feat(tazjin/russian): Add words 601-700
Change-Id: I17b1362502952d96b8787ad3c055d66f212fd60b
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 103 additions and 2 deletions
@ -616,7 +616,108 @@
("кстати" ("to the point" "at the same time"))
("кстати" ("to the point" "at the same time"))
("назвать" ("to call" "name"))
("назвать" ("to call" "name"))
("след" ("track" "footprint"))
("след" ("track" "footprint"))
("улыбаться" ("to smile"))
("улыбаться" ("to smile") ("нсв"))
("бутылка" ("bottle")))
("бутылка" ("bottle"))
;; 601 - 700
("трудно" ("with difficulty"))
("условие" ("condition" "term"))
("прежде" ("before"))
("ум" ("mind" "brains" "intellect"))
("улыбнуться" ("to smile"))
("процесс" ("process"))
("картина" ("picture" "painting"))
("вместо" ("instead"))
("старший" ("elder" "senior"))
("легко" ("easily" "lightly"))
("центр" ("center"))
("подобный" ("similar" "like"))
("возможно" ("possible") ("as ... as possible"))
("около" ("by" "near"))
("смеяться" ("to laugh"))
("сто" ("hundred"))
("будущее" ("future"))
("хватать" ("to snatch" "to seize" "to suffice") ("нсв"))
("число" ("number"))
("всякое" ("any" "every"))
("рубль" ("ruble"))
("почувствовать" ("to feel") ("св"))
("принести" ("to bring"))
("вера" ("faith" "belief"))
("вовсе" ("quiet" "not ... at all"))
("удар" ("blow" "stroke"))
("телефон" ("telephone"))
("колено" ("knee"))
("согласиться" ("to agree" "to consent"))
("мало" ("little" "few" "not enough"))
("коридор" ("corridor" "passage"))
("мужик" ("man"))
("правый" ("right"))
("автор" ("author"))
("холодный" ("cold" "cool"))
("хватит" ("to snatch" "to seize" "to suffice") ("св"))
("многие" ("many"))
("встреча" ("meeting" "reception"))
("кабинет" ("study" "room" "office suite"))
("документ" ("document"))
("самолёт" ("airplane"))
("вниз" ("down" "downwards"))
("принимать" ("to take" "to admit" "to accept"))
("игра" ("game" "play"))
("рассказ" ("story"))
("хлеб" ("bread"))
("развитие" ("development"))
("убить" ("to kill"))
("родной" ("own" "native" "dear"))
("открытый" ("open"))
("менее" ("less"))
("предложить" ("to offer" "to propose" "to suggest"))
("жёлтый" ("yellow"))
("приходиться" ("to fit" "to fall" "to have to"))
("выпить" ("to drink"))
("крикнуть" ("to cry" "to shout"))
("трубка" ("tube" "roll" "pipe"))
("враг" ("enemy"))
("показывать" ("to show" "to display"))
("двое" ("two") ("cardinal number"))
("доктор" ("doctor"))
("ладонь" ("palm"))
("вызвать" ("to call" "to send"))
("спокойно" ("quietly"))
("попросить" ("to ask"))
("наука" ("science"))
("лейтенант" ("lieutenant"))
("служба" ("service" "work"))
("оказываться" ("to turn out" "to find oneself"))
("привести" ("to bring"))
("сорок" ("forty"))
("счёт" ("bill" "account"))
("возвращаться" ("to return"))
("золотой" ("golden"))
("местный" ("local"))
("кухня" ("kitchen"))
("крупный" ("large" "big" "prominent"))
("решение" ("decision" "conclusion"))
("молодая" ("bride" "young"))
("тридцать" ("thirty"))
("роман" ("novel" "romance"))
("компания" ("company"))
("частый" ("frequent"))
("российский" ("Russian"))
("рабочий" ("worky"))
("потерять" ("to lose"))
("течение" ("current"))
("синий" ("dark blue"))
("столько" ("so much" "so many"))
("тёплый" ("warm"))
("метр" ("metre"))
("достать" ("to reach" "get" "obtain"))
("железный" ("ferreous" "iron"))
("институт" ("institute"))
("сообщить" ("to report" "to let know"))
("интерес" ("interest"))
("обычный" ("usual" "ordinary"))
("появляться" ("to appear" "to show up"))
("упасть" ("to fall")))
(provide 'russian-words)
(provide 'russian-words)
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