
139 lines
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Common Lisp
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(defpackage gemma
(:use :cl
(in-package :gemma)
;; TODO: Store an average of how many days it was between task
;; completions. Some of the current numbers are just guesses
;; anyways.
;; Define task management system
(defclass task ()
(;; (Unique) name of the task
(name :type symbol
:initarg :name
:accessor name-of)
;; Maximum completion interval
(days :type integer
:initarg :days
:accessor days-of)
;; Optional description
(description :type string
:initarg :description
:accessor description-of)
;; Last completion time
(done-at :type local-time:timestamp
:accessor last-done-at)))
(defvar *tasks*
"List of all tasks registered in this Gemma instance.")
(defmacro deftask (task-name days &optional description)
`(setf (gethash (quote ,task-name) *tasks*)
(make-instance (quote task)
:name (quote ,task-name)
:days ,days
:description (or ,description ""))))
(defun get-task (name)
(gethash name *tasks*))
(defun list-tasks ()
(alexandria:hash-table-values *tasks*))
(defun days-remaining (task)
"Returns the number of days remaining before the supplied TASK reaches its
maximum interval."
(let* ((expires-at (local-time:timestamp+ (last-done-at task)
(days-of task) :day))
(secs-until-expiry (local-time:timestamp-difference expires-at
(round (/ secs-until-expiry 60 60 24))))
(defun sort-tasks (tasks)
"Sorts TASKS in descending order by number of days remaining."
(sort (copy-list tasks)
(lambda (t1 t2) (< (days-remaining t1)
(days-remaining t2)))))
(defun complete-task (name &optional at)
"Mark the task with NAME as completed, either now or AT specified time."
(setf (last-done-at (get-task name))
(or at (local-time:now))))
;; Define web API
(defun response-for (task)
"Create a response object to be JSON encoded for TASK."
`((:name . ,(name-of task))
(:description . ,(description-of task))
(:remaining . ,(days-remaining task))))
(defun start-gemma ()
;; Set up web server
(hunchentoot:start (make-instance 'hunchentoot:easy-acceptor :port 4242))
;; ... and register all handlers.
;; Task listing handler
(get-tasks :uri "/tasks") ()
(setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
(setf (hunchentoot:header-out "Access-Control-Allow-Origin") "*")
;; Construct a frontend-friendly representation of the tasks.
(mapcar #'response-for (sort-tasks (list-tasks)))))
;; Task completion handler
(complete-task-handler :uri "/complete") (task)
(setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
(let* ((key (intern (json:camel-case-to-lisp task) "GEMMA")))
(format t "Marking task ~A as completed" key)
(complete-task key)
(json:encode-json-to-string (response-for (get-task key))))))
;; (not-so) example tasks
;; Bathroom tasks
(deftask bathroom/wipe-mirror 7)
(deftask bathroom/wipe-counter 7)
;; Bedroom tasks
(deftask bedroom/change-sheets 7)
(deftask bedroom/vacuum 10)
;; Kitchen tasks
(deftask kitchen/normal-trash 3)
(deftask kitchen/green-trash 5)
(deftask kitchen/blue-trash 5)
(deftask kitchen/wipe-counters 3)
(deftask kitchen/vacuum 5 "Kitchen has more crumbs and such!")
;; Entire place
(deftask clean-windows 60)
;; Experimentation / testing stuff
(defun randomise-completion-times ()
"Set some random completion timestamps for all tasks"
(lambda (key) (complete-task key (local-time:timestamp- (local-time:now)
(random 14)
(alexandria:hash-table-keys *tasks*)))
;; (randomise-completion-times)