2014-05-18 22:39:38 +02:00
-- Server implementation based on Happstack
module Server where
2015-11-21 03:18:08 +01:00
import Control.Applicative (optional)
import Control.Monad (msum, mzero, unless)
2015-11-21 03:02:56 +01:00
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
2014-05-18 22:39:38 +02:00
import Data.Acid
import Data.Acid.Advanced
2015-11-21 03:18:08 +01:00
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (unpack)
2015-11-21 03:02:56 +01:00
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
2014-05-18 22:39:38 +02:00
import Data.Time
2015-11-21 03:02:56 +01:00
import Happstack.Server hiding (Session)
2014-05-18 22:39:38 +02:00
import Blog
2014-08-22 15:56:03 +02:00
import BlogDB hiding (updateEntry)
2014-05-18 22:39:38 +02:00
import Locales
import RSS
2015-11-20 01:53:38 +01:00
instance FromReqURI BlogLang where
fromReqURI sub =
case map toLower sub of
"de" -> Just DE
"en" -> Just EN
_ -> Nothing
2014-05-18 22:39:38 +02:00
tmpPolicy :: BodyPolicy
2014-05-18 22:50:28 +02:00
tmpPolicy = defaultBodyPolicy "/tmp" 0 200000 1000
2014-05-18 22:39:38 +02:00
runBlog :: AcidState Blog -> Int -> String -> IO ()
runBlog acid port respath =
simpleHTTP nullConf {port = port} $ tazBlog acid respath
tazBlog :: AcidState Blog -> String -> ServerPart Response
tazBlog acid resDir = do
2015-11-21 02:59:34 +01:00
msum [ path $ \(lang :: BlogLang) -> blogHandler acid lang
, dir "admin" $ msum [
adminHandler acid -- this checks auth
, method GET >> (ok $ toResponse adminLogin)
, method POST >> processLogin acid ]
, dir "static" $ staticHandler resDir
, blogHandler acid EN
2016-02-13 09:20:43 +01:00
, staticHandler resDir
2015-11-20 01:53:38 +01:00
, notFound $ toResponse $ showError NotFound DE
2014-05-18 22:39:38 +02:00
blogHandler :: AcidState Blog -> BlogLang -> ServerPart Response
blogHandler acid lang =
msum [ path $ \(eId :: Integer) -> showEntry acid lang $ EntryId eId
, nullDir >> showIndex acid lang
, dir "rss" $ nullDir >> showRSS acid lang
, dir "rss.xml" $ nullDir >> showRSS acid lang
, notFound $ toResponse $ showError NotFound lang
2015-11-21 02:59:34 +01:00
staticHandler :: String -> ServerPart Response
staticHandler resDir = do
setHeaderM "cache-control" "max-age=630720000"
setHeaderM "expires" "Tue, 20 Jan 2037 04:20:42 GMT"
serveDirectory DisableBrowsing [] resDir
adminHandler :: AcidState Blog -> ServerPart Response
adminHandler acid = do
guardSession acid
msum [ dir "entry" $ method POST >> postEntry acid
, dir "entry" $ path $ \(entry :: Integer) -> msum [
method GET >> editEntry acid entry
, method POST >> updateEntry acid entry ]
, dir "entrylist" $ path $ \(lang :: BlogLang) -> entryList acid lang
, ok $ toResponse $ adminIndex "tazjin"
2014-05-18 22:39:38 +02:00
showEntry :: AcidState Blog -> BlogLang -> EntryId -> ServerPart Response
showEntry acid lang eId = do
entry <- query' acid (GetEntry eId)
tryEntry entry lang
tryEntry :: Maybe Entry -> BlogLang -> ServerPart Response
tryEntry Nothing lang = notFound $ toResponse $ showError NotFound lang
tryEntry (Just entry) _ = ok $ toResponse $ blogTemplate eLang eTitle $ renderEntry entry
eTitle = T.append ": " (title entry)
eLang = lang entry
showIndex :: AcidState Blog -> BlogLang -> ServerPart Response
showIndex acid lang = do
entries <- query' acid (LatestEntries lang)
(page :: Maybe Int) <- optional $ lookRead "page"
ok $ toResponse $ blogTemplate lang "" $
2015-11-21 17:24:01 +01:00
renderEntries False (eDrop page entries) (Just $ showLinks page lang)
2014-05-18 22:39:38 +02:00
eDrop :: Maybe Int -> [a] -> [a]
eDrop (Just i) = drop ((i-1) * 6)
eDrop Nothing = drop 0
showRSS :: AcidState Blog -> BlogLang -> ServerPart Response
showRSS acid lang = do
entries <- query' acid (LatestEntries lang)
feed <- liftIO $ renderFeed lang $ take 6 entries
setHeaderM "content-type" "text/xml"
ok $ toResponse feed
{- ADMIN stuff -}
postEntry :: AcidState Blog -> ServerPart Response
postEntry acid = do
2015-11-21 02:59:34 +01:00
2014-05-18 22:39:38 +02:00
decodeBody tmpPolicy
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let eId = timeToId now
lang <- look "lang"
nBtext <- lookText' "btext"
nMtext <- lookText' "mtext"
nEntry <- Entry <$> pure eId
<*> getLang lang
<*> readCookieValue "sUser"
<*> lookText' "title"
<*> pure nBtext
<*> pure nMtext
<*> pure now
update' acid (InsertEntry nEntry)
seeOther ("/" ++ lang ++ "/" ++ show eId) (toResponse())
timeToId :: UTCTime -> EntryId
timeToId t = EntryId . read $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%s" t
getLang :: String -> ServerPart BlogLang
getLang "de" = return DE
2015-11-21 03:18:08 +01:00
getLang _ = return EN -- English is default
2014-05-18 22:39:38 +02:00
entryList :: AcidState Blog -> BlogLang -> ServerPart Response
entryList acid lang = do
entries <- query' acid (LatestEntries lang)
ok $ toResponse $ adminEntryList entries
editEntry :: AcidState Blog -> Integer -> ServerPart Response
2015-11-21 02:59:34 +01:00
editEntry acid entryId = do
(Just entry) <- query' acid (GetEntry $ EntryId entryId)
2014-05-18 22:39:38 +02:00
ok $ toResponse $ editPage entry
2015-11-21 02:59:34 +01:00
updateEntry :: AcidState Blog -> Integer -> ServerPart Response
updateEntry acid entryId = do
2014-05-18 22:39:38 +02:00
decodeBody tmpPolicy
2015-11-21 02:59:34 +01:00
(Just entry) <- query' acid (GetEntry $ EntryId entryId)
2014-05-18 22:39:38 +02:00
nTitle <- lookText' "title"
nBtext <- lookText' "btext"
nMtext <- lookText' "mtext"
2015-11-21 02:59:34 +01:00
let newEntry = entry { title = nTitle
, btext = nBtext
, mtext = nMtext}
update' acid (UpdateEntry newEntry)
2015-11-21 19:05:17 +01:00
seeOther (concat $ ["/", show $ lang entry, "/", show entryId])
2014-05-18 22:39:38 +02:00
(toResponse ())
guardSession :: AcidState Blog -> ServerPartT IO ()
guardSession acid = do
(sId :: Text) <- readCookieValue "session"
(uName :: Text) <- readCookieValue "sUser"
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
mS <- query' acid (GetSession $ SessionID sId)
case mS of
Nothing -> mzero
(Just Session{..}) -> unless ((uName == username user) && sessionTimeDiff now sdate)
sessionTimeDiff :: UTCTime -> UTCTime -> Bool
sessionTimeDiff now sdate = diffUTCTime now sdate < 43200
processLogin :: AcidState Blog -> ServerPart Response
processLogin acid = do
decodeBody tmpPolicy
account <- lookText' "account"
password <- look "password"
login <- query' acid (CheckUser (Username account) password)
if login
then createSession account
2015-11-21 02:59:34 +01:00
else unauthorized $ toResponse adminLogin
2014-05-18 22:39:38 +02:00
createSession account = do
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let sId = hashString $ show now
addCookie (MaxAge 43200) (mkCookie "session" $ unpack sId)
addCookie (MaxAge 43200) (mkCookie "sUser" $ T.unpack account)
(Just user) <- query' acid (GetUser $ Username account)
let nSession = Session (T.pack $ unpack sId) user now
update' acid (AddSession nSession)
seeOther ("/admin?do=login" :: Text) (toResponse())