refactor(xan): Switch to V2 over tuples most places
These are generally rather nicer to work due to some typeclass instances, and integrate better with other ecosystems for things like linear algebra etc. Change-Id: I546c8da7b17234648f3d612b28741c1fded25447 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: BuildkiteCI Reviewed-by: glittershark <>
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 172 additions and 143 deletions
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ module Xanthous.Data
, loc
, _Position
, positionFromPair
, positionFromV2
, addPositions
, diffPositions
, stepTowards
@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ instance Num a => Group (Position' a) where
-- | Positions convert to scalars by discarding their orientation and just
-- measuring the length from the origin
instance (Ord a, Num a, Scalar a) => Scalar (Position' a) where
scalar = fromIntegral . length . line (0, 0) . view _Position
scalar = fromIntegral . length . line 0 . view _Position
fromScalar n = Position (fromScalar n) (fromScalar n)
data Positioned a where
@ -220,15 +221,18 @@ loc = iso hither yon
hither (Position px py) = Location (px, py)
yon (Location (lx, ly)) = Position lx ly
_Position :: Iso' (Position' a) (a, a)
_Position :: Iso' (Position' a) (V2 a)
_Position = iso hither yon
hither (Position px py) = (px, py)
yon (lx, ly) = Position lx ly
hither (Position px py) = (V2 px py)
yon (V2 lx ly) = Position lx ly
positionFromPair :: (Num a, Integral i, Integral j) => (i, j) -> Position' a
positionFromPair (i, j) = Position (fromIntegral i) (fromIntegral j)
positionFromV2 :: (Num a, Integral i) => V2 i -> Position' a
positionFromV2 (V2 xx yy) = Position (fromIntegral xx) (fromIntegral yy)
-- | Add two positions
-- Operation for the additive group on positions
@ -448,13 +452,13 @@ neighborDirections = Neighbors
neighborPositions :: Num a => Position' a -> Neighbors (Position' a)
neighborPositions pos = (`move` pos) <$> neighborDirections
neighborCells :: Num a => (a, a) -> Neighbors (a, a)
neighborCells :: Num a => V2 a -> Neighbors (V2 a)
neighborCells = map (view _Position) . neighborPositions . review _Position
:: (IArray a e, Ix i, Num i)
=> a (i, i) e
-> (i, i)
=> a (V2 i) e
-> V2 i
-> Neighbors (Maybe e)
arrayNeighbors arr center = arrLookup <$> neighborPositions (_Position # center)
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ linesOfSight (view _Position -> pos) visionRadius em
lines = line pos <$> radius
entitiesOnLines :: [[(Position, Vector (EntityID, e))]]
entitiesOnLines = lines <&> map getPositionedAt
getPositionedAt :: (Int, Int) -> (Position, Vector (EntityID, e))
getPositionedAt :: V2 Int -> (Position, Vector (EntityID, e))
getPositionedAt p =
let ppos = _Position # p
in (ppos, over _2 (view positioned) <$> atPositionWithIDs ppos em)
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import Xanthous.Entities.Environment
import Xanthous.Entities.Item (Item)
import Xanthous.Entities.Creature (Creature)
import Xanthous.Game.State (SomeEntity(..))
import Linear.V2
data Generator
@ -91,18 +92,18 @@ parseGeneratorInput = Opt.subparser
showCells :: Cells -> Text
showCells arr =
let ((minX, minY), (maxX, maxY)) = bounds arr
let (V2 minX minY, V2 maxX maxY) = bounds arr
showCellVal True = "x"
showCellVal False = " "
showCell = showCellVal . (arr !)
row r = foldMap (showCell . (, r)) [minX..maxX]
row r = foldMap (showCell . (`V2` r)) [minX..maxX]
rows = row <$> [minY..maxY]
in intercalate "\n" rows
cellsToWalls :: Cells -> EntityMap Wall
cellsToWalls cells = foldl' maybeInsertWall mempty . assocs $ cells
maybeInsertWall em (pos@(x, y), True)
maybeInsertWall em (pos@(V2 x y), True)
| not (surroundedOnAllSides pos) =
let x' = fromIntegral x
y' = fromIntegral y
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import Xanthous.Util (between)
import Xanthous.Util.Optparse
import Xanthous.Data (Dimensions, width, height)
import Xanthous.Generators.Util
import Linear.V2
data Params = Params
@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ generate' params dims = do
stepAutomata :: forall s g. MCells s -> Dimensions -> Params -> CellM g s ()
stepAutomata cells dims params = do
origCells <- lift $ cloneMArray @_ @(STUArray s) cells
for_ (range ((0, 0), (dims ^. width, dims ^. height))) $ \pos -> do
for_ (range (0, V2 (dims ^. width) (dims ^. height))) $ \pos -> do
neighs <- lift $ numAliveNeighborsM origCells pos
origValue <- lift $ readArray origCells pos
lift . writeArray cells pos
@ -159,14 +159,14 @@ fillRoom cells room =
V2 dimx dimy = room ^. dimensions
in for_ [posx .. posx + dimx] $ \x ->
for_ [posy .. posy + dimy] $ \y ->
lift $ writeArray cells (x, y) True
lift $ writeArray cells (V2 x y) True
corridorBetween :: MonadRandom m => Room -> Room -> m [(Word, Word)]
corridorBetween :: MonadRandom m => Room -> Room -> m [V2 Word]
corridorBetween originRoom destinationRoom
= straightLine <$> origin <*> destination
origin = choose . NE.fromList . map toTuple =<< originEdge
destination = choose . NE.fromList . map toTuple =<< destinationEdge
origin = choose . NE.fromList =<< originEdge
destination = choose . NE.fromList =<< destinationEdge
originEdge = pickEdge originRoom originCorner
destinationEdge = pickEdge destinationRoom destinationCorner
pickEdge room corner = choose . over both (boxEdge room) $ cornerEdges corner
@ -188,4 +188,3 @@ corridorBetween originRoom destinationRoom
(EQ, EQ) -> TopLeft -- should never happen
destinationCorner = opposite originCorner
toTuple (V2 x y) = (x, y)
@ -14,13 +14,15 @@ import Control.Monad.Random
import Data.Array.IArray (amap, bounds, rangeSize, (!))
import qualified Data.Array.IArray as Arr
import Data.Foldable (any, toList)
import Linear.V2
import Xanthous.Generators.Util
import Xanthous.Random
import Xanthous.Data ( Position, _Position, positionFromPair
, rotations, arrayNeighbors, Neighbors(..)
, neighborPositions
import Xanthous.Data
( positionFromV2, Position, _Position
, rotations, arrayNeighbors, Neighbors(..)
, neighborPositions
import Xanthous.Data.EntityMap (EntityMap, _EntityMap)
import Xanthous.Entities.Raws (rawsWithType, RawType)
import qualified Xanthous.Entities.Item as Item
@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ randomDoors cells = do
doorRatio <- getRandomR subsetRange
let numDoors = floor $ doorRatio * fromIntegral (length candidateCells)
doorPositions =
removeAdjacent . fmap positionFromPair . take numDoors $ candidateCells
removeAdjacent . fmap positionFromV2 . take numDoors $ candidateCells
doors = zip doorPositions $ repeat unlockedDoor
pure $ _EntityMap # doors
@ -92,8 +94,9 @@ tutorialMessage cells characterPosition = do
accessiblePositionsWithin :: Int -> Cells -> Position -> [Position]
accessiblePositionsWithin dist valid pos =
review _Position
<$> filter (\(px, py) -> not $ valid ! (fromIntegral px, fromIntegral py))
(circle (pos ^. _Position) dist)
<$> filter
(\pt -> not $ valid ! (fromIntegral <$> pt))
(circle (pos ^. _Position) dist)
:: forall entity raw m. (MonadRandom m, RawType raw)
@ -116,10 +119,10 @@ randomEntities newWithType sizeRange cells =
pure $ _EntityMap # entities
randomPosition :: MonadRandom m => Cells -> m Position
randomPosition = fmap positionFromPair . choose . impureNonNull . cellCandidates
randomPosition = fmap positionFromV2 . choose . impureNonNull . cellCandidates
-- cellCandidates :: Cells -> Cells
cellCandidates :: Cells -> Set (Word, Word)
cellCandidates :: Cells -> Set (V2 Word)
-- find the largest contiguous region of cells in the cave.
= maximumBy (compare `on` length)
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module Xanthous.Generators.Util
) where
import Xanthous.Prelude hiding (Foldable, toList, for_)
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Control.Monad.ST
@ -28,13 +29,14 @@ import Data.Monoid
import Data.Foldable (Foldable, toList, for_)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Semigroup.Foldable
import Linear.V2
import Xanthous.Util (foldlMapM', maximum1, minimum1)
import Xanthous.Data (Dimensions, width, height)
type MCells s = STUArray s (Word, Word) Bool
type Cells = UArray (Word, Word) Bool
type MCells s = STUArray s (V2 Word) Bool
type Cells = UArray (V2 Word) Bool
type CellM g s a = RandT g (ST s) a
randInitialize :: RandomGen g => Dimensions -> Double -> CellM g s (MCells s)
@ -43,28 +45,28 @@ randInitialize dims aliveChance = do
for_ [0..dims ^. width] $ \i ->
for_ [0..dims ^. height] $ \j -> do
val <- (>= aliveChance) <$> getRandomR (0, 1)
lift $ writeArray res (i, j) val
lift $ writeArray res (V2 i j) val
pure res
initializeEmpty :: RandomGen g => Dimensions -> CellM g s (MCells s)
initializeEmpty dims =
lift $ newArray ((0, 0), (dims ^. width, dims ^. height)) False
lift $ newArray (0, V2 (dims ^. width) (dims ^. height)) False
:: forall a i j m
. (MArray a Bool m, Ix (i, j), Integral i, Integral j)
=> a (i, j) Bool
-> (i, j)
:: forall a i m
. (MArray a Bool m, Ix i, Integral i)
=> a (V2 i) Bool
-> V2 i
-> m Word
numAliveNeighborsM cells (x, y) = do
numAliveNeighborsM cells (V2 x y) = do
cellBounds <- getBounds cells
getSum <$> foldlMapM'
(fmap (Sum . fromIntegral . fromEnum) . boundedGet cellBounds)
boundedGet :: ((i, j), (i, j)) -> (Int, Int) -> m Bool
boundedGet ((minX, minY), (maxX, maxY)) (i, j)
boundedGet :: (V2 i, V2 i) -> (Int, Int) -> m Bool
boundedGet (V2 minX minY, V2 maxX maxY) (i, j)
| x <= minX
|| y <= minY
|| x >= maxX
@ -73,23 +75,23 @@ numAliveNeighborsM cells (x, y) = do
| otherwise =
let nx = fromIntegral $ fromIntegral x + i
ny = fromIntegral $ fromIntegral y + j
in readArray cells (nx, ny)
in readArray cells $ V2 nx ny
:: forall a i j
. (IArray a Bool, Ix (i, j), Integral i, Integral j)
=> a (i, j) Bool
-> (i, j)
:: forall a i
. (IArray a Bool, Ix i, Integral i)
=> a (V2 i) Bool
-> V2 i
-> Word
numAliveNeighbors cells (x, y) =
numAliveNeighbors cells (V2 x y) =
let cellBounds = bounds cells
in getSum $ foldMap
(Sum . fromIntegral . fromEnum . boundedGet cellBounds)
boundedGet :: ((i, j), (i, j)) -> (Int, Int) -> Bool
boundedGet ((minX, minY), (maxX, maxY)) (i, j)
boundedGet :: (V2 i, V2 i) -> (Int, Int) -> Bool
boundedGet (V2 minX minY, V2 maxX maxY) (i, j)
| x <= minX
|| y <= minY
|| x >= maxX
@ -98,20 +100,20 @@ numAliveNeighbors cells (x, y) =
| otherwise =
let nx = fromIntegral $ fromIntegral x + i
ny = fromIntegral $ fromIntegral y + j
in cells ! (nx, ny)
in cells ! V2 nx ny
neighborPositions :: [(Int, Int)]
neighborPositions = [(i, j) | i <- [-1..1], j <- [-1..1], (i, j) /= (0, 0)]
fillOuterEdgesM :: (MArray a Bool m, Ix i, Ix j) => a (i, j) Bool -> m ()
fillOuterEdgesM :: (MArray a Bool m, Ix i) => a (V2 i) Bool -> m ()
fillOuterEdgesM arr = do
((minX, minY), (maxX, maxY)) <- getBounds arr
(V2 minX minY, V2 maxX maxY) <- getBounds arr
for_ (range (minX, maxX)) $ \x -> do
writeArray arr (x, minY) True
writeArray arr (x, maxY) True
writeArray arr (V2 x minY) True
writeArray arr (V2 x maxY) True
for_ (range (minY, maxY)) $ \y -> do
writeArray arr (minX, y) True
writeArray arr (maxX, y) True
writeArray arr (V2 minX y) True
writeArray arr (V2 maxX y) True
:: forall a a' i e m.
@ -128,20 +130,20 @@ cloneMArray = thaw @_ @UArray <=< freeze
-- | Flood fill a cell array starting at a point, returning a list of all the
-- (true) cell locations reachable from that point
floodFill :: forall a i j.
floodFill :: forall a i.
( IArray a Bool
, Ix (i, j)
, Enum i , Enum j
, Bounded i , Bounded j
, Eq i , Eq j
, Ix i
, Enum i
, Bounded i
, Eq i
=> a (i, j) Bool -- ^ array
-> (i, j) -- ^ position
-> Set (i, j)
=> a (V2 i) Bool -- ^ array
-> (V2 i) -- ^ position
-> Set (V2 i)
floodFill = go mempty
go :: Set (i, j) -> a (i, j) Bool -> (i, j) -> Set (i, j)
go res arr@(bounds -> arrBounds) idx@(x, y)
go :: Set (V2 i) -> a (V2 i) Bool -> (V2 i) -> Set (V2 i)
go res arr@(bounds -> arrBounds) idx@(V2 x y)
| not (inRange arrBounds idx) = res
| not (arr ! idx) = res
| otherwise =
@ -149,7 +151,7 @@ floodFill = go mempty
= filter (inRange arrBounds)
. filter (/= idx)
. filter (`notMember` res)
$ (,)
$ V2
<$> [(if x == minBound then x else pred x)
(if x == maxBound then x else succ x)]
@ -162,19 +164,19 @@ floodFill = go mempty
in r' `seq` go r' arr idx')
else r)
(res & contains idx .~ True) neighbors
{-# SPECIALIZE floodFill :: UArray (Word, Word) Bool -> (Word, Word) -> Set (Word, Word) #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE floodFill :: UArray (V2 Word) Bool -> (V2 Word) -> Set (V2 Word) #-}
-- | Gives a list of all the disconnected regions in a cell array, represented
-- each as lists of points
regions :: forall a i j.
regions :: forall a i.
( IArray a Bool
, Ix (i, j)
, Enum i , Enum j
, Bounded i , Bounded j
, Eq i , Eq j
, Ix i
, Enum i
, Bounded i
, Eq i
=> a (i, j) Bool
-> [Set (i, j)]
=> a (V2 i) Bool
-> [Set (V2 i)]
regions arr
| Just firstPoint <- findFirstPoint arr =
let region = floodFill arr firstPoint
@ -182,9 +184,9 @@ regions arr
in region : regions arr'
| otherwise = []
findFirstPoint :: a (i, j) Bool -> Maybe (i, j)
findFirstPoint :: a (V2 i) Bool -> Maybe (V2 i)
findFirstPoint = fmap fst . headMay . filter snd . assocs
{-# SPECIALIZE regions :: UArray (Word, Word) Bool -> [Set (Word, Word)] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE regions :: UArray (V2 Word) Bool -> [Set (V2 Word)] #-}
fillAll :: (IArray a Bool, Ix i, Foldable f) => f i -> a i Bool -> a i Bool
fillAll ixes a = accum (const fst) a $ (, (False, ())) <$> toList ixes
@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ fromCave' wallPositions = failing (pure ()) $ do
insertEntity e pt = modify $ EntityMap.insertAt (ptToPos pt) $ SomeEntity e
ptToPos pt = _Position # (pt & both %~ fromIntegral)
ptToPos pt = _Position # (fromIntegral <$> pt)
stepOut :: Set (Word, Word) -> [[(Word, Word)]] -> MaybeT m [[(Word, Word)]]
stepOut :: Set (V2 Word) -> [[V2 Word]] -> MaybeT m [[V2 Word]]
stepOut circ rooms = for rooms $ \room ->
let nextLevels = hashNub $ toList . neighborCells =<< room
in pure
@ -38,18 +38,22 @@ import Linear.V2
-- Code taken from <>
circle :: (Num i, Ord i)
=> (i, i) -- ^ center
-> i -- ^ radius
-> [(i, i)]
circle (x₀, y₀) radius
=> V2 i -- ^ center
-> i -- ^ radius
-> [V2 i]
circle (V2 x₀ y₀) radius
-- Four initial points, plus the generated points
= (x₀, y₀ + radius) : (x₀, y₀ - radius) : (x₀ + radius, y₀) : (x₀ - radius, y₀) : points
= V2 x₀ (y₀ + radius)
: V2 x₀ (y₀ - radius)
: V2 (x₀ + radius) y₀
: V2 (x₀ - radius) y₀
: points
-- Creates the (x, y) octet offsets, then maps them to absolute points in all octets.
points = concatMap generatePoints $ unfoldr step initialValues
generatePoints (x, y)
= [ (x₀ `xop` x', y₀ `yop` y')
generatePoints (V2 x y)
= [ V2 (x₀ `xop` x') (y₀ `yop` y')
| (x', y') <- [(x, y), (y, x)]
, xop <- [(+), (-)]
, yop <- [(+), (-)]
@ -59,7 +63,7 @@ circle (x₀, y₀) radius
step (f, ddf_x, ddf_y, x, y)
| x >= y = Nothing
| otherwise = Just ((x', y'), (f', ddf_x', ddf_y', x', y'))
| otherwise = Just (V2 x' y', (f', ddf_x', ddf_y', x', y'))
(f', ddf_y', y') | f >= 0 = (f + ddf_y' + ddf_x', ddf_y + 2, y - 1)
| otherwise = (f + ddf_x, ddf_y, y)
@ -70,11 +74,11 @@ circle (x₀, y₀) radius
data FillState i
= FillState
{ _inCircle :: Bool
, _result :: NonEmpty (i, i)
, _result :: NonEmpty (V2 i)
makeLenses ''FillState
runFillState :: NonEmpty (i, i) -> State (FillState i) a -> [(i, i)]
runFillState :: NonEmpty (V2 i) -> State (FillState i) a -> [V2 i]
runFillState circumference s
= toList
. view result
@ -84,11 +88,11 @@ runFillState circumference s
-- | Generate a *filled* circle centered at the given point and with the given
-- radius by filling a circle generated with 'circle'
filledCircle :: (Num i, Integral i, Ix i)
=> (i, i) -- ^ center
-> i -- ^ radius
-> [(i, i)]
filledCircle origin radius =
case NE.nonEmpty (circle origin radius) of
=> V2 i -- ^ center
-> i -- ^ radius
-> [V2 i]
filledCircle center radius =
case NE.nonEmpty (circle center radius) of
Nothing -> []
Just circumference -> runFillState circumference $
-- the first and last lines of all circles are solid, so the whole "in the
@ -96,44 +100,44 @@ filledCircle origin radius =
-- we don't need to fill them. So just skip them
for_ [succ minX..pred maxX] $ \x ->
for_ [minY..maxY] $ \y -> do
let pt = (x, y)
next = (x, succ y)
let pt = V2 x y
next = V2 x $ succ y
whenM (use inCircle) $ result %= NE.cons pt
when (pt `elem` circumference && next `notElem` circumference)
$ inCircle %= not
((minX, minY), (maxX, maxY)) = minmaxes circumference
(V2 minX minY, V2 maxX maxY) = minmaxes circumference
-- | Draw a line between two points using Bresenham's line drawing algorithm
-- Code taken from <>
line :: (Num i, Ord i) => (i, i) -> (i, i) -> [(i, i)]
line pa@(xa, ya) pb@(xb, yb)
line :: (Num i, Ord i) => V2 i -> V2 i -> [V2 i]
line pa@(V2 xa ya) pb@(V2 xb yb)
= (if maySwitch pa < maySwitch pb then id else reverse) points
points = map maySwitch . unfoldr go $ (x₁, y₁, 0)
steep = abs (yb - ya) > abs (xb - xa)
maySwitch = if steep then swap else id
[(x₁, y₁), (x₂, y₂)] = sort [maySwitch pa, maySwitch pb]
maySwitch = if steep then view _yx else id
[V2 x₁ y₁, V2 x₂ y₂] = sort [maySwitch pa, maySwitch pb]
δx = x₂ - x₁
δy = abs (y₂ - y₁)
ystep = if y₁ < y₂ then 1 else -1
go (xTemp, yTemp, err)
| xTemp > x₂ = Nothing
| otherwise = Just ((xTemp, yTemp), (xTemp + 1, newY, newError))
| otherwise = Just ((V2 xTemp yTemp), (xTemp + 1, newY, newError))
tempError = err + δy
(newY, newError) = if (2 * tempError) >= δx
then (yTemp + ystep, tempError - δx)
else (yTemp, tempError)
{-# SPECIALIZE line :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE line :: (Word, Word) -> (Word, Word) -> [(Word, Word)] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE line :: V2 Int -> V2 Int -> [V2 Int] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE line :: V2 Word -> V2 Word -> [V2 Word] #-}
straightLine :: (Num i, Ord i) => (i, i) -> (i, i) -> [(i, i)]
straightLine pa@(xa, _) pb@(_, yb) = line pa midpoint ++ line midpoint pb
where midpoint = (xa, yb)
straightLine :: (Num i, Ord i) => V2 i -> V2 i -> [V2 i]
straightLine pa@(V2 xa _) pb@(V2 _ yb) = line pa midpoint ++ line midpoint pb
where midpoint = V2 xa yb
@ -151,26 +155,24 @@ delaunay
renderBooleanGraphics :: forall i. (Num i, Ord i, Enum i) => [(i, i)] -> String
renderBooleanGraphics :: forall i. (Num i, Ord i, Enum i) => [V2 i] -> String
renderBooleanGraphics [] = ""
renderBooleanGraphics (pt : pts') = intercalate "\n" rows
rows = row <$> [minX..maxX]
row x = [minY..maxY] <&> \y -> if (x, y) `member` ptSet then 'X' else ' '
((minX, minY), (maxX, maxY)) = minmaxes pts
row x = [minY..maxY] <&> \y -> if V2 x y `member` ptSet then 'X' else ' '
(V2 minX minY, V2 maxX maxY) = minmaxes pts
pts = pt :| pts'
ptSet :: Set (i, i)
ptSet :: Set (V2 i)
ptSet = setFromList $ toList pts
showBooleanGraphics :: forall i. (Num i, Ord i, Enum i) => [(i, i)] -> IO ()
showBooleanGraphics :: forall i. (Num i, Ord i, Enum i) => [V2 i] -> IO ()
showBooleanGraphics = putStrLn . pack . renderBooleanGraphics
minmaxes :: forall i. (Ord i) => NonEmpty (i, i) -> ((i, i), (i, i))
minmaxes :: forall i. (Ord i) => NonEmpty (V2 i) -> (V2 i, V2 i)
minmaxes xs =
( ( minimum1Of (traverse1 . _1) xs
, minimum1Of (traverse1 . _2) xs
, ( maximum1Of (traverse1 . _1) xs
, maximum1Of (traverse1 . _2) xs
( V2 (minimum1Of (traverse1 . _x) xs)
(minimum1Of (traverse1 . _y) xs)
, V2 (maximum1Of (traverse1 . _x) xs)
(maximum1Of (traverse1 . _y) xs)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
module Xanthous.Generators.UtilSpec (main, test) where
import Test.Prelude
import System.Random (mkStdGen)
import Control.Monad.Random (runRandT)
@ -11,18 +11,23 @@ import Data.Array.MArray (newArray, readArray, writeArray)
import Data.Array (Array, range, listArray, Ix)
import Control.Monad.ST (ST, runST)
import "checkers" Test.QuickCheck.Instances.Array ()
import Linear.V2
import Xanthous.Util
import Xanthous.Data (width, height)
import Xanthous.Generators.Util
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain test
newtype GenArray a b = GenArray (Array a b)
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
instance (Ix a, Arbitrary a, CoArbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (GenArray a b) where
instance (Ix a, Arbitrary a, CoArbitrary a, Arbitrary b)
=> Arbitrary (GenArray a b) where
arbitrary = GenArray <$> do
(mkElem :: a -> b) <- arbitrary
minDims <- arbitrary
@ -33,16 +38,18 @@ instance (Ix a, Arbitrary a, CoArbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (GenArray
test :: TestTree
test = testGroup "Xanthous.Generators.Util"
[ testGroup "randInitialize"
[ testProperty "returns an array of the correct dimensions" $ \dims seed aliveChance ->
[ testProperty "returns an array of the correct dimensions"
$ \dims seed aliveChance ->
let gen = mkStdGen seed
res = runSTUArray
$ fmap fst
$ flip runRandT gen
$ randInitialize dims aliveChance
in bounds res === ((0, 0), (dims ^. width, dims ^. height))
in bounds res === (0, V2 (dims ^. width) (dims ^. height))
, testGroup "numAliveNeighborsM"
[ testProperty "maxes out at 8" $ \(GenArray (arr :: Array (Word, Word) Bool)) loc ->
[ testProperty "maxes out at 8"
$ \(GenArray (arr :: Array (V2 Word) Bool)) loc ->
act :: forall s. ST s Word
act = do
@ -53,7 +60,7 @@ test = testGroup "Xanthous.Generators.Util"
, testGroup "numAliveNeighbors"
[ testProperty "is equivalient to runST . numAliveNeighborsM . thaw" $
\(GenArray (arr :: Array (Word, Word) Bool)) loc ->
\(GenArray (arr :: Array (V2 Word) Bool)) loc ->
act :: forall s. ST s Word
act = do
@ -2,10 +2,13 @@ module Xanthous.Util.GraphicsSpec (main, test) where
import Test.Prelude hiding (head)
import Data.List (nub, head)
import Data.Set (isSubsetOf)
import Linear.V2
import Xanthous.Util.Graphics
import Xanthous.Util
import Data.List (head)
import Data.Set (isSubsetOf)
import Xanthous.Orphans ()
main :: IO ()
@ -23,24 +26,28 @@ test = testGroup "Xanthous.Util.Graphics"
| 2 | | x | | x |
| 3 | | | x | |
$ (sort . unique @[] @[_]) (circle @Int (2, 2) 1)
@?= [ (1, 2)
, (2, 1), (2, 3)
, (3, 2)
$ (sort . unique @[] @[_]) (circle @Int (V2 2 2) 1)
@?= [ V2 1 2
, V2 2 1, V2 2 3
, V2 3 2
, testCase "radius 12, origin 0"
$ (sort . unique @[] @[_]) (circle @Int (0, 0) 12)
@?= [ (-12,-4),(-12,-3),(-12,-2),(-12,-1),(-12,0),(-12,1),(-12,2)
, (-12,3),(-12,4),(-11,-6),(-11,-5),(-11,5),(-11,6),(-10,-7),(-10,7)
, (-9,-9),(-9,-8),(-9,8),(-9,9),(-8,-9),(-8,9),(-7,-10),(-7,10)
, (-6,-11),(-6,11),(-5,-11),(-5 ,11),(-4,-12),(-4,12),(-3,-12),(-3,12)
, (-2,-12),(-2,12),(-1,-12),(-1,12),(0,-12),(0,12),(1,-12),(1,12)
, (2,-12),(2,12),(3,-12),(3,12),(4,-12),(4,12),(5,-11),(5 ,11),(6,-11)
, (6,11),(7,-10),(7,10),(8,-9),(8,9),(9,-9),(9,-8),(9,8),(9,9),(10,-7)
, (10,7),(11,-6),(11,-5),(11,5),(11,6),(12,-4),(12,-3),(12,-2),(12,-1)
, (12,0), (12,1),(12,2),(12,3),(12,4)
$ (sort . nub) (circle @Int 0 12)
@?= (sort . nub)
[ V2 (-12) (-4), V2 (-12) (-3), V2 (-12) (-2), V2 (-12) (-1)
, V2 (-12) 0, V2 (-12) 1, V2 (-12) 2, V2 (-12) 3, V2 (-12) 4
, V2 (-11) (-6), V2 (-11) (-5), V2 (-11) 5, V2 (-11) 6, V2 (-10) (-7)
, V2 (-10) 7, V2 (-9) (-9), V2 (-9) (-8), V2 (-9) 8, V2 (-9) 9
, V2 (-8) (-9), V2 (-8) 9, V2 (-7) (-10), V2 (-7) 10, V2 (-6) (-11)
, V2 (-6) 11, V2 (-5) (-11), V2 (-5) 11, V2 (-4) (-12), V2 (-4) 12
, V2 (-3) (-12), V2 (-3) 12, V2 (-2) (-12), V2 (-2) 12, V2 (-1) (-12)
, V2 (-1) 12, V2 0 (-12), V2 0 12, V2 1 (-12), V2 1 12, V2 2 (-12)
, V2 2 12, V2 3 (-12), V2 3 12, V2 4 (-12), V2 4 12, V2 5 (-11)
, V2 5 11, V2 6 (-11), V2 6 11, V2 7 (-10), V2 7 10, V2 8 (-9), V2 8 9
, V2 9 (-9), V2 9 (-8), V2 9 8, V2 9 9, V2 10 (-7), V2 10 7
, V2 11 (-6), V2 11 (-5), V2 11 5, V2 11 6, V2 12 (-4), V2 12 (-3)
, V2 12 (-2), V2 12 (-1), V2 12 0, V2 12 1, V2 12 2, V2 12 3, V2 12 4
, testGroup "filledCircle"
[ testProperty "is a superset of circle" $ \center radius ->
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
cabal-version: 1.12
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.31.2.
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.33.1.
-- see:
-- hash: 5f419c8c149f045c818a2fb392b1233a0958e71e92d7a837deabc412e2b5adda
-- hash: bb0a26ab512a1b8d095f3fa71370dcc5221c3f20888042a0d5c41d054dc403cf
name: xanthous
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ library
, comonad-extras
, constraints
, containers
, criterion
, data-default
, deepseq
, directory
@ -231,6 +232,7 @@ executable xanthous
, comonad-extras
, constraints
, containers
, criterion
, data-default
, deepseq
, directory
@ -323,6 +325,7 @@ test-suite test
, comonad-extras
, constraints
, containers
, criterion
, data-default
, deepseq
, directory
Add table
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