cells pt True
pure cells
type Room = Box Word
genRooms :: MonadRandom m => Params -> Dimensions -> m [Room]
genRooms params dims = do
numRooms <- fromIntegral <$> getRandomR (params ^. numRoomsRange)
subRand . fmap (Stream.take numRooms . removeIntersecting []) . infinitely $ do
roomWidth <- getRandomR $ params ^. roomDimensionRange
roomHeight <- getRandomR $ params ^. roomDimensionRange
xPos <- getRandomR (0, dims ^. width - roomWidth)
yPos <- getRandomR (0, dims ^. height - roomHeight)
pure Box
{ _topLeftCorner = V2 xPos yPos
, _dimensions = V2 roomWidth roomHeight
removeIntersecting seen (room :> rooms)
| any (boxIntersects room) seen
= removeIntersecting seen rooms
| otherwise
= room :> removeIntersecting (room : seen) rooms
streamRepeat x = x :> streamRepeat x
infinitely = sequence . streamRepeat
delaunayRoomGraph :: [Room] -> Gr Room Double
delaunayRoomGraph rooms =
Graph.insEdges edges . Graph.insNodes nodes $ Graph.empty
edges = map (\((n₁, room₁), (n₂, room₂)) -> (n₁, n₂, roomDist room₁ room₂))
. over (mapped . both) snd
. delaunay @Double
. NE.fromList
. map (\p@(_, room) -> (boxCenter $ fromIntegral <$> room, p))
$ nodes
nodes = zip [0..] rooms
roomDist = distance `on` (boxCenter . fmap fromIntegral)
fillRoom :: MCells s -> Room -> CellM g s ()
fillRoom cells room =
let V2 posx posy = room ^. topLeftCorner
V2 dimx dimy = room ^. dimensions
in for_ [posx .. posx + dimx] $ \x ->
for_ [posy .. posy + dimy] $ \y ->
lift $ writeArray cells (x, y) True
corridorBetween :: MonadRandom m => Room -> Room -> m [(Word, Word)]
corridorBetween originRoom destinationRoom
= straightLine <$> origin <*> destination
origin = choose . NE.fromList . map toTuple =<< originEdge
destination = choose . NE.fromList . map toTuple =<< destinationEdge
originEdge = pickEdge originRoom originCorner
destinationEdge = pickEdge destinationRoom destinationCorner
pickEdge room corner = choose . over both (boxEdge room) $ cornerEdges corner
originCorner =
case ( compare (originRoom ^. topLeftCorner . _x)
(destinationRoom ^. topLeftCorner . _x)
, compare (originRoom ^. topLeftCorner . _y)
(destinationRoom ^. topLeftCorner . _y)
) of
(LT, LT) -> BottomRight
(LT, GT) -> TopRight
(GT, LT) -> BottomLeft
(GT, GT) -> TopLeft
(EQ, LT) -> BottomLeft
(EQ, GT) -> TopRight
(GT, EQ) -> TopLeft
(LT, EQ) -> BottomRight
(EQ, EQ) -> TopLeft -- should never happen
destinationCorner = opposite originCorner
toTuple (V2 x y) = (x, y)
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Xanthous.Generators.Util
, Cells
, CellM
, randInitialize
, initializeEmpty
, numAliveNeighborsM
, numAliveNeighbors
, fillOuterEdgesM
@ -39,13 +40,17 @@ type CellM g s a = RandT g (ST s) a
randInitialize :: RandomGen g => Dimensions -> Double -> CellM g s (MCells s)
randInitialize dims aliveChance = do
res <- lift $ newArray ((0, 0), (dims ^. width, dims ^. height)) False
res <- initializeEmpty dims
for_ [0..dims ^. width] $ \i ->
for_ [0..dims ^. height] $ \j -> do
val <- (>= aliveChance) <$> getRandomR (0, 1)
lift $ writeArray res (i, j) val
pure res
initializeEmpty :: RandomGen g => Dimensions -> CellM g s (MCells s)
initializeEmpty dims =
lift $ newArray ((0, 0), (dims ^. width, dims ^. height)) False
:: forall a i j m
. (MArray a Bool m, Ix (i, j), Integral i, Integral j)
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Xanthous.Orphans
@ -13,21 +15,23 @@ import Xanthous.Prelude hiding (elements, (.=))
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (typeMismatch)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Text.Arbitrary ()
import Graphics.Vty.Attributes
import Brick.Widgets.Edit
import Data.Text.Zipper.Generic (GenericTextZipper)
import Brick.Widgets.Core (getName)
import System.Random (StdGen)
import Test.QuickCheck
import "quickcheck-instances" Test.QuickCheck.Instances ()
import Text.Megaparsec (errorBundlePretty)
import Text.Megaparsec.Pos
import Text.Mustache
import Text.Mustache.Type ( showKey )
import Control.Monad.State
import Linear
import Xanthous.Util.JSON
import Xanthous.Util.QuickCheck
instance forall s a.
( Cons s s a a
@ -130,18 +134,6 @@ instance Function Template where
parseTemplatePartial txt
= compileMustacheText "template" txt ^?! _Right
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (NonEmpty a) where
arbitrary = do
x <- arbitrary
xs <- arbitrary
pure $ x :| xs
instance CoArbitrary a => CoArbitrary (NonEmpty a) where
coarbitrary = coarbitrary . toList
instance Function a => Function (NonEmpty a) where
function = functionMap toList NonEmpty.fromList
ppNode :: Map PName [Node] -> Node -> Text
ppNode _ (TextBlock txt) = txt
ppNode _ (EscapedVar k) = "{{" <> showKey k <> "}}"
@ -169,12 +161,6 @@ instance FromJSON Template where
$ either (fail . errorBundlePretty) pure
. compileMustacheText "template"
instance CoArbitrary Text where
coarbitrary = coarbitrary . unpack
instance Function Text where
function = functionMap unpack pack
deriving anyclass instance NFData Node
deriving anyclass instance NFData Template
@ -353,3 +339,8 @@ instance CoArbitrary StdGen where
deriving newtype instance (Arbitrary s, CoArbitrary (m (a, s)))
=> CoArbitrary (StateT s m a)
deriving via (GenericArbitrary (V2 a)) instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (V2 a)
instance CoArbitrary a => CoArbitrary (V2 a)
instance Function a => Function (V2 a)
@ -8,12 +8,14 @@ module Xanthous.Random
, Weighted(..)
, evenlyWeighted
, weightedBy
, subRand
) where
import Xanthous.Prelude
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Control.Monad.Random.Class (MonadRandom(getRandomR, getRandom))
import Control.Monad.Random (Rand, evalRand, mkStdGen, StdGen)
import Data.Random.Shuffle.Weighted
import Data.Random.Distribution
import Data.Random.Distribution.Uniform
@ -58,6 +60,10 @@ instance Choose (NonEmpty a) where
type RandomResult (NonEmpty a) = a
choose = choose . fromNonEmpty @[_]
instance Choose (a, a) where
type RandomResult (a, a) = a
choose (x, y) = choose (x :| [y])
newtype Weighted w t a = Weighted (t (w, a))
evenlyWeighted :: [a] -> Weighted Int [] a
@ -76,3 +82,6 @@ instance (Num w, Ord w, Distribution Uniform w, Excludable w) => Choose (Weighte
$ fromMaybe (error "unreachable") . headMay
<$> weightedSample 1 (toList ws)
subRand :: MonadRandom m => Rand StdGen a -> m a
subRand sub = evalRand sub . mkStdGen <$> getRandom
@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ module Xanthous.Util
, maximum1
, minimum1
-- * Combinators
, times, times_
-- * Type-level programming utils
, KnownBool(..)
) where
@ -228,6 +231,12 @@ maximum1 = getMax . foldMap1 Max
minimum1 :: (Ord a, Foldable1 f) => f a -> a
minimum1 = getMin . foldMap1 Min
times :: (Applicative f, Num n, Enum n) => n -> (n -> f b) -> f [b]
times n f = traverse f [1..n]
times_ :: (Applicative f, Num n, Enum n) => n -> f a -> f [a]
times_ n fa = times n (const fa)
-- | This class gives a boolean associated with a type-level bool, a'la
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
module Xanthous.Util.Graph where
import Xanthous.Prelude
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.MST (msTree)
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Basic (undir)
import Data.Set (isSubsetOf)
:: forall gr node edge. (DynGraph gr, Real edge, Show edge)
=> gr node edge -> gr node edge
mstSubGraph graph = insEdges mstEdges . insNodes (labNodes graph) $ Graph.empty
mstEdges = ordNub $ do
LP path <- msTree $ undir graph
case path of
[] -> []
[_] -> []
((n₂, edgeWeight) : (n₁, _) : _) ->
pure (n₁, n₂, edgeWeight)
:: (Graph gr1, Graph gr2, Ord node, Ord edge)
=> gr1 node edge
-> gr2 node edge
-> Bool
isSubGraphOf graph₁ graph₂
= setFromList (labNodes graph₁) `isSubsetOf` setFromList (labNodes graph₂)
&& setFromList (labEdges graph₁) `isSubsetOf` setFromList (labEdges graph₂)
@ -4,16 +4,26 @@ module Xanthous.Util.Graphics
( circle
, filledCircle
, line
, straightLine
, delaunay
) where
import Xanthous.Prelude
import qualified Algorithms.Geometry.DelaunayTriangulation.DivideAndConquer
as Geometry
import qualified Algorithms.Geometry.DelaunayTriangulation.Types as Geometry
import Codec.Picture (imagePixels)
import qualified Data.Geometry.Point as Geometry
import Data.Ext ((:+)(..))
import Data.List (unfoldr)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Ix (range, Ix)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import qualified Graphics.Rasterific as Raster
import Graphics.Rasterific hiding (circle, line)
import Graphics.Rasterific hiding (circle, line, V2(..))
import Graphics.Rasterific.Texture (uniformTexture)
import Codec.Picture (imagePixels)
import Linear.V2
@ -24,7 +34,7 @@ circle :: (Num i, Integral i, Ix i)
circle (ox, oy) radius
= pointsFromRaster (ox + radius) (oy + radius)
$ stroke 1 JoinRound (CapRound, CapRound)
$ (V2 (fromIntegral ox) (fromIntegral oy))
$ (Raster.V2 (fromIntegral ox) (fromIntegral oy))
$ fromIntegral radius
filledCircle :: (Num i, Integral i, Ix i)
@ -34,7 +44,7 @@ filledCircle :: (Num i, Integral i, Ix i)
filledCircle (ox, oy) radius
= pointsFromRaster (ox + radius) (oy + radius)
$ fill
$ (V2 (fromIntegral ox) (fromIntegral oy))
$ (Raster.V2 (fromIntegral ox) (fromIntegral oy))
$ fromIntegral radius
-- showCells . fromPoints . NE.fromList $ filledCircle (15, 15) 7
@ -83,3 +93,21 @@ line pa@(xa, ya) pb@(xb, yb)
(newY, newError) = if (2 * tempError) >= δx
then (yTemp + ystep, tempError - δx)
else (yTemp, tempError)
straightLine :: (Num i, Ord i) => (i, i) -> (i, i) -> [(i, i)]
straightLine pa@(xa, _) pb@(_, yb) = line pa midpoint ++ line midpoint pb
where midpoint = (xa, yb)
:: (Ord n, Fractional n)
=> NonEmpty (V2 n, p)
-> [((V2 n, p), (V2 n, p))]
= map (over both fromPoint)
. Geometry.triangulationEdges
. Geometry.delaunayTriangulation
. map toPoint
toPoint (V2 px py, pid) = Geometry.Point2 px py :+ pid
fromPoint (Geometry.Point2 px py :+ pid) = (V2 px py, pid)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
module Xanthous.Util.Optparse
( readWithGuard
) where
import Xanthous.Prelude
import qualified Options.Applicative as Opt
:: Read b
=> (b -> Bool)
-> (b -> String)
-> Opt.ReadM b
readWithGuard predicate errmsg = do
res <-
unless (predicate res)
$ Opt.readerError
$ errmsg res
pure res
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import qualified Xanthous.Generators.UtilSpec
import qualified Xanthous.MessageSpec
import qualified Xanthous.OrphansSpec
import qualified Xanthous.Util.GraphicsSpec
import qualified Xanthous.Util.GraphSpec
import qualified Xanthous.Util.InflectionSpec
import qualified Xanthous.UtilSpec
@ -28,5 +29,6 @@ test = testGroup "Xanthous"
, Xanthous.DataSpec.test
, Xanthous.UtilSpec.test
, Xanthous.Util.GraphicsSpec.test
, Xanthous.Util.GraphSpec.test
, Xanthous.Util.InflectionSpec.test
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-- |
module Xanthous.DataSpec (main, test) where
import Test.Prelude hiding (Right, Left, Down)
import Xanthous.Data
import Data.Group
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain test
@ -35,11 +35,12 @@ test = testGroup "Xanthous.Data"
(not . isUnit) (Position @Int 1 13) @? "isUnit $ Position 1 13"
, testGroup "Direction"
[ testProperty "opposite is involutive" $ \(dir :: Direction) ->
opposite (opposite dir) == dir
, testProperty "opposite provides inverse" $ \dir ->
invert (asPosition dir) == asPosition (opposite dir)
invert (asPosition dir) === asPosition (opposite dir)
, testProperty "asPosition isUnit" $ \dir ->
dir /= Here ==> isUnit (asPosition dir)
, testGroup "Move"
@ -53,4 +54,29 @@ test = testGroup "Xanthous.Data"
, testCase "DownRight" $ move DownRight mempty @?= Position 1 1
, testGroup "Corner"
[ testGroup "instance Opposite"
[ testProperty "involutive" $ \corner ->
opposite (opposite corner) === corner
, testGroup "Edge"
[ testGroup "instance Opposite"
[ testProperty "involutive" $ \edge ->
opposite (opposite edge) === edge
, testGroup "Box"
[ testGroup "boxIntersects"
[ testProperty "True" $ \dims ->
boxIntersects (Box @Word (V2 1 1) (V2 2 2))
(Box (V2 2 2) dims)
, testProperty "False" $ \dims ->
not $ boxIntersects (Box @Word (V2 1 1) (V2 2 2))
(Box (V2 4 2) dims)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
module Xanthous.Util.GraphSpec (main, test) where
import Test.Prelude
import Xanthous.Util.Graph
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Basic
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph (labNodes, size, order)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Arbitrary
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain test
test :: TestTree
test = testGroup "Xanthous.Util.Graph"
[ testGroup "mstSubGraph"
[ testProperty "always produces a subgraph"
$ \(CG _ (graph :: Gr Int Int)) ->
let msg = mstSubGraph $ undir graph
in counterexample (show msg)
$ msg `isSubGraphOf` undir graph
, testProperty "returns a graph with the same nodes"
$ \(CG _ (graph :: Gr Int Int)) ->
let msg = mstSubGraph graph
in counterexample (show msg)
$ labNodes msg === labNodes graph
, testProperty "has nodes - 1 edges"
$ \(CG _ (graph :: Gr Int Int)) ->
order graph > 1 ==>
let msg = mstSubGraph graph
in counterexample (show msg)
$ size msg === order graph - 1
, testProperty "always produces a simple graph"
$ \(CG _ (graph :: Gr Int Int)) ->
let msg = mstSubGraph graph
in counterexample (show msg) $ isSimple msg
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ cabal-version: 1.12
-- see:
-- hash: 2d93180ab419496ded42f750d00a5b3f6c6994a9af86a8694bb585a1f52919d4
-- hash: 497414a98a626a63a6c5022688b33d0021c1580c7c262fbc1152599289df7935
name: xanthous
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ library
@ -63,9 +64,11 @@ library
@ -74,8 +77,10 @@ library
default-extensions: BlockArguments ConstraintKinds DataKinds DeriveAnyClass DeriveGeneric DerivingStrategies DerivingVia FlexibleContexts FlexibleInstances FunctionalDependencies GADTSyntax GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving KindSignatures LambdaCase MultiWayIf NoImplicitPrelude NoStarIsType OverloadedStrings PolyKinds RankNTypes ScopedTypeVariables TupleSections TypeApplications TypeFamilies TypeOperators
ghc-options: -Wall
, MonadRandom
, QuickCheck
, Rasterific
, aeson
, array
, base
@ -87,13 +92,18 @@ library
, containers
, data-default
, deepseq
, fgl
, fgl-arbitrary
, file-embed
, filepath
, generic-arbitrary
, generic-lens
, generic-monoid
, groups
, hgeometry
, hgeometry-combinatorial
, lens
, linear
, megaparsec
, mtl
, optparse-applicative
@ -105,7 +115,9 @@ library
, random-source
, raw-strings-qq
, reflection
, semigroupoids
, stache
, streams
, text-zipper
, tomland
, vector
@ -142,6 +154,7 @@ executable xanthous
@ -151,9 +164,11 @@ executable xanthous
@ -161,8 +176,10 @@ executable xanthous
default-extensions: BlockArguments ConstraintKinds DataKinds DeriveAnyClass DeriveGeneric DerivingStrategies DerivingVia FlexibleContexts FlexibleInstances FunctionalDependencies GADTSyntax GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving KindSignatures LambdaCase MultiWayIf NoImplicitPrelude NoStarIsType OverloadedStrings PolyKinds RankNTypes ScopedTypeVariables TupleSections TypeApplications TypeFamilies TypeOperators
ghc-options: -Wall -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N -O2
, MonadRandom
, QuickCheck
, Rasterific
, aeson
, array
, base
@ -174,13 +191,18 @@ executable xanthous
, containers
, data-default
, deepseq
, fgl
, fgl-arbitrary
, file-embed
, filepath
, generic-arbitrary
, generic-lens
, generic-monoid
, groups
, hgeometry
, hgeometry-combinatorial
, lens
, linear
, megaparsec
, mtl
, optparse-applicative
@ -192,7 +214,9 @@ executable xanthous
, random-source
, raw-strings-qq
, reflection
, semigroupoids
, stache
, streams
, text-zipper
, tomland
, vector
@ -217,6 +241,7 @@ test-suite test
@ -225,8 +250,10 @@ test-suite test
default-extensions: BlockArguments ConstraintKinds DataKinds DeriveAnyClass DeriveGeneric DerivingStrategies DerivingVia FlexibleContexts FlexibleInstances FunctionalDependencies GADTSyntax GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving KindSignatures LambdaCase MultiWayIf NoImplicitPrelude NoStarIsType OverloadedStrings PolyKinds RankNTypes ScopedTypeVariables TupleSections TypeApplications TypeFamilies TypeOperators
ghc-options: -Wall -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N -O0
, MonadRandom
, QuickCheck
, Rasterific
, aeson
, array
, base
@ -238,14 +265,19 @@ test-suite test
, containers
, data-default
, deepseq
, fgl
, fgl-arbitrary
, file-embed
, filepath
, generic-arbitrary
, generic-lens
, generic-monoid
, groups
, hgeometry
, hgeometry-combinatorial
, lens
, lens-properties
, linear
, megaparsec
, mtl
, optparse-applicative
@ -257,7 +289,9 @@ test-suite test
, random-source
, raw-strings-qq
, reflection
, semigroupoids
, stache
, streams
, tasty
, tasty-hunit
, tasty-quickcheck
Add table
Reference in a new issue