feat(xanthous): Allow selecting hand for wielding
When wielding items, allow selecting which hand the item should be wielded in. Currently this has no actual effect on the mechanics of combat - that'll come next. Change-Id: Ic289ca2d8fa6f5fc0ad5bd0b012818a3acd8599e Reviewed-on: https://cl.tvl.fyi/c/depot/+/5470 Reviewed-by: grfn <grfn@gws.fyi> Autosubmit: grfn <grfn@gws.fyi> Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 119 additions and 30 deletions
@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ import Xanthous.Physics (throwDistance, bluntThrowDamage)
import Xanthous.Data.EntityMap.Graphics (lineOfSight)
import Xanthous.Data.EntityMap (EntityID)
import Xanthous.Entities.Common
( InventoryPosition, describeInventoryPosition, backpack
, wieldableItem, wieldedItems, wielded, itemsWithPosition
, removeItemFromPosition, asWieldedItem, inRightHand
, wieldedItem, items
, removeItemFromPosition, asWieldedItem
, wieldedItem, items, Hand (..), describeHand, wieldInHand
, WieldedItem
import qualified Xanthous.Entities.Character as Character
import Xanthous.Entities.Character hiding (pickUpItem)
@ -296,14 +296,30 @@ handleCommand DescribeInventory = do
handleCommand Wield = do
takeItemFromInventory_ ["wield", "menu"] Cancellable asWieldedItem
(say_ ["wield", "nothing"])
$ \(MenuResult item) -> do
prevItems <- character . inventory . wielded <<.= inRightHand item
selectItem $ \(MenuResult (item :: WieldedItem)) -> do
selectHand $ \(MenuResult hand) -> do
prevItems <- character . inventory . wielded %%= wieldInHand hand item
character . inventory . backpack
<>= fromList (prevItems ^.. wieldedItems . wieldedItem)
say ["wield", "wielded"] item
<>= fromList (map (view wieldedItem) prevItems)
say ["wield", "wielded"] $ object [ "item" A..= item
, "hand" A..= describeHand hand
selectItem =
takeItemFromInventory_ ["wield", "menu"] Cancellable asWieldedItem
(say_ ["wield", "nothing"])
= menu_
["wield", "hand"]
handsMenu = mapFromList
. map (second $ MenuOption =<< describeHand)
$ [ ('l', LeftHand)
, ('r', RightHand)
, ('b', BothHands)
handleCommand Fire = do
selectItemFromInventory_ ["fire", "menu"] Cancellable id
@ -20,12 +20,18 @@ module Xanthous.Entities.Common
-- ** Wielded items
, Wielded(..)
, nothingWielded
, hands
, leftHand
, rightHand
, inLeftHand
, inRightHand
, doubleHanded
, Hand(..)
, itemsInHand
, inHand
, wieldInHand
, describeHand
, wieldedItems
, WieldedItem(..)
, wieldedItem
@ -95,6 +101,7 @@ data Wielded
via WithOptions '[ 'SumEnc 'ObjWithSingleField ]
nothingWielded :: Wielded
nothingWielded = Hands Nothing Nothing
@ -124,6 +131,43 @@ wieldedItems :: Traversal' Wielded WieldedItem
wieldedItems k (DoubleHanded wielded) = DoubleHanded <$> k wielded
wieldedItems k (Hands l r) = Hands <$> _Just k l <*> _Just k r
data Hand
= LeftHand
| RightHand
| BothHands
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic)
deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
deriving Arbitrary via GenericArbitrary Hand
itemsInHand :: Hand -> Wielded -> [WieldedItem]
itemsInHand LeftHand (DoubleHanded wi) = [wi]
itemsInHand LeftHand (Hands lh _) = toList lh
itemsInHand RightHand (DoubleHanded wi) = [wi]
itemsInHand RightHand (Hands _ rh) = toList rh
itemsInHand BothHands (DoubleHanded wi) = [wi]
itemsInHand BothHands (Hands lh rh) = toList lh <> toList rh
inHand :: Hand -> WieldedItem -> Wielded
inHand LeftHand = inLeftHand
inHand RightHand = inRightHand
inHand BothHands = review doubleHanded
wieldInHand :: Hand -> WieldedItem -> Wielded -> ([WieldedItem], Wielded)
wieldInHand hand item w = (itemsInHand hand w, doWield)
doWield = case (hand, w) of
(LeftHand, Hands _ r) -> Hands (Just item) r
(LeftHand, DoubleHanded _) -> inLeftHand item
(RightHand, Hands l _) -> Hands l (Just item)
(RightHand, DoubleHanded _) -> inRightHand item
(BothHands, _) -> DoubleHanded item
describeHand :: Hand -> Text
describeHand LeftHand = "your left hand"
describeHand RightHand = "your right hand"
describeHand BothHands = "both hands"
data Inventory = Inventory
{ _backpack :: Vector Item
, _wielded :: Wielded
@ -199,27 +243,23 @@ class HasInventory s a | s -> a where
-- | Representation for where in the inventory an item might be
data InventoryPosition
= Backpack
| LeftHand
| RightHand
| BothHands
| InHand Hand
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic)
deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
deriving Arbitrary via GenericArbitrary InventoryPosition
-- | Return a human-readable description of the given 'InventoryPosition'
describeInventoryPosition :: InventoryPosition -> Text
describeInventoryPosition Backpack = "In backpack"
describeInventoryPosition LeftHand = "Wielded, in left hand"
describeInventoryPosition RightHand = "Wielded, in right hand"
describeInventoryPosition BothHands = "Wielded, in both hands"
describeInventoryPosition Backpack = "In backpack"
describeInventoryPosition (InHand hand) = "Wielded, in " <> describeHand hand
-- | Given a position in the inventory, return a traversal on the inventory over
-- all the items in that position
inventoryPosition :: InventoryPosition -> Traversal' Inventory Item
inventoryPosition Backpack = backpack . traversed
inventoryPosition LeftHand = wielded . leftHand . _Just . wieldedItem
inventoryPosition RightHand = wielded . leftHand . _Just . wieldedItem
inventoryPosition BothHands = wielded . doubleHanded . wieldedItem
inventoryPosition (InHand LeftHand) = wielded . leftHand . _Just . wieldedItem
inventoryPosition (InHand RightHand) = wielded . leftHand . _Just . wieldedItem
inventoryPosition (InHand BothHands) = wielded . doubleHanded . wieldedItem
-- | A fold over all the items in the inventory accompanied by their position in
-- the inventory
@ -230,20 +270,20 @@ itemsWithPosition = folding $ (<>) <$> backpackItems <*> handItems
backpackItems = toListOf $ backpack . folded . to (Backpack ,)
handItems inv = case inv ^. wielded of
DoubleHanded i -> pure (BothHands, i ^. wieldedItem)
Hands l r -> (l ^.. folded . wieldedItem . to (LeftHand ,))
<> (r ^.. folded . wieldedItem . to (RightHand ,))
DoubleHanded i -> pure (InHand BothHands, i ^. wieldedItem)
Hands l r -> (l ^.. folded . wieldedItem . to (InHand LeftHand ,))
<> (r ^.. folded . wieldedItem . to (InHand RightHand ,))
-- | Remove the first item equal to 'Item' from the given position in the
-- inventory
removeItemFromPosition :: InventoryPosition -> Item -> Inventory -> Inventory
removeItemFromPosition Backpack item inv
= inv & backpack %~ removeFirst (== item)
removeItemFromPosition LeftHand item inv
removeItemFromPosition (InHand LeftHand) item inv
= inv & wielded . leftHand %~ filter ((/= item) . view wieldedItem)
removeItemFromPosition RightHand item inv
removeItemFromPosition (InHand RightHand) item inv
= inv & wielded . rightHand %~ filter ((/= item) . view wieldedItem)
removeItemFromPosition BothHands item inv
removeItemFromPosition (InHand BothHands) item inv
| has (wielded . doubleHanded . wieldedItem . filtered (== item)) inv
= inv & wielded .~ nothingWielded
| otherwise
@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ wield:
- You can't wield anything in your backpack
- You can't wield anything currently in your backpack
menu: What would you like to wield?
# TODO: use actual hands
wielded : You wield the {{wieldedItem.itemType.name}} in your right hand.
hand: Wield in which hand?
wielded: You wield the {{item.wieldedItem.itemType.name}} in {{hand}}
@ -10,6 +10,17 @@ import Xanthous.Entities.Common
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain test
newtype OneHand = OneHand Hand
deriving stock Show
instance Arbitrary OneHand where
arbitrary = OneHand <$> elements [LeftHand, RightHand]
otherHand :: Hand -> Hand
otherHand LeftHand = RightHand
otherHand RightHand = LeftHand
otherHand BothHands = error "OtherHand BothHands"
test :: TestTree
test = testGroup "Xanthous.Entities.CommonSpec"
[ testGroup "Inventory"
@ -20,13 +31,35 @@ test = testGroup "Xanthous.Entities.CommonSpec"
let (old, inv') = inv & wielded <<.~ w
in inv' & backpack <>~ toVectorOf (wieldedItems . wieldedItem) old
in [ (Backpack, \item -> backpack %~ (item ^. wieldedItem <|))
, (LeftHand, rewield . inLeftHand)
, (RightHand, rewield . inRightHand)
, (BothHands, rewield . review doubleHanded)
, (InHand LeftHand, rewield . inLeftHand)
, (InHand RightHand, rewield . inRightHand)
, (InHand BothHands, rewield . review doubleHanded)
] <&> \(pos, addItem) ->
testProperty (show pos) $ \inv item ->
let inv' = addItem item inv
inv'' = removeItemFromPosition pos (item ^. wieldedItem) inv'
in inv'' ^.. items === inv ^.. items
, testGroup "Wielded items"
[ testGroup "wieldInHand"
[ testProperty "puts the item in the hand" $ \w hand item ->
let (_, w') = wieldInHand hand item w
in itemsInHand hand w' === [item]
, testProperty "returns items in both hands when wielding double-handed"
$ \lh rh newItem ->
let w = Hands (Just lh) (Just rh)
(prevItems, _) = wieldInHand BothHands newItem w
in prevItems === [lh, rh]
, testProperty "wielding in one hand leaves the item in the other hand"
$ \(OneHand h) existingItem newItem ->
let (_, w) = wieldInHand h existingItem nothingWielded
(prevItems, w') = wieldInHand (otherHand h) newItem w
in prevItems === []
.&&. sort (w' ^.. wieldedItems) === sort [existingItem, newItem]
, testProperty "always leaves the same items overall" $ \w hand item ->
let (prevItems, w') = wieldInHand hand item w
in sort (prevItems <> (w' ^.. wieldedItems))
=== sort (item : w ^.. wieldedItems)
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