fix(users/Profpatsch/MonadPostgres): take old formatter process
The pool library would always take out the most recently used perl resource again, and since that is the one that we just spawned, we’d be back at square one. Instead, we try to find an older one (or up to 200ms old) and use that instead, because that should be the one with the fastest response time. Okay, that was enough bullshit lol. Change-Id: I6b999e682d02ab03206a9d1b707edf16daa04a0d Reviewed-on: Tested-by: BuildkiteCI Reviewed-by: Profpatsch <> Autosubmit: Profpatsch <>
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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
module Postgres.MonadPostgres where
import Arg
import AtLeast (AtLeast)
import Control.Exception
( Exception (displayException),
@ -26,7 +27,6 @@ import Data.List qualified as List
import Data.Pool (Pool)
import Data.Pool qualified as Pool
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Time (getCurrentTime)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple (Connection, FormatError, FromRow, Query, QueryError, ResultError, SqlError, ToRow)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple qualified as PG
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ import Pretty (showPretty)
import Seconds
import System.Exit (ExitCode (..))
import Tool
import UnliftIO (MonadUnliftIO (withRunInIO), bracket, hClose)
import UnliftIO (MonadUnliftIO (withRunInIO), bracket, hClose, mask_)
import UnliftIO.Concurrent (forkIO)
import UnliftIO.Process (ProcessHandle)
import UnliftIO.Process qualified as Process
@ -429,7 +429,8 @@ data PgFormatProcess = PgFormatProcess
{ stdinHdl :: Handle,
stdoutHdl :: Handle,
stderrHdl :: Handle,
procHdl :: ProcessHandle
procHdl :: ProcessHandle,
startedAt :: Otel.Timestamp
initPgFormatPool :: (HasField "pgFormat" tools Tool) => tools -> IO PgFormatPool
@ -463,11 +464,34 @@ initPgFormatPool tools = do
destroyPgFormatPool :: PgFormatPool -> IO ()
destroyPgFormatPool pool = Pool.destroyAllResources pool.pool
-- | Get the oldest resource from the pool, or stop if you find a resource that’s older than `cutoffPointMs`.
takeOldestResource :: PgFormatPool -> Arg "cutoffPointMs" Integer -> IO (PgFormatProcess, Pool.LocalPool PgFormatProcess)
takeOldestResource pool cutoffPointMs = do
now <- Otel.getTimestamp
mask_ $ do
a <- Pool.takeResource pool.pool
(putBack, res) <- go now [] a
-- make sure we don’t leak any resources we didn’t use in the end
for_ putBack $ \(x, xLocal) -> Pool.putResource xLocal x
pure res
mkMs ts = (ts & Otel.timestampNanoseconds & toInteger) `div` 1000_000
go now putBack a@(a', _) =
if abs (mkMs now - mkMs a'.startedAt) > cutoffPointMs.unArg
then pure (putBack, a)
Pool.tryTakeResource pool.pool >>= \case
Nothing -> pure (putBack, a)
Just b@(b', _) -> do
if a'.startedAt < b'.startedAt
then go now (b : putBack) a
else go now (a : putBack) b
-- | Format the given SQL with pg_formatter. Will use the pool of already running formatters to speed up execution.
runPgFormat :: PgFormatPool -> ByteString -> IO (T3 "exitCode" ExitCode "formatted" ByteString "stderr" ByteString)
runPgFormat pool sqlStatement = do
(Pool.takeResource pool.pool)
(takeOldestResource pool 200)
( \(a, localPool) -> do
-- we always destroy the resource, because the process exited
Pool.destroyResource pool.pool localPool a
@ -772,6 +796,7 @@ pgFormatStartCommandWaitForInput ::
m PgFormatProcess
pgFormatStartCommandWaitForInput tools = do
startedAt <- Otel.getTimestamp
(Just stdinHdl, Just stdoutHdl, Just stderrHdl, procHdl) <-
( ( Process.proc
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