feat(wpcarro/compiler): Support Vector type
Support an array that dynamically resizes itself, and replace usages of `List`, `Array`, and `Queue` with `Vec`. Change-Id: I910b140b7c1bdddae40e08f8191986dccbc6fddf Reviewed-on: https://cl.tvl.fyi/c/depot/+/7080 Tested-by: BuildkiteCI Reviewed-by: wpcarro <wpcarro@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 192 additions and 95 deletions
@ -31,24 +31,15 @@ open Parser
open Inference
open Inference
open Debug
open Debug
open Prettify
open Prettify
open Vec
let to_array (q : 'a Queue.t) : 'a array =
let result = Array.make (Queue.length q) "" in
let i = ref 0 in
(fun x ->
result.(!i) <- x;
i := !i + 1)
type literal = LiteralBool of bool | LiteralInt of int
type literal = LiteralBool of bool | LiteralInt of int
let ( let* ) = Option.bind
let ( let* ) = Option.bind
let map = Option.map
let map = Option.map
let tokenize (x : string) : token array =
let tokenize (x : string) : token vec =
let q = Queue.create () in
let xs = Vec.create () in
let i = ref 0 in
let i = ref 0 in
while !i < String.length x do
while !i < String.length x do
match x.[!i] with
match x.[!i] with
@ -62,13 +53,13 @@ let tokenize (x : string) : token array =
i := !i + 1
i := !i + 1
curr := !curr ^ "\"";
curr := !curr ^ "\"";
Queue.push !curr q;
Vec.append !curr xs;
i := !i + 1
i := !i + 1
| '(' ->
| '(' ->
Queue.push "(" q;
Vec.append "(" xs;
i := !i + 1
i := !i + 1
| ')' ->
| ')' ->
Queue.push ")" q;
Vec.append ")" xs;
i := !i + 1
i := !i + 1
| _ ->
| _ ->
let token = ref "" in
let token = ref "" in
@ -76,9 +67,9 @@ let tokenize (x : string) : token array =
token := !token ^ String.make 1 x.[!i];
token := !token ^ String.make 1 x.[!i];
i := !i + 1
i := !i + 1
Queue.push !token q
Vec.append !token xs
to_array q
let parse_symbol (p : parser) : string option =
let parse_symbol (p : parser) : string option =
let* x = p#curr in
let* x = p#curr in
@ -108,7 +99,7 @@ let parse_literal (p : parser) : Types.value option =
Some (ValueLiteral (LiteralInt n))
Some (ValueLiteral (LiteralInt n))
| _ ->
| _ ->
if String.starts_with "\"" x then
if String.starts_with ~prefix:"\"" x then
Some (ValueLiteral (LiteralString x))
Some (ValueLiteral (LiteralString x))
@ -158,10 +149,10 @@ and parse_binding (p : parser) : Types.value option =
Some (Types.ValueBinder (name, value, body))
Some (Types.ValueBinder (name, value, body))
| _ -> parse_funcdef p
| _ -> parse_funcdef p
let print_tokens (xs : string array) =
let print_tokens (xs : string vec) : unit =
xs |> Array.to_list
|> List.map (Printf.sprintf "\"%s\"")
|> Vec.map (Printf.sprintf "\"%s\"")
|> String.concat ", "
|> Vec.join ", "
|> Printf.sprintf "tokens: [ %s ]"
|> Printf.sprintf "tokens: [ %s ]"
|> print_string
|> print_string
|> print_newline
|> print_newline
@ -1,24 +1,23 @@
* Defines a generic parser class.
* Defines a generic parser class.
open Vec
exception ParseError of string
exception ParseError of string
type token = string
type token = string
type state = { i : int; tokens : token array }
type state = { i : int; tokens : token vec }
let get (i : int) (xs : 'a array) : 'a option =
class parser (tokens : token vec) =
if i >= Array.length xs then None else Some xs.(i)
class parser (tokens : token array) =
object (self)
object (self)
val mutable tokens : token array = tokens
val mutable tokens = tokens
val mutable i = ref 0
val mutable i = ref 0
method print_state = Printf.sprintf "{ i = %d; }" !i
method advance = i := !i + 1
method advance = i := !i + 1
method prev : token option = get (!i - 1) tokens
method prev : token option = Vec.get (!i - 1) tokens
method curr : token option = get !i tokens
method curr : token option = Vec.get !i tokens
method next : token option = get (!i + 1) tokens
method next : token option = Vec.get (!i + 1) tokens
method consume : token option =
method consume : token option =
match self#curr with
match self#curr with
@ -43,6 +42,6 @@ class parser (tokens : token array) =
else false
else false
method exhausted : bool = !i >= Array.length tokens
method exhausted : bool = !i >= Vec.length tokens
method state : state = { i = !i; tokens }
method state : state = { i = !i; tokens }
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
$ ocamlformat --inplace --enable-outside-detected-project ./register_vm.ml
$ ocamlformat --inplace --enable-outside-detected-project ./register_vm.ml
open Vec
type reg = X | Y | Res
type reg = X | Y | Res
type binop = int -> int -> int
type binop = int -> int -> int
@ -41,10 +43,10 @@ type opcode1 =
| Op1PopAndSet of int
| Op1PopAndSet of int
| Op1Null
| Op1Null
type opcodes0 = opcode0 array
type opcodes0 = opcode0 vec
type opcodes1 = opcode1 array
type opcodes1 = opcode1 vec
let registers : int array = Array.make 8 0
let registers : int vec = Vec.make 8 0
let stack : int Stack.t = Stack.create ()
let stack : int Stack.t = Stack.create ()
let reg_idx (r : reg) : int = match r with X -> 0 | Y -> 1 | Res -> 2
let reg_idx (r : reg) : int = match r with X -> 0 | Y -> 1 | Res -> 2
@ -64,40 +66,26 @@ let print_opcodes0 (xs : opcodes0) : opcodes0 =
(reg_name rhs)
(reg_name rhs)
| Op0Null -> ()
| Op0Null -> ()
Array.iter print_opcode xs;
Vec.iter print_opcode xs;
(* Mutatively add xs to ys *)
let add_ops (xs : opcodes0) (ys : opcodes0) (i : int ref) : unit =
let j = ref 0 in
while xs.(!j) != Op0Null do
ys.(!i) <- xs.(!j);
i := !i + 1;
j := !j + 1
let rec compile (ast : ast) : opcodes0 =
let rec compile (ast : ast) : opcodes0 =
let result : opcodes0 = Array.make 20 Op0Null and i : int ref = ref 0 in
let result : opcodes0 = Vec.create () in
(match ast with
(match ast with
| Const x ->
| Const x -> Vec.append (Op0AssignRegLit (Res, x)) result;
result.(!i) <- Op0AssignRegLit (Res, x);
| Add (lhs, rhs) -> compile_bin_op ( + ) lhs rhs result
i := !i + 1
| Sub (lhs, rhs) -> compile_bin_op ( - ) lhs rhs result
| Add (lhs, rhs) -> compile_bin_op ( + ) lhs rhs result i
| Mul (lhs, rhs) -> compile_bin_op ( * ) lhs rhs result
| Sub (lhs, rhs) -> compile_bin_op ( - ) lhs rhs result i
| Div (lhs, rhs) -> compile_bin_op ( / ) lhs rhs result);
| Mul (lhs, rhs) -> compile_bin_op ( * ) lhs rhs result i
| Div (lhs, rhs) -> compile_bin_op ( / ) lhs rhs result i);
and compile_bin_op (f : binop) (lhs : ast) (rhs : ast) (result : opcodes0)
and compile_bin_op (f : binop) (lhs : ast) (rhs : ast) (result : opcodes0) =
(i : int ref) =
lhs |> compile |> Vec.append_to result;
add_ops (compile lhs) result i;
Vec.append (Op0PushReg Res) result;
result.(!i) <- Op0PushReg Res;
rhs |> compile |> Vec.append_to result;
i := !i + 1;
Vec.append (Op0PopAndSet X) result;
add_ops (compile rhs) result i;
Vec.append (Op0AssignRegReg (Y, Res)) result;
result.(!i + 1) <- Op0PopAndSet X;
Vec.append (Op0BinOp (f, X, Y, Res)) result
result.(!i) <- Op0AssignRegReg (Y, Res);
result.(!i + 2) <- Op0BinOp (f, X, Y, Res);
i := !i + 3
let compile_registers (xs : opcodes0) : opcodes1 =
let compile_registers (xs : opcodes0) : opcodes1 =
let do_compile x =
let do_compile x =
@ -106,34 +94,35 @@ let compile_registers (xs : opcodes0) : opcodes1 =
| Op0AssignRegReg (dst, src) -> Op1AssignRegReg (reg_idx dst, reg_idx src)
| Op0AssignRegReg (dst, src) -> Op1AssignRegReg (reg_idx dst, reg_idx src)
| Op0PushReg src -> Op1PushReg (reg_idx src)
| Op0PushReg src -> Op1PushReg (reg_idx src)
| Op0PopAndSet dst -> Op1PopAndSet (reg_idx dst)
| Op0PopAndSet dst -> Op1PopAndSet (reg_idx dst)
| Op0BinOp (f, lhs, rhs, dst) ->
| Op0BinOp (f, lhs, rhs, dst) -> Op1BinOp (f, reg_idx lhs, reg_idx rhs, reg_idx dst)
Op1BinOp (f, reg_idx lhs, reg_idx rhs, reg_idx dst)
| Op0Null -> Op1Null
| Op0Null -> Op1Null
Array.map do_compile xs
Vec.map do_compile xs
let eval (xs : opcodes1) : int =
let eval (xs : opcodes1) : int =
let ip = ref 0 in
let ip = ref 0 in
while !ip < Array.length xs do
while !ip < Vec.length xs do
match xs.(!ip) with
match Vec.get_unsafe !ip xs with
| Op1AssignRegLit (dst, x) ->
| Op1AssignRegLit (dst, x) ->
registers.(dst) <- x;
Vec.set dst x registers;
ip := !ip + 1
ip := !ip + 1
| Op1AssignRegReg (dst, src) ->
| Op1AssignRegReg (dst, src) ->
registers.(dst) <- registers.(src);
Vec.set dst (Vec.get_unsafe src registers) registers;
ip := !ip + 1
ip := !ip + 1
| Op1PushReg src ->
| Op1PushReg src ->
Stack.push registers.(src) stack;
Stack.push (Vec.get_unsafe src registers) stack;
ip := !ip + 1
ip := !ip + 1
| Op1PopAndSet dst ->
| Op1PopAndSet dst ->
registers.(dst) <- Stack.pop stack;
Vec.set dst (Stack.pop stack) registers;
ip := !ip + 1
ip := !ip + 1
| Op1BinOp (f, lhs, rhs, dst) ->
| Op1BinOp (f, lhs, rhs, dst) ->
registers.(dst) <- f registers.(lhs) registers.(rhs);
let lhs = Vec.get_unsafe lhs registers in
let rhs = Vec.get_unsafe rhs registers in
Vec.set dst (f lhs rhs) registers;
ip := !ip + 1
ip := !ip + 1
| Op1Null -> ip := !ip + 1
| Op1Null -> ip := !ip + 1
registers.(reg_idx Res)
Vec.get_unsafe (reg_idx Res) registers
Add (Mul (Const 2, Div (Const 100, Const 2)), Const 5)
Add (Mul (Const 2, Div (Const 100, Const 2)), Const 5)
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ open Types
open Prettify
open Prettify
open Parser
open Parser
open Inference
open Inference
open Vec
type side = LHS | RHS
type side = LHS | RHS
@ -23,18 +24,8 @@ let ( let* ) = Option.bind
let printsub (s : substitution) =
let printsub (s : substitution) =
s |> Debug.substitution |> print_string |> print_newline
s |> Debug.substitution |> print_string |> print_newline
let to_array (q : 'a Queue.t) : 'a array =
let tokenize (x : string) : token vec =
let result = Array.make (Queue.length q) "" in
let xs = Vec.create () in
let i = ref 0 in
(fun x ->
result.(!i) <- x;
i := !i + 1)
let tokenize (x : string) : token array =
let q = Queue.create () in
let i = ref 0 in
let i = ref 0 in
while !i < String.length x do
while !i < String.length x do
match x.[!i] with
match x.[!i] with
@ -44,9 +35,9 @@ let tokenize (x : string) : token array =
while (!i < String.length x) && (x.[!i] != ' ') do
while (!i < String.length x) && (x.[!i] != ' ') do
i := !i + 1
i := !i + 1
Queue.push (String.sub x beg (!i - beg)) q
Vec.append (String.sub x beg (!i - beg)) xs
to_array q
let rec parse_type (p : parser) : _type option =
let rec parse_type (p : parser) : _type option =
parse_function p
parse_function p
@ -69,13 +60,13 @@ and parse_variable (p : parser) : _type option =
| Some x when String.length x = 1 -> p#advance; Some (TypeVariable x)
| Some x when String.length x = 1 -> p#advance; Some (TypeVariable x)
| _ -> None
| _ -> None
let print_tokens (xs : string array) =
let print_tokens (xs : string vec) =
|> Array.to_list
|> Vec.map (Printf.sprintf "\"%s\"")
|> List.map (Printf.sprintf "\"%s\"")
|> Vec.join ", "
|> String.concat ", "
|> Printf.sprintf "tokens: [ %s ]"
|> Printf.sprintf "tokens: [ %s ]"
|> print_string |> print_newline
|> print_string
|> print_newline
let print_type (t : _type) =
let print_type (t : _type) =
t |> Debug.type' |> Printf.sprintf "type: %s" |> print_string |> print_newline
t |> Debug.type' |> Printf.sprintf "type: %s" |> print_string |> print_newline
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
* Similar to Python's list
* - mutable
* - dynamically resized
* - O(1) read
* - O(1) write
* - O(1) append (average case)
type 'a vec = {
mutable length: int;
mutable capacity: int;
mutable xs: 'a array;
* Constructors
let make (size : int) (seed : 'a) : 'a vec = {
length = size;
capacity = size;
xs = Array.make size seed;
let create () = {
length = 0;
capacity = 0;
xs = [||];
let from_array (xs : 'a array) : 'a vec = {
length = Array.length xs;
capacity = Array.length xs;
xs = xs;
let from_list (xs : 'a list) : 'a vec =
match xs with
| [] -> create ()
| y::ys ->
let result = {
length = List.length xs;
capacity = List.length xs;
xs = Array.make (List.length xs) y;
} in
List.iteri (fun i x -> Array.set result.xs i x) xs;
* Miscellaneous
let append (x : 'a) (v : 'a vec) =
if v.capacity = 0 then
v.length <- 1;
v.capacity <- 1;
v.xs <- [|x|];
else if v.length = v.capacity then
(* According to Wikipedia, Python uses 1.25 as the growth factor *)
let new_cap = v.capacity |> float_of_int |> Float.mul 1.25 |> ceil |> int_of_float in
let new_xs = Array.make new_cap x in
Array.iteri (fun i x -> Array.set new_xs i x) v.xs;
v.capacity <- new_cap;
v.xs <- new_xs;
Array.set v.xs v.length x;
v.length <- v.length + 1;
Array.set v.xs v.length x;
v.length <- v.length + 1;
let get (i : int) (v : 'a vec) : 'a option =
if i >= v.length then
Some v.xs.(i)
let get_unsafe (i : int) (v : 'a vec) : 'a =
let set (i : int) (x : 'a) (v : 'a vec) : unit =
if i < v.length then
Array.set v.xs i x
let length (v : 'a vec) : int =
let update (i : int) (f : 'a -> 'a) (v : 'a vec) : unit =
match get i v with
| None -> ()
| Some x -> set i (f x) v
let iter (f : 'a -> unit) (v : 'a vec) : unit =
let n = ref 0 in
while !n < v.length do
f v.xs.(!n);
n := !n + 1;
let join (sep : string) (v : string vec) : string =
if length v = 0 then
let i = ref 1 in
let result = ref v.xs.(0) in
while !i < v.length do
result := !result ^ sep ^ v.xs.(!i);
i := !i + 1;
let map (f : 'a -> 'b) (v : 'a vec) : 'b vec =
let result = create () in
iter (fun x -> append (f x) result) v;
let append_to (dst : 'a vec) (xs : 'a vec) : unit =
iter (fun x -> append x dst) xs
Add table
Reference in a new issue