feat(users/Profpatsch/jbovlaste-sqlite): add XML parser


Change-Id: Iea90578742bfb689cd0508dbaf641c31aed577ad
Reviewed-on: https://cl.tvl.fyi/c/depot/+/8709
Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
Autosubmit: Profpatsch <mail@profpatsch.de>
Reviewed-by: Profpatsch <mail@profpatsch.de>
This commit is contained in:
Profpatsch 2023-06-04 02:34:48 +02:00 committed by clbot
parent c2baefbecc
commit 9a91669ba7
4 changed files with 299 additions and 22 deletions

View file

@ -2,27 +2,136 @@
module Main where module Main where
import Control.Category qualified
import Control.Category qualified as Cat
import Control.Selective (Selective)
import Data.ByteString.Internal qualified as Bytes import Data.ByteString.Internal qualified as Bytes
import Data.Error.Tree import Data.Error.Tree
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.List qualified as List import Data.List qualified as List
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Monoid (First (..))
import Data.Semigroup.Traversable
import Data.Semigroupoid qualified as Semigroupoid
import Data.Text qualified as Text import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Text.IO qualified as Text import Data.Text.IO qualified as Text
import FieldParser (FieldParser)
import FieldParser qualified as Field
import Label import Label
import PossehlAnalyticsPrelude import PossehlAnalyticsPrelude
import Pretty
import Text.XML (def) import Text.XML (def)
import Text.XML qualified as Xml import Text.XML qualified as Xml
import Validation (partitionValidations)
import Prelude hiding (maybe)
import Prelude qualified
main :: IO () main :: IO ()
main = do main = do
f <- file f <- file
f.documentRoot f.documentRoot
& filterElementsRec noUsers & filterDown
& downTo (T2 (label @"maxdepth" 5) (label @"maxlistitems" 20))
& toTree & toTree
& prettyErrorTree & prettyErrorTree
& Text.putStrLn & Text.putStrLn
filterDown :: Xml.Element -> Xml.Element
filterDown el =
& filterElementsRec noUsers
& downTo (T2 (label @"maxdepth" 5) (label @"maxlistitems" 30))
data Valsi = Valsi
{ definition :: Text,
definitionId :: Natural,
typ :: Text,
selmaho :: Maybe Text,
notes :: Maybe Text,
glosswords :: [T2 "word" Text "sense" (Maybe Text)],
keywords :: [T3 "word" Text "place" Natural "sense" (Maybe Text)]
deriving stock (Show)
test :: IO ()
test = do
f <- file
parseJbovlasteXml f
& \case
Left errs -> Text.putStrLn $ prettyErrorTree errs
Right el -> do
el & traverse_ printPretty
parseJbovlasteXml :: HasField "documentRoot" r Xml.Element => r -> Either ErrorTree [Valsi]
parseJbovlasteXml xml =
& runParse
"uh oh"
( ( element "dictionary" <&> (.elementNodes) <&> mapMaybe nodeElementMay
>>> ( ( find
( element "direction"
>>> ( ( do
(attribute "from" >>> exactly showToText "lojban")
*> (attribute "to" >>> exactly showToText "English")
*> Cat.id
>>> dimap
(\x -> x.elementNodes <&> nodeElementMay)
( multiple
(\idx _ -> [fmt|{idx}|])
( maybe $
(element "valsi")
>>> do
let subNodes =
( Cat.id
<&> (.elementNodes)
<&> mapMaybe nodeElementMay
let subElementContent elName =
>>> ( (find (element elName))
<&> (.elementNodes)
>>> exactlyOne
>>> content
let optionalSubElementContent elName =
>>> ((findAll (element elName) >>> zeroOrOne))
>>> (maybe (lmap (.elementNodes) exactlyOne >>> content))
typ <- attribute "type"
selmaho <- optionalSubElementContent "selmaho"
definition <- subElementContent "definition"
definitionId <- subElementContent "definitionid" >>> fieldParser Field.decimalNatural
notes <- optionalSubElementContent "notes"
glosswords <-
(subNodes >>> findAll (element "glossword"))
>>> ( multiple (\idx _ -> [fmt|{idx}|]) $ do
word <- label @"word" <$> (attribute "word")
sense <- label @"sense" <$> (attributeMay "sense")
pure $ T2 word sense
keywords <-
(subNodes >>> findAll (element "keyword"))
>>> ( multiple (\idx _ -> [fmt|{idx}|]) $ do
word <- label @"word" <$> (attribute "word")
place <- label @"place" <$> (attribute "place" >>> fieldParser Field.decimalNatural)
sense <- label @"sense" <$> (attributeMay "sense")
pure $ T3 word place sense
pure $ Valsi {..}
file :: IO Xml.Document file :: IO Xml.Document
file = Xml.readFile def "./jbovlaste-en.xml" file = Xml.readFile def "./jbovlaste-en.xml"
@ -75,15 +184,10 @@ downTo n el =
toTree :: Xml.Element -> ErrorTree toTree :: Xml.Element -> ErrorTree
toTree el = do toTree el = do
let outer =
if not $ null el.elementAttributes
then [fmt|<{name el.elementName}: {attrs el.elementAttributes}>|]
else [fmt|<{name el.elementName}>|]
case el.elementNodes & filter (not . isEmptyContent) & nonEmpty of case el.elementNodes & filter (not . isEmptyContent) & nonEmpty of
Nothing -> singleError (newError outer) Nothing -> singleError (newError (prettyXmlElement el))
Just (n :| []) | not $ isElementNode n -> singleError $ errorContext outer (nodeErrorNoElement n) Just (n :| []) | not $ isElementNode n -> singleError $ errorContext (prettyXmlElement el) (nodeErrorNoElement n)
Just nodes -> nestedMultiError (newError outer) (nodes <&> node) Just nodes -> nestedMultiError (newError (prettyXmlElement el)) (nodes <&> node)
where where
isEmptyContent = \case isEmptyContent = \case
Xml.NodeContent c -> c & Text.all Bytes.isSpaceChar8 Xml.NodeContent c -> c & Text.all Bytes.isSpaceChar8
@ -104,7 +208,175 @@ toTree el = do
Xml.NodeComment c -> [fmt|<!-- {c} -->|] Xml.NodeComment c -> [fmt|<!-- {c} -->|]
Xml.NodeElement _ -> error "NodeElement not allowed here" Xml.NodeElement _ -> error "NodeElement not allowed here"
name :: Xml.Name -> Text prettyXmlName :: Xml.Name -> Text
name n = [fmt|{n.namePrefix & fromMaybe ""}{n.nameLocalName}|] prettyXmlName n = [fmt|{n.namePrefix & fromMaybe ""}{n.nameLocalName}|]
prettyXmlElement :: Xml.Element -> Text
prettyXmlElement el =
if not $ null el.elementAttributes
then [fmt|<{prettyXmlName el.elementName}: {attrs el.elementAttributes}>|]
else [fmt|<{prettyXmlName el.elementName}>|]
attrs :: Map Xml.Name Text -> Text attrs :: Map Xml.Name Text -> Text
attrs a = a & Map.toList <&> (\(k, v) -> [fmt|{name k}={v}|]) & Text.intercalate ", " & \s -> [fmt|({s})|] attrs a = a & Map.toList <&> (\(k, v) -> [fmt|{prettyXmlName k}={v}|]) & Text.intercalate ", " & \s -> [fmt|({s})|]
nodeElementMay :: Xml.Node -> Maybe Xml.Element
nodeElementMay = \case
Xml.NodeElement el -> Just el
_ -> Nothing
newtype Context = Context (Maybe [Text])
deriving stock (Show)
deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via (First [Text])
newtype Parse from to = Parse ((Context, from) -> Validation (NonEmpty ErrorTree) (Context, to))
(Functor, Applicative, Selective)
via ( Compose
( Compose
((->) (Context, from))
(Validation (NonEmpty ErrorTree))
((,) Context)
instance Semigroupoid Parse where
o p2 p1 = Parse $ \from -> case runParse' p1 from of
Failure err -> Failure err
Success to1 -> runParse' p2 to1
instance Category Parse where
(.) = Semigroupoid.o
id = Parse $ \t -> Success t
instance Profunctor Parse where
lmap f (Parse p) = Parse $ lmap (second f) p
rmap = (<$>)
runParse :: Error -> Parse from to -> from -> Either ErrorTree to
runParse errMsg parser t =
(Context (Just ["$"]), t)
& runParse' parser
<&> snd
& first (nestedMultiError errMsg)
& validationToEither
runParse' :: Parse from to -> (Context, from) -> Validation (NonEmpty ErrorTree) (Context, to)
runParse' (Parse f) from = f from
showContext :: Context -> Text
showContext (Context context) = context & fromMaybe [] & List.reverse & Text.intercalate "."
addContext :: Text -> Context -> Context
addContext x (Context mxs) = Context (Just $ x : (mxs & fromMaybe []))
element :: Text -> Parse Xml.Element Xml.Element
element name = Parse $ \(ctx, el) ->
if el.elementName.nameLocalName == name
then Success (ctx & addContext (prettyXmlName el.elementName), el)
else Failure $ singleton [fmt|Expected element named <{name}> but got {el & prettyXmlElement} at {showContext ctx}|]
content :: Parse Xml.Node Text
content = Parse $ \(ctx, node) -> case node of
Xml.NodeContent t -> Success (ctx, t)
-- TODO: give an example of the node content?
n -> Failure $ singleton [fmt|Expected a content node, but got a {n & nodeType} node, at {showContext ctx}|]
nodeType = \case
Xml.NodeContent _ -> "content" :: Text
Xml.NodeComment _ -> "comment"
Xml.NodeInstruction _ -> "instruction"
Xml.NodeElement _ -> "element"
attribute :: Text -> Parse Xml.Element Text
attribute name = Parse $ \(ctx, el) ->
case el.elementAttributes & Map.mapKeys (.nameLocalName) & Map.lookup name of
Just a -> Success (ctx & addContext [fmt|{{attr:{name}}}|], a)
Nothing -> Failure $ singleton [fmt|Attribute "{name}" missing at {showContext ctx}|]
attributeMay :: Text -> Parse Xml.Element (Maybe Text)
attributeMay name = Parse $ \(ctx, el) ->
case el.elementAttributes & Map.mapKeys (.nameLocalName) & Map.lookup name of
Just a -> Success (ctx & addContext [fmt|{{attr:{name}}}|], Just a)
Nothing -> Success (ctx, Nothing)
-- | 'oneOf' but only one value possible
exactly :: Eq from => (from -> Text) -> from -> Parse from from
exactly errDisplay from = Parse $ \(ctx, from') ->
if from == from'
then Success (ctx, from')
else Failure $ singleton [fmt|Field has to be exactly {errDisplay from}, was: {errDisplay from'} at {showContext ctx}|]
multiple :: (Natural -> a1 -> Error) -> Parse a1 a2 -> Parse [a1] [a2]
multiple errorFn inner = dimap nonEmpty (Prelude.maybe [] toList) (maybe $ multipleNE errorFn inner)
multipleNE :: (Natural -> from -> Error) -> Parse from to -> Parse (NonEmpty from) (NonEmpty to)
multipleNE errorFn inner = Parse $ \(ctx, from) ->
& zipIndex
& traverse (\(idx, f) -> runParse' inner (ctx, f) & first (singleton . nestedMultiError (errorFn idx f)))
-- we assume that, since the same parser is used everywhere, the context will be the same as well (TODO: correct?)
& second (\((ctx', y) :| ys) -> (ctx', y :| (snd <$> ys)))
maybe :: Parse from to -> Parse (Maybe from) (Maybe to)
maybe inner = Parse $ \(ctx, m) -> case m of
Nothing -> Success (ctx, Nothing)
Just a -> runParse' inner (ctx, a) & second (fmap Just)
exactlyOne :: Parse [from] from
exactlyOne = Parse $ \(ctx, xs) -> case xs of
[] -> Failure $ singleton [fmt|Expected exactly 1 element, but got 0, at {ctx & showContext}|]
[one] -> Success (ctx, one)
_more -> Failure $ singleton [fmt|Expected exactly 1 element, but got 2, at {ctx & showContext}|]
zeroOrOne :: Parse [from] (Maybe from)
zeroOrOne = Parse $ \(ctx, xs) -> case xs of
[] -> Success (ctx, Nothing)
[one] -> Success (ctx, Just one)
_more -> Failure $ singleton [fmt|Expected exactly 1 element, but got 2, at {ctx & showContext}|]
find :: Parse from to -> Parse [from] to
find inner = Parse $ \(ctx, xs) -> case xs of
[] -> failure [fmt|Wanted to get the first sub-parser that succeeds, but there were no elements in the list, at {ctx & showContext}|]
(y : ys) -> runParse' (findNE' inner) (ctx, y :| ys)
findNE' :: Parse from to -> Parse (NonEmpty from) to
findNE' inner = Parse $ \(ctx, xs) ->
<&> (\x -> runParse' inner (ctx, x))
& traverse1
( \case
Success a -> Left a
Failure e -> Right e
& \case
Left a -> Success a
Right errs ->
& zipIndex
<&> (\(idx, errs') -> nestedMultiError [fmt|{idx}|] errs')
& nestedMultiError [fmt|None of these sub-parsers succeeded|]
& singleton
& Failure
findAll :: Parse from to -> Parse [from] [to]
findAll inner = Parse $ \(ctx, xs) ->
<&> (\x -> runParse' inner (ctx, x))
& partitionValidations
& \case
(_miss, []) ->
-- in this case we just arbitrarily forward the original context …
Success (ctx, [])
(_miss, (hitCtx, hit) : hits) -> Success (hitCtx, hit : (hits <&> snd))
fieldParser :: FieldParser from to -> Parse from to
fieldParser fp = Parse $ \(ctx, from) -> case Field.runFieldParser fp from of
Right a -> Success (ctx, a)
Left err -> Failure $ singleton (singleError err)
zipNonEmpty :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty (a, b)
zipNonEmpty (x :| xs) (y :| ys) = (x, y) :| zip xs ys
zipIndex :: NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty (Natural, b)
zipIndex = zipNonEmpty (1 :| [2 :: Natural ..])

View file

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ let
pkgs.haskellPackages.pa-prelude pkgs.haskellPackages.pa-prelude
pkgs.haskellPackages.pa-label pkgs.haskellPackages.pa-label
pkgs.haskellPackages.pa-error-tree pkgs.haskellPackages.pa-error-tree
pkgs.haskellPackages.sqlite-simple pkgs.haskellPackages.sqlite-simple
pkgs.haskellPackages.xml-conduit pkgs.haskellPackages.xml-conduit
depot.users.Profpatsch.arglib.netencode.haskell depot.users.Profpatsch.arglib.netencode.haskell

View file

@ -61,8 +61,12 @@ executable jbovlaste-sqlite
pa-prelude, pa-prelude,
pa-label, pa-label,
pa-error-tree, pa-error-tree,
my-prelude, my-prelude,
containers, containers,
bytestring, bytestring,
arglib-netencode, arglib-netencode,
netencode, netencode,

View file

@ -32,6 +32,15 @@ newtype Parse from to
((,) [Text]) ((,) [Text])
) )
instance Semigroupoid Parse where
o p2 p1 = Parse $ \from -> case runParse' p1 from of
Failure err -> Failure err
Success to1 -> runParse' p2 to1
instance Category Parse where
(.) = Semigroupoid.o
id = Parse $ \t -> Success t
runParse :: Error -> Parse from to -> from -> Either ErrorTree to runParse :: Error -> Parse from to -> from -> Either ErrorTree to
runParse errMsg parser t = runParse errMsg parser t =
(["$"], t) (["$"], t)
@ -43,15 +52,6 @@ runParse errMsg parser t =
runParse' :: Parse from to -> ([Text], from) -> Validation (NonEmpty ErrorTree) ([Text], to) runParse' :: Parse from to -> ([Text], from) -> Validation (NonEmpty ErrorTree) ([Text], to)
runParse' (Parse f) from = f from runParse' (Parse f) from = f from
instance Semigroupoid Parse where
o p2 p1 = Parse $ \from -> case runParse' p1 from of
Failure err -> Failure err
Success to1 -> runParse' p2 to1
instance Category Parse where
(.) = Semigroupoid.o
id = Parse $ \t -> Success t
parseEither :: (([Text], from) -> Either ErrorTree ([Text], to)) -> Parse from to parseEither :: (([Text], from) -> Either ErrorTree ([Text], to)) -> Parse from to
parseEither f = Parse $ \from -> f from & eitherToListValidation parseEither f = Parse $ \from -> f from & eitherToListValidation