Adds finer-grain control over Linum Mode
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 25 additions and 21 deletions
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#/usr/bin/env zsh
#/usr/bin/env zsh
file=$(mktemp -t "$USER-"XXXXXXXX.emacs-pager) || exit 127
file=$(mktemp -t "$USER-XXXXXXXX.emacs-pager") || exit 127
trap 'rm -f "$file"' EXIT
trap "rm -f $file" EXIT
trap 'exit 255' HUP INT QUIT TERM
trap "exit 255" HUP INT QUIT TERM
cat "$@" >"$file"
cat "$@" >"$file"
emacsclient -e "(wc/edit-file-in-emacs \"$file\")"
emacsclient -e "(wc/edit-file-in-emacs \"$file\")"
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
'(neo-window-width 35)
'(neo-window-width 35)
(git markdown-mode yaml-mode haskell-mode color-theme-sanityinc-tomorrow graphql-mode flycheck-elm popup-kill-ring green-phosphor-theme green-screen-theme minimal-theme creamsody-theme autothemer solarized-theme avk-emacs-themes github-theme all-the-icons-dired ace-window yasnippet chess synonyms powerline doom-neotree doom-themes persp-mode use-package helm-projectile persp-projectile perspective projectile with-editor helm-core company helm-ag evil-leader flycheck-mix flycheck-elixir evil-matchit typescript-mode evil-surround erlang elixir-mode golden-ratio flycheck-credo flycheck command-log-mode atom-one-dark-theme exec-path-from-shell clues-theme gotham-theme dracula-theme zenburn-theme fill-column-indicator neotree evil iedit vimrc-mode helm-ispell transpose-frame helm-ack nyan-mode alchemist helm dockerfile-mode elm-mode ack)))
(linum-off git markdown-mode yaml-mode haskell-mode color-theme-sanityinc-tomorrow graphql-mode flycheck-elm popup-kill-ring green-phosphor-theme green-screen-theme minimal-theme creamsody-theme autothemer solarized-theme avk-emacs-themes github-theme all-the-icons-dired ace-window yasnippet chess synonyms powerline doom-neotree doom-themes persp-mode use-package helm-projectile persp-projectile perspective projectile with-editor helm-core company helm-ag evil-leader flycheck-mix flycheck-elixir evil-matchit typescript-mode evil-surround erlang elixir-mode golden-ratio flycheck-credo flycheck command-log-mode atom-one-dark-theme exec-path-from-shell clues-theme gotham-theme dracula-theme zenburn-theme fill-column-indicator neotree evil iedit vimrc-mode helm-ispell transpose-frame helm-ack nyan-mode alchemist helm dockerfile-mode elm-mode ack)))
'(popwin-mode t)
'(popwin-mode t)
'(popwin:popup-window-height 25)
'(popwin:popup-window-height 25)
@ -118,6 +118,10 @@
;; Extend load-path
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/wc-downloads")
;; Smart Mode Line
;; Smart Mode Line
(use-package smart-mode-line
(use-package smart-mode-line
:ensure t
:ensure t
@ -132,7 +136,7 @@
;; Load custom Emacs functions
;; Load custom Emacs functions
(load "~/.emacs.d/wc-helper-functions.lisp")
(load "~/.emacs.d/wc-helper-functions.el")
;; ERC configuration (IRC in Emacs)
;; ERC configuration (IRC in Emacs)
@ -146,7 +150,17 @@
(fringe-mode 0)
(fringe-mode 0)
(setq linum-format " %d ")
;; Linum
(use-package linum
(setq linum-disabled-modes-list '(term-mode dired-mode Man-mode))
(defun linum-on ()
(if (memq major-mode linum-disabled-modes-list)
(linum-mode -1)
(linum-mode nil)))
(setq linum-format " %d ")
(global-linum-mode t))
;; Command Log Mode
;; Command Log Mode
@ -208,13 +222,7 @@
(setq explicit-shell-file-name "/bin/zsh")
(setq explicit-shell-file-name "/bin/zsh")
:bind (("C-v" . wc/ansi-term-paste))
:bind (("C-v" . wc/ansi-term-paste))
(add-hook 'term-mode-hook 'wc/bootstrap-ansi-term)
(add-hook 'term-mode-hook 'wc/bootstrap-ansi-term))
(linum-mode nil))
;; Disable linum-mode in terminal
(add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook
'(lambda () (linum-mode (if (equal major-mode 'term-mode) 0 1))))
;; Projectile Settings
;; Projectile Settings
@ -226,7 +234,7 @@
;; Dired Settings
;; Dired Settings
(use-package dired
(use-package dired
(load "~/.emacs.d/wc-dired-functions.lisp")
(load "~/.emacs.d/wc-dired-functions.el")
:bind (:map dired-mode-map
:bind (:map dired-mode-map
("e" . wdired-change-to-wdired-mode)
("e" . wdired-change-to-wdired-mode)
("c" . find-file)
("c" . find-file)
@ -403,9 +411,7 @@
(setq alchemist-mix-env "prod")
(setq alchemist-mix-env "prod")
(setq alchemist-goto-elixir-source-dir "~/source_code/elixir/")
(setq alchemist-goto-elixir-source-dir "~/source_code/elixir/")
(setq alchemist-goto-erlang-source-dir "~/source_code/otp/")
(setq alchemist-goto-erlang-source-dir "~/source_code/otp/"))
(add-hook 'erlang-mode-hook 'wc/custom-erlang-mode-hook)
(add-hook 'erlang-mode-hook 'wc/custom-erlang-mode-hook)
@ -468,7 +474,7 @@
(setq helm-imenu-fuzzy-match t)
(setq helm-imenu-fuzzy-match t)
(setq helm-locate-fuzzy-match t)
(setq helm-locate-fuzzy-match t)
(load "~/.emacs.d/wc-helm-functions.lisp"))
(load "~/.emacs.d/wc-helm-functions.el"))
;; Helm Projectile Settings
;; Helm Projectile Settings
@ -494,7 +500,6 @@
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'evil-mode)
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'evil-mode)
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'global-whitespace-mode)
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'global-whitespace-mode)
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'global-hl-line-mode)
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'global-hl-line-mode)
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'global-linum-mode)
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'global-flycheck-mode)
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'global-flycheck-mode)
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'global-company-mode)
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'global-company-mode)
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'projectile-mode)
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'projectile-mode)
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
ln -s ~/pc_settings/emacs/*.lisp ~/.emacs.d/
ln -s ~/pc_settings/emacs/*.el ~/.emacs.d/
@ -135,7 +135,6 @@
"Custom `ansi-term' configuration."
"Custom `ansi-term' configuration."
(goto-address-mode t)
(goto-address-mode t)
(linum-mode nil)
(local-set-key (kbd "C-h") 'evil-window-left)
(local-set-key (kbd "C-h") 'evil-window-left)
(local-set-key (kbd "C-l") 'evil-window-right)
(local-set-key (kbd "C-l") 'evil-window-right)
(local-set-key (kbd "C-k") 'evil-window-up)
(local-set-key (kbd "C-k") 'evil-window-up)
Reference in a new issue