merge(bs-talk): Integrate at //presentations/bootstrapping-2018
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# This derivation builds the LaTeX presentation.
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
with pkgs; let tex = texlive.combine {
inherit (texlive)
in stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "nuug-reproducible-slides.pdf";
src = ./.;
FONTCONFIG_FILE = makeFontsConf {
fontDirectories = [ fira fira-code fira-mono ];
buildInputs = [ tex fira fira-code fira-mono ];
buildPhase = ''
# LaTeX needs a cache folder in /home/ ...
mkdir home
export HOME=$PWD/home
# ${tex}/bin/luaotfload-tool -ufv
# As usual, TeX needs to be run twice ...
function run() {
${tex}/bin/lualatex presentation.tex
run && run
installPhase = ''
cp presentation.pdf $out
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#+TITLE: Bootstrapping, reproducibility, etc.
#+AUTHOR: Vincent Ambo
#+DATE: <2018-03-10 Sat>
* Compiler bootstrapping
This section contains notes about compiler bootstrapping, the
history thereof, which compilers need it - and so on:
** C
** Haskell
- self-hosted compiler (GHC)
** Common Lisp
CL is fairly interesting in this space because it is a language
that is defined via an ANSI standard that compiler implementations
normally actually follow!
CL has several ecosystem components that focus on making
abstracting away implementation-specific calls and if a self-hosted
compiler is written in CL using those components it can be
** Python
* A note on runtimes
Sometimes the compiler just isn't enough ...
** JVM
* References
* Slide thoughts:
1. Hardware trust has been discussed here a bunch, most recently
during the talk. Hardware trust is important, as we see
with IME, but it's striking that people often take a leap to "I'm
now on my trusted Debian with free software".
Unless you built it yourself from scratch (Spoiler: you haven't)
you're placing trust in what is basically foreign binary blobs.
Agenda: Implications/attack vectors of this, state of the chicken
& egg, the topic of reproducibility, what can you do? (Nix!)
2. Chicken-and-egg issue
It's an important milestone for a language to become self-hosted:
You begin doing a kind of dogfeeding, you begin to enforce
reliability & consistency guarantees to avoid having to redo your
own codebase constantly and so on.
However, the implication is now that you need your own compiler
to compile itself.
Common examples:
- C/C++ compilers needed to build C/C++ compilers:
GCC 4.7 was the last version of GCC that could be built with a
standard C-compiler, nowadays it is mostly written in C++.
Certain versions of GCC can be built with LLVM/Clang.
Clang/LLVM can be compiled by itself and also GCC.
- Rust was originally written in OCAML but moved to being
self-hosted in 2011. Currently rustc-releases are always built
with a copy of the previous release.
It's relatively new so we can build the chain all the way.
Notable exceptions: Some popular languages are not self-hosted,
for example Clojure. Languages also have runtimes, which may be
written in something else (e.g. Haskell -> C runtime)
* How to help:
Most of this advice is about reproducible builds, not bootstrapping,
as that is a much harder project.
- fix reproducibility issues listed in Debian's issue tracker (focus
on non-Debian specific ones though)
- experiment with NixOS / GuixSD to get a better grasp on the
problem space of reproducibility
If you want to contribute to bootstrapping, look at
| and their wiki. Several initiatives such as MES
could need help!
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\title{Where does \textit{your} compiler come from?}
\author{Vincent Ambo}
\institute{Norwegian Unix User Group}
%% Slide 1:
%% Slide 2:
\begin{frame}{Chicken and egg}
Self-hosted compilers are often built using themselves, for example:
\item C-family compilers bootstrap themselves \& each other
\item (Some!) Common Lisp compilers can bootstrap each other
\item \texttt{rustc} bootstraps itself with a previous version
\item ... same for many other languages!
\begin{frame}{Chicken, egg and ... lizard?}
It's not just compilers: Languages have runtimes, too.
\item JVM is implemented in C++
\item Erlang-VM is C
\item Haskell runtime is C
... we can't ever get away from C, can we?
%% Slide 3:
\begin{frame}{Trusting Trust}
\huge{Could this be exploited?}
%% Slide 4:
\begin{frame}{Short interlude: A quine}
((lambda (x) (list x (list 'quote x)))
\newline\vspace*{6mm} '(lambda (x) (list x (list 'quote x))))
%% Slide 5:
\begin{frame}{Short interlude: Quine Relay}
%% Slide 6:
\begin{frame}{Trusting Trust}
An attack described by Ken Thompson in 1983:
\item Modify a compiler to detect when it's compiling itself.
\item Let the modification insert \textit{itself} into the new compiler.
\item Add arbitrary attack code to the modification.
\item \textit{Optional!} Remove the attack from the source after compilation.
%% Slide 7:
\begin{frame}{Damage potential?}
\large{Let your imagination run wild!}
%% Slide 8:
%% Slide 9:
\begin{frame}{Diverse Double-Compiling}
Assume we have:
\item Target language compilers $A$ and $T$
\item The source code of $A$: $ S_{A} $
%% Slide 10:
\begin{frame}{Diverse Double-Compiling}
Apply the first stage (functional equivalence):
\item $ X = A(S_{A})$
\item $ Y = T(S_{A})$
Apply the second stage (bit-for-bit equivalence):
\item $ V = X(S_{A})$
\item $ W = Y(S_{A})$
Now we have a new problem: Reproducibility!
%% Slide 11:
Bit-for-bit equivalent output is hard, for example:
\item Timestamps in output artifacts
\item Non-deterministic linking order in concurrent builds
\item Non-deterministic VM \& memory states in outputs
\item Randomness in builds (sic!)
Without reproducibility, we can never trust that any shipped
binary matches the source code!
%% Slide 12:
\section{(Partial) State of the Union}
\begin{frame}{The Desired State}
\item Full-source bootstrap!
\item All packages reproducible!
%% Slide 13:
\begin{frame}{Bootstrapping Debian}
\item Sparse information on the Debian-wiki
\item Bootstrapping discussions mostly resolve around new architectures
\item GCC is compiled by depending on previous versions of GCC
\begin{frame}{Reproducing Debian}
Debian has a very active effort for reproducible builds:
\item Organised information about reproducibility status
\item Over 90\% reproducibility in Debian package base!
\begin{frame}{Short interlude: Nix}
\begin{frame}{Short interlude: Nix}
\begin{frame}{Short interlude: Nix}
\begin{frame}{Bootstrapping NixOS}
Nix evaluation can not recurse forever: The bootstrap can not
simply depend on a previous GCC.
Workaround: \texttt{bootstrap-tools} tarball from a previous
binary cache is fetched and used.
An unfortunate magic binary blob ...
\begin{frame}{Reproducing NixOS}
Not all reproducibility patches have been ported from Debian.
However: Builds are fully repeatable via the Nix fundamentals!
\section{Future Developments}
\begin{frame}{Bootstrappable: stage0}
Hand-rolled ``Cthulhu's Path to Madness'' hex-programs:
\item No non-auditable binary blobs
\item Aims for understandability by 70\% of programmers
\item End goal is a full-source bootstrap of GCC
\begin{frame}{Bootstrappable: MES}
Bootstrapping the ``Maxwell Equations of Software'':
\item Minimal C-compiler written in Scheme
\item Minimal Scheme-interpreter (currently in C, but intended to
be rewritten in stage0 macros)
\item End goal is full-source bootstrap of the entire GuixSD
\begin{frame}{Other platforms}
\item Nix for Darwin is actively maintained
\item F-Droid Android repository works towards fully reproducible
builds of (open) Android software
\item Mobile devices (phones, tablets, etc.) are a lost cause at
the moment
@tazjin |
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### 1
- previous discussions of hardware trust (e.g. purism presentation)
- people leap to "now I'm on my trusted Debian!"
- unless you built it from scratch (spoiler: you haven't) you're *trusting* someone
Agenda: Implications of trust with focus on bootstrap paths and reproducibility, plus how you can help.### 2
- C-family: GCC pre/post 4.7, Clang
- Common Lisp: Sunshine land! (with SBCL)
- rustc: Bootstrap based on previous versions (C++ transpiler underway!)
- many other languages also work this way!
(Noteable counterexample: Clojure is written in Java!)### 3
- compilers are just one bit, the various runtimes exist, too!### 4
Could this be exploited?
People don't think about where their compiler comes from.
Even if they do, they may only go so far as to say "I'll just recompile it using <other compiler>".
Unfortunately, spoiler alert, life isn't that easy in the computer world and yes, exploitation is possible.### 5
- describe what a quine is
- classic Lisp quine
- explain demo quine
- demo demo quine
- this is interesting, but not useful - can quines do more than that?### 6
- quine-relay: "art project" with 128-language circular quine
- show source of quine-relay
- (demo quine relay?)
- side-note: this program is very, very trustworthy!### 7
Ken Thompson (designer of UNIX and a couple other things!) received Turing award in 1983, and described attack in speech.
- figure out how to detect self-compilation
- make that modification a quine
- insert modification into new compiler
- add attack code to modification
- remove attack from source, distributed binary will still be compromised! it's like evolution :)### 8
damage potential is basically infinite:
- classic "login" attack
=> also applicable to other credentials
- attack (weaken) crypto algorithms
- you can probably think of more!### 10
idea being: potential vulnerability would have to work across compilers:
the more compilers we can introduce (e.g. more architectures, different versions, different compilers), the harder it gets for a vulnerability to survive all of those
The more compilers, the merrier! Lisps are pretty good at this.### 11
if we get a bit-mismatch after DDC, not all hope is lost: Maybe the thing just isn't reproducible!
- many reasons for failures
- timestamps are a classic! artifacts can be build logs, metadata in ZIP-files or whatever
- non-determinism is the devil
- sometimes people actively introduce build-randomness (NaCl)### 12
- Does that binary download on the project's website really match the source?
- Your Linux packages are signed by someone - cool - but what does that mean?### 13
Two things should be achieved - gross oversimplification - to get to the ideal "desired state of the union":
1. full-source bootstrap: without ever introducing any binaries, go from nothing to a full Linux distribution
2. when packages are distributed, we should be able to know the expected output of a source package beforehand
=> suddenly binary distributions become a cache! But more on Nix later.### 14
- Debian project does not seem as concerned with bootstrapping as with reproducibility
- Debian mostly bootstraps on new architectures (using cross-compilation and similar techniques, from an existing binary base)
- core bootstrap (GCC & friends) is performed with previous Debian version and depending on GCC### 15
... however! Debian cares about reproducibility.
- automated testing of reproducibility
- information about the status of all packages is made available in repos
- Over 90% packages of packages are reproducible!
< show reproducible builds website >
Debian is still fundamentally a binary distribution though, but it doesn't have to be that way.### 16
Nix - a purely functional package manager
It's not a new project (10+ years), been discussed here before, has multiple components: package manager, language, NixOS.
Instead of describing *how* to build a thing, Nix describes *what* to build:### 17
### 19
In Nix, it's impossible to say "GCC is the result of applying GCC to the GCC source", because that happens to be infinite recursion.
Bootstrapping in Nix works by introducing a binary pinned by its full-hash, which was built on some previous Nix version.
Unfortunately also just a magic binary blob ... ### 20
NixOS is not actively porting all of Debian's reproducibility patches, but builds are fully repeatable:
- introducing a malicious compiler would produce a different input hash -> different package
Future slide: hope is not lost! Things are underway.### 21
- (demo?) is an umbrella page for several projects working on bootstrappability
- stage0 is an important piece: manually, small, auditable Hex programs to get to a Hex macro expander
- end goal is a full-source bootrap, but pieces are missing### 22
MES is out of the GuixSD circles (explain Guix, GNU Hurd joke)
- idea being that once you have a Lisp, you have all of computing (as Alan Key said)
- includes MesCC in Scheme -> can *almost* make a working tinyCC -> can *almost* make a working gcc 4.7
- minimal Scheme interpreter, currently built in C to get the higher-level stuff to work, goal is rewrite in hex
- bootstrapping Guix is the end goal### 23
- userspace in Darwin has a Nix project
- unsure about other BSDs, but if anyone knows - input welcome!
- F-Droid has reproducible Android packages, but that's also userspace only
- All other mobile platforms are a lost cause
Generally, all closed-source software is impossible to trust.
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