* Implement isValidPath().
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 100 additions and 159 deletions
@ -54,6 +54,14 @@ void SQLiteStmt::create(sqlite3 * db, const string & s)
void SQLiteStmt::reset()
if (sqlite3_reset(stmt) != SQLITE_OK)
throw SQLiteError(db, "resetting statement");
try {
@ -188,14 +196,11 @@ LocalStore::LocalStore()
try {
foreach (RunningSubstituters::iterator, i, runningSubstituters) {
} catch (...) {
@ -231,6 +236,7 @@ void LocalStore::prepareStatements()
"insert into ValidPaths (path, hash, registrationTime, deriver) values (?, ?, ?, ?);");
"insert into Refs (referrer, reference) values (?, ?);");
stmtIsValidPath.create(db, "select 1 from ValidPaths where path = ?;");
@ -308,98 +314,6 @@ void canonicalisePathMetaData(const Path & path)
static Path infoFileFor(const Path & path)
string baseName = baseNameOf(path);
return (format("%1%/info/%2%") % nixDBPath % baseName).str();
static Path referrersFileFor(const Path & path)
string baseName = baseNameOf(path);
return (format("%1%/referrer/%2%") % nixDBPath % baseName).str();
static Path failedFileFor(const Path & path)
string baseName = baseNameOf(path);
return (format("%1%/failed/%2%") % nixDBPath % baseName).str();
static Path tmpFileForAtomicUpdate(const Path & path)
return (format("%1%/.%2%.%3%") % dirOf(path) % getpid() % baseNameOf(path)).str();
void LocalStore::appendReferrer(const Path & from, const Path & to, bool lock)
Path referrersFile = referrersFileFor(from);
PathLocks referrersLock;
if (lock) {
referrersLock.lockPaths(singleton<PathSet, Path>(referrersFile));
AutoCloseFD fd = open(referrersFile.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT, 0666);
if (fd == -1) throw SysError(format("opening file `%1%'") % referrersFile);
string s = " " + to;
writeFull(fd, (const unsigned char *) s.c_str(), s.size());
if (doFsync) fdatasync(fd);
/* Atomically update the referrers file. If `purge' is true, the set
of referrers is set to `referrers'. Otherwise, the current set of
referrers is purged of invalid paths. */
void LocalStore::rewriteReferrers(const Path & path, bool purge, PathSet referrers)
Path referrersFile = referrersFileFor(path);
PathLocks referrersLock(singleton<PathSet, Path>(referrersFile));
if (purge)
/* queryReferrers() purges invalid paths, so that's all we
need. */
queryReferrers(path, referrers);
Path tmpFile = tmpFileForAtomicUpdate(referrersFile);
AutoCloseFD fd = open(tmpFile.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, 0666);
if (fd == -1) throw SysError(format("opening file `%1%'") % referrersFile);
string s;
foreach (PathSet::const_iterator, i, referrers) {
s += " "; s += *i;
writeFull(fd, (const unsigned char *) s.c_str(), s.size());
if (doFsync) fdatasync(fd);
fd.close(); /* for Windows; can't rename open file */
if (rename(tmpFile.c_str(), referrersFile.c_str()) == -1)
throw SysError(format("cannot rename `%1%' to `%2%'") % tmpFile % referrersFile);
void LocalStore::flushDelayedUpdates()
foreach (PathSet::iterator, i, delayedUpdates) {
rewriteReferrers(*i, true, PathSet());
void LocalStore::registerValidPath(const Path & path,
const Hash & hash, const PathSet & references,
const Path & deriver)
@ -415,6 +329,7 @@ void LocalStore::registerValidPath(const Path & path,
void LocalStore::registerValidPath(const ValidPathInfo & info, bool ignoreValidity)
#if 0
Path infoFile = infoFileFor(info.path);
ValidPathInfo oldInfo;
@ -467,22 +382,25 @@ void LocalStore::registerValidPath(const ValidPathInfo & info, bool ignoreValidi
writeFile(tmpFile, s, doFsync);
if (rename(tmpFile.c_str(), infoFile.c_str()) == -1)
throw SysError(format("cannot rename `%1%' to `%2%'") % tmpFile % infoFile);
pathInfoCache[info.path] = info;
void LocalStore::registerFailedPath(const Path & path)
#if 0
/* Write an empty file in the .../failed directory to denote the
failure of the builder for `path'. */
writeFile(failedFileFor(path), "");
bool LocalStore::hasPathFailed(const Path & path)
#if 0
return pathExists(failedFileFor(path));
@ -502,6 +420,7 @@ Hash parseHashField(const Path & path, const string & s)
ValidPathInfo LocalStore::queryPathInfo(const Path & path, bool ignoreErrors)
#if 0
ValidPathInfo res;
res.path = path;
@ -510,9 +429,6 @@ ValidPathInfo LocalStore::queryPathInfo(const Path & path, bool ignoreErrors)
if (!isValidPath(path))
throw Error(format("path `%1%' is not valid") % path);
std::map<Path, ValidPathInfo>::iterator lookup = pathInfoCache.find(path);
if (lookup != pathInfoCache.end()) return lookup->second;
/* Read the info file. */
Path infoFile = infoFileFor(path);
if (!pathExists(infoFile))
@ -550,31 +466,20 @@ ValidPathInfo LocalStore::queryPathInfo(const Path & path, bool ignoreErrors)
return pathInfoCache[path] = res;
return res;
bool LocalStore::isValidPath(const Path & path)
/* Files in the info directory starting with a `.' are temporary
files. */
if (baseNameOf(path).at(0) == '.') return false;
/* A path is valid if its info file exists and has a non-zero
size. (The non-zero size restriction is to be robust to
certain kinds of filesystem corruption, particularly with
ext4.) */
Path infoFile = infoFileFor(path);
struct stat st;
if (lstat(infoFile.c_str(), &st)) {
if (errno == ENOENT) return false;
throw SysError(format("getting status of `%1%'") % infoFile);
if (st.st_size == 0) return false;
return true;
if (sqlite3_bind_text(stmtIsValidPath, 1, path.c_str(), -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT) != SQLITE_OK)
throw SQLiteError(db, "binding argument");
int res = sqlite3_step(stmtIsValidPath);
if (res != SQLITE_DONE && res != SQLITE_ROW)
throw SQLiteError(db, "querying path in database");
return res == SQLITE_ROW;
@ -598,6 +503,7 @@ void LocalStore::queryReferences(const Path & path,
bool LocalStore::queryReferrersInternal(const Path & path, PathSet & referrers)
#if 0
bool allValid = true;
if (!isValidPath(path))
@ -623,6 +529,7 @@ bool LocalStore::queryReferrersInternal(const Path & path, PathSet & referrers)
if (isStorePath(*i) && isValidPath(*i)) referrers.insert(*i); else allValid = false;
return allValid;
@ -788,6 +695,7 @@ void LocalStore::registerValidPaths(const ValidPathInfos & infos)
there are no referrers. */
void LocalStore::invalidatePath(const Path & path)
#if 0
debug(format("invalidating path `%1%'") % path);
ValidPathInfo info;
@ -805,28 +713,7 @@ void LocalStore::invalidatePath(const Path & path)
Path p = referrersFileFor(path);
if (pathExists(p) && unlink(p.c_str()) == -1)
throw SysError(format("unlinking `%1%'") % p);
/* Clear `path' from the info cache. */
/* Cause the referrer files for each path referenced by this one
to be updated. This has to happen after removing the info file
to preserve the invariant (see registerValidPath()).
The referrer files are updated lazily in flushDelayedUpdates()
to prevent quadratic performance in the garbage collector
(i.e., when N referrers to some path X are deleted, we have to
rewrite the referrers file for X N times, causing O(N^2) I/O).
What happens if we die before the referrer file can be updated?
That's not a problem, because stale (invalid) entries in the
referrer file are ignored by queryReferrers(). Thus a referrer
file is allowed to have stale entries; removing them is just an
optimisation. verifyStore() gets rid of them eventually.
foreach (PathSet::iterator, i, info.references)
if (*i != path) delayedUpdates.insert(*i);
@ -1130,6 +1017,7 @@ Path LocalStore::importPath(bool requireSignature, Source & source)
void LocalStore::deleteFromStore(const Path & path, unsigned long long & bytesFreed,
unsigned long long & blocksFreed)
#if 0
bytesFreed = 0;
@ -1149,11 +1037,13 @@ void LocalStore::deleteFromStore(const Path & path, unsigned long long & bytesFr
deletePathWrapped(path, bytesFreed, blocksFreed);
void LocalStore::verifyStore(bool checkContents)
#if 0
/* Check whether all valid paths actually exist. */
printMsg(lvlInfo, "checking path existence");
@ -1279,6 +1169,64 @@ void LocalStore::verifyStore(bool checkContents)
if (update) rewriteReferrers(from, false, referrersNew);
/* Functions for upgrading from the pre-SQLite database. */
static Path infoFileFor(const Path & path)
string baseName = baseNameOf(path);
return (format("%1%/info/%2%") % nixDBPath % baseName).str();
PathSet LocalStore::queryValidPathsOld()
PathSet paths;
Strings entries = readDirectory(nixDBPath + "/info");
foreach (Strings::iterator, i, entries)
if (i->at(0) != '.') paths.insert(nixStore + "/" + *i);
return paths;
ValidPathInfo LocalStore::queryPathInfoOld(const Path & path)
ValidPathInfo res;
res.path = path;
/* Read the info file. */
Path infoFile = infoFileFor(path);
if (!pathExists(infoFile))
throw Error(format("path `%1%' is not valid") % path);
string info = readFile(infoFile);
/* Parse it. */
Strings lines = tokenizeString(info, "\n");
foreach (Strings::iterator, i, lines) {
string::size_type p = i->find(':');
if (p == string::npos)
throw Error(format("corrupt line in `%1%': %2%") % infoFile % *i);
string name(*i, 0, p);
string value(*i, p + 2);
if (name == "References") {
Strings refs = tokenizeString(value, " ");
res.references = PathSet(refs.begin(), refs.end());
} else if (name == "Deriver") {
res.deriver = value;
} else if (name == "Hash") {
res.hash = parseHashField(path, value);
} else if (name == "Registered-At") {
int n = 0;
string2Int(value, n);
res.registrationTime = n;
return res;
@ -1294,17 +1242,16 @@ void LocalStore::upgradeStore6()
PathSet validPaths = queryValidPaths();
PathSet validPaths = queryValidPathsOld();
SQLiteTxn txn(db);
std::map<Path, sqlite3_int64> pathToId;
foreach (PathSet::iterator, i, validPaths) {
ValidPathInfo info = queryPathInfo(*i, true);
ValidPathInfo info = queryPathInfoOld(*i);
if (sqlite3_reset(stmtRegisterValidPath) != SQLITE_OK)
throw SQLiteError(db, "resetting statement");
if (sqlite3_bind_text(stmtRegisterValidPath, 1, i->c_str(), -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT) != SQLITE_OK)
throw SQLiteError(db, "binding argument 1");
string h = "sha256:" + printHash(info.hash);
@ -1330,11 +1277,10 @@ void LocalStore::upgradeStore6()
std::cerr << "|";
foreach (PathSet::iterator, i, validPaths) {
ValidPathInfo info = queryPathInfo(*i, true);
ValidPathInfo info = queryPathInfoOld(*i);
foreach (PathSet::iterator, j, info.references) {
if (sqlite3_reset(stmtAddReference) != SQLITE_OK)
throw SQLiteError(db, "resetting statement");
if (sqlite3_bind_int(stmtAddReference, 1, pathToId[*i]) != SQLITE_OK)
throw SQLiteError(db, "binding argument 1");
if (pathToId.find(*j) == pathToId.end())
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ struct SQLiteStmt
sqlite3_stmt * stmt;
SQLiteStmt() { stmt = 0; }
void create(sqlite3 * db, const string & s);
void reset();
operator sqlite3_stmt * () { return stmt; }
@ -178,13 +179,6 @@ private:
/* Lock file used for upgrading. */
AutoCloseFD globalLock;
/* !!! The cache can grow very big. Maybe it should be pruned
every once in a while. */
std::map<Path, ValidPathInfo> pathInfoCache;
/* Store paths for which the referrers file must be purged. */
PathSet delayedUpdates;
/* Whether to do an fsync() after writing Nix metadata. */
bool doFsync;
@ -194,6 +188,7 @@ private:
/* Some precompiled SQLite statements. */
SQLiteStmt stmtRegisterValidPath;
SQLiteStmt stmtAddReference;
SQLiteStmt stmtIsValidPath;
int getSchema();
@ -209,13 +204,13 @@ private:
void rewriteReferrers(const Path & path, bool purge, PathSet referrers);
void flushDelayedUpdates();
bool queryReferrersInternal(const Path & path, PathSet & referrers);
void invalidatePath(const Path & path);
void upgradeStore6();
PathSet queryValidPathsOld();
ValidPathInfo queryPathInfoOld(const Path & path);
struct GCState;
Add table
Reference in a new issue