fix(users/Profpatsch/openlab-tools): fix cache again
And of course I managed to move the cache creation into the handlers, instead of doing it before starting the webserver. And now I managed to create a hopeless mess of callbacks, but oh well. Change-Id: I73c3aeced71923c7372496286a279e326b20c388 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Profpatsch <> Autosubmit: Profpatsch <> Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 113 additions and 99 deletions
@ -106,53 +106,60 @@ runApp = withTracer $ \tracer -> do
then Html.Pretty.renderHtml >>> stringToText >>> textToBytesUtf8 >>> toLazyBytes
else Html.renderHtml
let appT = withRunInIO $ \runInIO -> 9099 $ \req respond -> do
let catchAppException act =
try act >>= \case
Right a -> pure a
Left (AppException err) -> do
runInIO (logError err)
respond (Wai.responseLBS Http.status500 [] "")
let runApplication ::
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLogger m) =>
( Wai.Request ->
(Wai.Response -> m Wai.ResponseReceived) ->
m Wai.ResponseReceived
) ->
m ()
runApplication app = do
withRunInIO $ \runInIO -> 9099 $ \req respond -> do
let catchAppException act =
try act >>= \case
Right a -> pure a
Left (AppException err) -> do
runInIO (logError err)
respond (Wai.responseLBS Http.status500 [] "")
liftIO $ catchAppException (runInIO $ app req (\resp -> liftIO $ respond resp))
let appT :: AppT IO () = do
let h extra res = Wai.responseLBS Http.ok200 (("Content-Type", "text/html") : extra) res
catchAppException $
runInIO $
[ Handler
{ path = "",
body =
(pure ())
(\((), _) -> pure $ h [] (renderHtml mainPage))
{ path = "snips/table-opening-hours-last-week",
body =
((label @"ifModifiedSince" <$> parseIfModifiedSince))
( \(req', cache) -> liftIO $ do
now <- getCurrentTime <&> mkSecondTime
new <- runInIO $ updateCacheIfNewer now cache heatmap
let cacheToHeaders =
[ ("Last-Modified", new.lastModified & formatHeaderTime),
("Expires", new.until & formatHeaderTime),
( "Cache-Control",
let maxAge = new.until `diffSecondTime` now
in [fmt|max-age={maxAge & floor @NominalDiffTime @Int & show}, immutable|]
-- If the last cache update is newer or equal to the requested version, we can tell the browser it’s fine
| Just modifiedSince <- req'.ifModifiedSince,
modifiedSince >= new.lastModified ->
pure $ Wai.responseLBS Http.status304 cacheToHeaders ""
| otherwise ->
pure $ h cacheToHeaders (new.result & toLazyBytes)
(\resp -> liftIO $ respond resp)
[ Handler
{ path = "",
body =
(pure ())
(\((), _) -> pure $ h [] (renderHtml mainPage))
{ path = "snips/table-opening-hours-last-week",
body =
((label @"ifModifiedSince" <$> parseIfModifiedSince))
( \(req', cache) -> do
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime <&> mkSecondTime
new <- updateCacheIfNewer now cache heatmap
let cacheToHeaders =
[ ("Last-Modified", new.lastModified & formatHeaderTime),
("Expires", new.until & formatHeaderTime),
( "Cache-Control",
let maxAge = new.until `diffSecondTime` now
in [fmt|max-age={maxAge & floor @NominalDiffTime @Int & show}, immutable|]
-- If the last cache update is newer or equal to the requested version, we can tell the browser it’s fine
| Just modifiedSince <- req'.ifModifiedSince,
modifiedSince >= new.lastModified ->
pure $ Wai.responseLBS Http.status304 cacheToHeaders ""
| otherwise ->
pure $ h cacheToHeaders (new.result & toLazyBytes)
runReaderT (appT :: AppT IO ()).unAppT Context {..}
@ -196,55 +203,6 @@ parseRequest span parser req =
Parse.runParse "Unable to parse the HTTP request" parser req
& assertM span id
data Handler m = Handler
{ path :: Text,
body :: Body m
data Body m
= forall a.
(Parse Wai.Request a)
((a, TVar (Cache ByteString)) -> m Wai.Response)
runHandlers ::
(Otel.MonadTracer m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
[Handler m] ->
Wai.Request ->
(Wai.Response -> m Wai.ResponseReceived) ->
m Wai.ResponseReceived
runHandlers handlers req respond = do
withCaches ::
[ T2
(Handler m)
(TVar (Cache ByteString))
] <-
& traverse
( \h -> do
cache <- liftIO $ newCache "nothing yet"
pure $ T2 (label @"handler" h) (label @"cache" cache)
let mHandler =
& List.find
( \h ->
== (req & Wai.pathInfo & Text.intercalate "/")
case mHandler of
Nothing -> respond $ Wai.responseLBS Http.status404 [] "nothing here (yet)"
Just handler -> do
inSpan' "TODO" $ \span -> do
let h :: Handler m = handler.handler
case h.body of
Body parse runHandler -> do
req' <- req & parseRequest span parse
resp <- runHandler (req', handler.cache)
respond resp
heatmap :: AppT IO ByteString
heatmap = do
Http.httpBS [fmt|GET {mapallSpaceOla}|]
@ -296,6 +254,59 @@ main =
-- htmlUi
-- )
data Handler m = Handler
{ path :: Text,
body :: Body m
data Body m
= forall a.
(Parse Wai.Request a)
((a, TVar (Cache ByteString)) -> m Wai.Response)
runHandlers ::
(Otel.MonadTracer m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
-- ( (Wai.Request -> (Wai.Response -> m Wai.ResponseReceived) -> m Wai.ResponseReceived) ->
-- m ()
-- ) ->
( (Wai.Request -> (Wai.Response -> m a) -> m a) ->
m ()
) ->
[Handler m] ->
m ()
runHandlers runApplication handlers = do
withCaches ::
[ T2
(Handler m)
(TVar (Cache ByteString))
] <-
& traverse
( \h -> do
cache <- liftIO $ newCache h.path "nothing yet"
pure $ T2 (label @"handler" h) (label @"cache" cache)
runApplication $ \req respond -> do
let mHandler =
& List.find
( \h ->
== (req & Wai.pathInfo & Text.intercalate "/")
case mHandler of
Nothing -> respond $ Wai.responseLBS Http.status404 [] "nothing here (yet)"
Just handler -> do
inSpan' "TODO" $ \span -> do
case handler.handler.body of
Body parse runHandler -> do
req' <- req & parseRequest span parse
resp <- runHandler (req', handler.cache)
respond resp
inSpan :: (MonadUnliftIO m, Otel.MonadTracer m) => Text -> m a -> m a
inSpan name = Otel.inSpan name Otel.defaultSpanArguments
@ -403,14 +414,16 @@ diffSecondTime :: SecondTime -> SecondTime -> NominalDiffTime
diffSecondTime (SecondTime a) (SecondTime b) = diffUTCTime a b
data Cache a = Cache
{ until :: !SecondTime,
{ name :: !Text,
until :: !SecondTime,
lastModified :: !SecondTime,
result :: !a
deriving (Show)
newCache :: a -> IO (TVar (Cache a))
newCache result = do
until <- getCurrentTime <&> mkSecondTime
newCache :: Text -> a -> IO (TVar (Cache a))
newCache name result = do
let until = mkSecondTime $ Time.UTCTime {utctDay = Time.ModifiedJulianDay 1, utctDayTime = 1}
let lastModified = until
newTVarIO $ Cache {..}
@ -421,6 +434,7 @@ updateCache now cache result' = do
let until = mkSecondTime $ (5 * 60) `addUTCTime` now.unSecondTime
!toWrite <- do
old <- readTVar cache
let name =
-- only update the lastModified time iff the content changed (this is helpful for HTTP caching with If-Modified-Since)
if old.result == result
then do
@ -436,7 +450,7 @@ updateCache now cache result' = do
updateCacheIfNewer :: (MonadUnliftIO m, NFData b, Eq b) => SecondTime -> TVar (Cache b) -> m b -> m (Cache b)
updateCacheIfNewer now cache act = withRunInIO $ \runInIO -> do
old <- readTVarIO cache
if old.until <= now
if old.until < now
then do
res <- runInIO act
atomically $ updateCache now cache res
Add table
Reference in a new issue